oh man week 6 and blown it


Full Member
Title says it all bored out of my brain, trying to save money so not going out, sitting here and for the last 2 nights i've not got the thought of eating out of my ind, so tonight made up some packet rice (it was horrible!!!dont normally eat it?) then a muller crunch corner!!! my stomach wants to explode

Just thought i'd share as i was 100% into this diet (still am really this is just a blip) but I think it doesnt matter how long you have been doing it sometimes 1 day is completely different to another and that 1 particular day all you can think about is food - strnge isnt it?:break_diet:
I think it doesnt matter how long you have been doing it sometimes 1 day is completely different to another and that 1 particular day all you can think about is food - strnge isnt it?:break_diet:[/quote]

So true!!! Although i've managed not to eat today i've had a really bad craving/wanting to eat day today. Please dont think you've blown it, tomorrow is another day and you will probably be 100% focused again. x x x
I know its said on a regular basis, but the best thing to do is draw a line and start a fresh. Take it from one who knows, telling yourself you've failed and blown it only leads to more food!
u know joanne your right, its strange we go all these weeks talking ourselves out of not wantig that meal etc etc (howeverI do think the diet helps with this as your not normally hungry) but just some day its just all you can think of and anything will do instead of the cambridge meals

ok back 100% tomorrow there is no way this weight is going back on NO WAY
Thats the spirit lol You will feel so much better when tomorrow is over and you've not gave in to temptation. You can do this and the good days far outweigh the bad ones x x x x
Don't worry. Think about it logically in over 5 weeks all you have eaten is some rice and a yogurt - that can't possibly ruin your diet.
You'll be just fine - instead of forgetting about all your hard work try to forget about that tiny blip. You can do it!
Good luck - stay strong.