NO MORE EXCUSES! Here's to losing baby weight 2.5 years on!


Silver Member
Well here goes... I am a 32 year old busy mummy who gained a LOT of weight during pregnancy. My baby is now 2.5 years old and I STILL need to lose 2.5 stone; so I decided this is a good time as any to make some drastic changes

I struggle dieting due to have a husband and 3 children who eat like horses! Im a working mum with literally NO time for slimming clubs or the gym (genuinely wish I did). But now I have decided the weight is coming off and that's it.

So... my plan... I am on day 5 of Exante as I type this and doing 100% meal replacements. I started out thinking I can't do it for long so just purchased 2 weeks supply, with intention of doing 5 days monitoring calories but eating normally and 2 days on Exante products a week (once my 2 week initial boost is over). HOWEVER, - dare I say it- I am actually ENJOYING the diet so far- albeit only 5 days in; so I am going to see how I go and make a decision next week whether to continue 100% or consider a compromise for going forward.

Whichever route I take, my goal weight is 9st 10lbs and I have 2 and a half stone to lose. So here we go....:eek:
Good luck Helen! xxx

Thank you Ive completed day 5 100% and feeling better each day. Going out for 'drinks' with work Friday and meeting a friend for lunch. Sat im out for a meal so im planning how i will deal with going of track next few days. Looked restaurant menu online and planned what to order just hope i can stick to what i hav planned as i dont want to be a hermit because i am dieting!!
Anyone else reading this towards end of week 1?

I had a sneaky early weigh in and have lost 9lbs!!! I have never lost weight this quickly! Just hope i can keep up the motivation when it inevitably slows down!

The weight loss feels kinda strange though... My stomach still feels gross and at different levels of bloated all through the day because of all the water but i am definitely changing shape already lol and hav even tried on some clothes that didnt quite fit only a week ago!

I went to the cinema last night and had no sweets or popcorn which wierd but didnt actually bother me. I had a coke zero which was a treat to me as ive only drunk water and green tea so far.

Cant wait to see what my complete week 1 loss is! Im so impatient!
Well here I am at the end of my 7th day and will weigh myself tomorrow morning. I have just been out with work colleagues and although I didnt drink I had a diet pepsi and a glass of water so a bit off plan but thats the only thing I have had so not going to beat myself up about it! For the first time tonight I have nearly been tempted though... watching people eating bar snacks and crisps and enjoying a few drinks :( Pleased with myself for not slipping up though. Feeling very tired and hungry now as I had my 2nd and 3rd packs earlier today in order to go out without feeling hungry

I have another challenge tomorrow night as going out for a meal for a special occasion as as I dont want to be a hermit I am going to try to plan for these things and allow myself. I have looked at the menu in advance to plan what I will have, no alcohol, and back on plan the following morning. Hopefully by planning the odd thing like that I can manage it better than going completely off and eating way too much. Little bit apprehensive about how I will feel afterwards though and how hard it will be next day. Hope its not like back to day 1!!

Well, I'm shattered now so off to bed for me and tomorrow is another day (end of week 1 weigh in!)
Weighed this morning at 11.10 so a 6lb loss for week 1. I know its a good loss for a week but i cant get my head round how the scales read 11.6 3 days ago!! Feeling a bit rubbish because ive been 100% except 1 measly diet pepsi. Got to go out for a meal tonight and i feel like just blowing out and having 3 courses loads of carbs and wine!! I wont though... Im having chicken and veg and drinking water.

Feels ridiculous that i can hav gained 4 lbs back over 3 days while consuming 600 calories a day!! How is thst even possible?! Going to try not to weigh myself midweek this week as any loss is good. Plus i am going slightly off plan this evening.

I do feel bloated. Feel rubbish this morning :-( hoping it will pass
Found you! :)

You are doing really well. We both have the same goal weight of 9.10 so thats handy! I lose weight really slowly so wont attempt to make it a race to the finish. ..

I think this diet is ideal for busy people like you and I. Its so easy! And I too actually have liked all the packs so far! Love the chilli con carne...

I bought the 6 weeks pack which should hopefully take me much closer to goal weight. Then will buy whatever I need after that.

What have you found hardest? No milk in my tea for me... ive switched to pepper mint tea or nettle. Love them fortunately.

