not any more, sorry

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Love you Brennie xx
Morning Bren xxx
Afternoon all, just glad to be busy really, helps keep the mind occupied. When I think this time last week we were just switching off computers and the two of us went to the pub for a couple to celebrate getting off early for a bank holiday weekend. It still does not seem real, at all.

Hope you lot are ok xxx
Ok, 15 days since last TOTM, frequent warm episodes, think it is on it's way....................happy 50th, here is your menopause lol

For anybody already done it, been there, got the restraining order.................any tips/straightjackets you don't need anymore ;)
I was given hrt cos my bits got removed too early and I felt like I was in shock and mourning ... Having no probs with taking them and don't really want to come off them as my rheumatologist person said they will help prevent osteoporosis ... Jury's out I guess ... Hope you get good advice as there's lots of alternative solutions xxx
I got put on the pill when I was 13, could have been the most popular girl in school if i'd had a clue what sex was about. Endo since, 37 years later, I'm still moaning about it! :D

Menopause has been hovering for a few years - night sweats, day sweats (a good look), irregularity, Atkins = twice a month... had I known I'd never have kids, I would have had the whole magubbins whipped out years ago. But you don't, do you?

A friend swears by black cobosh for a herbal alternative.
Got it right on the day of my 50th birthday and that was the last time I had my TOTM. It just ended that day, no warning, no irregularity, never to return. That was the good part.

The hot flushes were murder at first. They made me feel nauseas, dizzy, depressed, anxious just horrible. Plus it's difficult to get a good night sleep waking up roasting every hour. Very embarrassing when your talking to people and your face goes bright red. Oh and alcohol makes it tons worse (at least it does for me) and because you feel worse you want a drink lol.

Have never taken anything for it though except over the counter herbal stuff once or twice. I was quite curious about hrt, so it's good to know it works Di. I am tempted sometimes, but very stubborn (prob stupid more like) and feel I have to tough it out. Will check out the black cobosh Susie.

Never got the night sweats. The hot flushes I'm just used to now; handy in winter. It's tapered off quite a bit in the last couple of years.

Sorry If I've just made it sound horrible Bren. If I had to do it all over again, I think I would consider hrt. It's worth a go if it becomes unbearable.
Sage tea is good for hot flushes...grow it and you have a cheaper supply :)
Afternoon all
Thanks for the input ladies, food for thought, will see how things progress I suppose and if it gets to be a problem then I will look into hrt I think.
Been to sainsbos and got two lovely pieces of cod loin for tea, asparagus to go with it, also jersey royals and corn on the cob (sorry folks but it is better than what I have been eating for the last few days....................)
Me and the missus went out last night, and we are doing the same tonight, two nights in a row, out together at the same gig - wtf is going on?
Hope you are all having a nice weekend,
B xxx
2 little love birds! Great stuff Brennie ... Hugs xxx
Evening brendle:). Hope you are having some nice evenings with L and with whatever gigs etc on
Hold it all together as the world turns...hope it's a sunny day for you next
Evening gorgeous one... Hope the gigs help! Love you xxxx
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