O/T Rep points


Silver Member
I've very kindly been given two rep points (or whatever they are called) in the past week but they don't show on my profile thing at the side of my posts. It still shows 7 which is what it was before my new two.

Any ideas why?

The numbers dont necessarily go up every time you get rep. If you go to User CP and scroll down itll tell you the number of rep points you have. Your number increased each 100 you get, so if you had for instance 403 and someone with a rep power of 40 repped you and someone with a power of 22 repped you your total would be 465 but you wont see your total change til you get to 500. Its only when someone with a rep of 100 or more reps you that you see an instant change..

Clear as mud eh? lol
That's so clear Starlight. You should be a teacher!
so your rep points depends on the rep points of the person who awarded you them? ah ha, i had never questioned it before but it all makes sense now