Noodles weigh ins - Looking for 3 stone by Christmas :)

Hi noodles. I'm the same with carbs and since doing LL a couple of years ago have maintained my six stone weight loss by sticking to low carb 99% of the time. I've got a blog you may find interesting (although I feel a bit of a fraud right now preaching the merits of low carb as I ended up experimenting with carbs in November, which degenerated into weeks of carb madness!) I'm starting sns today to get myself back together.

I'm certain there are connections between metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and carbohydrates (not just refined ones - whole grains can be problematic too from a blood sugar point of view). There are also studies on carb addiction showing that in some people carbs trigger the reward centres in the brain (like a drug would) - so you can end up with a genuine addiction/craving for the very thing that's making you ill.

Sorry to ramble on but it's my pet subject!!

My blog is
I'm more than a bit fascinated by it myself - thanks for sharing, I'll certainly have a read of your blog :)
Awww thank you, that's so lovely to hear :)