Right better get moving and get the girls to music lessons! Have a lovely morning x
Oh same goal weight too fab! I have let myself down a bit today. Been at the zoo with the children and a friend and hers. We went lunchtime so i had a shake before we left (we are members so sometimes go just for an hour or 2). Anyway i drank plenty of water and was fine for a bit but started feeling a bit weak and dizzy so i had to hav something so had half a ham and cucumber wrap out of my friend's picnic. I know i will have knocked myself out of ketosis but ive got a busy weekend and as im out for a meal tonight anyway im going to let myself off! (could hav been worse there were french fancies and crisps in that picnic!)

Walked round zoo for about 3.5 hours so at least some exercise too! Busy weekends are tough :-\
I ate more than i intended when i went out for a meal... Had chicken breast in red wine sauce with veg which could hav been worse but then disgracefully gave in to profiteroles :-( i didnt give in to wine though i think alcohol would throw me completely off track!

Being in environments where people are eating and drinking and we are exposed to the sights and smells of the food we love is part of life. I dont want to (and cant!) hide away while on Exante so I am going to allow myself a meal on special occasions and just try to train myself to be more disciplined about it next time.

Back on it properly today. Didnt feel like anything this morning but did have a shake so i wont be tempted to slip up later.
Reminder to self: despite eating more than planned on my intended 'day off' for celebratory meal; during week 1 i managed the cinema (with a coke zero), lunch with a friend (sipping green tea) and pub with work colleagues whilst staying on plan. Thats as well as cooking and shopping for my family. Therefore I CAN DO THIS... #back on track
I have actually found it's easier to not have any planned meals at all while I'm on diets like these.It only makes it so much harder. You don't have to be a hermit, but you can make life easier for yourself and not meet people for meals-meet them for drinks afterwards.Take a bar with you at all times so if you feel weak and dizzy you can have a bar rather than other things.If you find you are struggling on it then look at the next step up with a small meal every day.That way you're having something so won't be as tempted to have anything else.I am also not having any coke zero as I have found it makes me crave food more.I do drink masses of water and tea and coffee.I have to deal with food temptations every day as I have to cook for the kids and have found the only way is to leave the room while they eat or it tempts me too much.
The diet pepsi may have caused the water weight which is why your midweek loss was bigger than your end of week loss.Hang in there-it does get easier-last time I lost 7 stone on it and it was second nature to refuse food etc.
Wow 7 stone!! I agree about avoiding planned meals where possible but this weekend was bad timing for a meal celebration. It would hav been dreadful of me not to eat and wasnt an option just to join for drinks really as in a restaurant... Long time between courses over an evening etc. Im ok though. Back on plan completely now and feel fine. Thankfully i dont have anything else planned where i should eat in the near future! :)

I wont avoid celebrations though if they come up. I did do just drinks friday night and was fine. No alcohol either which is quite a change for me... And saves money ;-)

I think u may be right about the coke zero as i did feel bloated after and it was the following morning that i weighed in heavier! Going to avoid the scales midweek this week if i can! And not planning on any coke zero either! I am loving the Green Tea at the moment. Havent touched normal tea or coffee. Wouldnt hav thought id enjoy green tea this much!

Generally feeling positive going further into week 2. Back to work tomorrow and its easier from then!
Yep much easier when you get into a routine :) Luckily I'm not much of a drinker so that doesn't bother me at all,and actually I have no social life whatsoever anyway.It's temptations at home that are hard for me-with 6 kids there's always a lot of food in the house.
PS i also hav food temptation all around me cooking for 3 kids and a greedy husband. Cooked them a roast yesterday and was fine with it. Eating on saturday wasnt down to temptation but was a matter of choice for me to be sociable. I enjoyed it dont regret it and am fine back on 100% TS. If i feel theres another celebration i want to plan to eat at i will do and get back on. Obviously not helping the weight loss but we all have to do what works for ourselves :)
Wow 6 kids?! Lol i have 3 and thats a lot of food around!! Im surprised it hasnt bothered me on Exante so far. If i have tried to lose weight before its always been the temptation at home thats been my vice! Feeling ok on Exante though i was only planning to do a couple of weeks for a boost but i have ordered more!
Yep keep going as long as you can :)