One positive thought a day from you

Oh really? Why? Better to work up the plans and still lose weight, no? How come you've chosen sw ? xxx sorry just being nosey lol
my positive thought.....
i feel fabulous! Its taken me a long time to say that about myself! :)
It only when I'm almost at goal, by then I would have moved right up the plans and be more at 1000 by then anyway. SW is just a way of life eating for me, its easy to follow and I know it. Just stick to lean meat and healthy salads or veg and lots of fresh fruit too. I soo miss fruit now. x
Well done Lizz. xxx

Eternal...... I'll probably end up a long time after CD back on Jason Vales way of life and eating. He's fab and changed the way I see food. Again lots of fruit an natural products. But then that's a way of life for me too , i don't see it as a diet xxx
It is isn't it. I never want to be yo yo in anymore, diff diet each month.. Only to feel humiliated in front of dozens of ppl at weekly WI. For the next 3 months at least, I'll be here I reckon and I'm ok with that. I.5 months have gone in no time and I have the rest of my life to maintain then. I soo miss fruit salad with fromage frais, natural, low fat and good for you. What is Jason Vales one? Is it Low Carb? xxx
Good morning everyone,

I def need to be thinking about a positive thought today and it comes curtasy of my sis. She said last night look how much better you are now (weight wise) than you were a few months ago. She has a point!

I need to remember this. If my losses have slowed so what!!!!!!! At least I'm not where I was and have lost the bulk of the weight. Be patient Sunshine, be patient.

Morning all,
This may sound silly to some, but my positive thought for today is that I can cross/fold my arms easier than I could before! I know I've lost inches off the tops of my arms, so it must have made a difference to the folding!

Not something I ever anticipated as a benefit, but I'm happy!

My positive thought of the day is I need to buy myself a new suit as the one I am wearing for work today makes me look like a little boy that has dressed up in his dads clothes!!!!

None of my belts have enough holes to fasten anymore and all this after only three and a half weeks
Some quotes for you xxx

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back.

Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

When you expect success, your mind focuses on success.

Life is a succession of moments, seconds and minutes. To live each one is to succeed.

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!

Everyone makes mistakes - the only people who never fail are those who never even try.

The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.

Great results will follow if you allow yourself to solve difficult problems.

Just some quotes for you xxx
Fatboyslim.... how fab is that!!!!! any excuse to buy a new suit has to be good. Yeah it's probably not such a good look your sporting right now but how fab you've shrunk that much. Well done xxx

Well done Thelma, you're doing so well. Really proud of you x
My later thought today, is to get through tomorrow. My BIG move in with my BF, me and my son, my girls don't live with me anymore as with their BF's, but they are helping too. I have tons of support tomorrow and went out and bought 2 cooked chickens and salad, and some baguettes (which I won't have), so at least I can make everyone lunch and still have some chicken (ss+). Getting sooo nervous now, it's off from 9am. So my last night living alone with my son (14 years a single mum). Won't be on all weekend. But I will have a weekend thought ... For all of us to get along well :) xxx
My fav positive thought is this -

'It'll be alright in the end - if it's not alright, then it's not the end' :D

debs xx
Nice one Irishangel and very true.

Eternal, enjoy tonight. How exciting that you're starting a whole new life together from tomorrow. You can't get much more positive than that. Well done for planning foodie're doing great.

I've done my first ever comparison picture and have put it on my fridge to remind me to keep going :) It's been a really good thing for me to do.

I also took full body pics which I haven't done i years. I discovered my jeans are too big and unflattering but the fact that I asked for full length ones means I've come a long way xxx

Hope everyone is having a great day xxx
Good morning,

I'm not usually one for taking my measurements however I found some old ones from before CD and in total (at least as I had got bigger).
I have lost 31.5 inches and a whooping 13.5 inches of that is off my bum. I've never lost that amount of inches from anywhere before.

That'll keep me happy for today. I'm going to carry on with the tape measure as the lbs aren't moving. Need something to motivate me lol

Have a great day and tell us what your positive thought for today is xxx
Good afternoon everyone,

My positive thought today is that finally my scales have moved. It's 1lb down and hopefully will go down further for wi tomorrow but this is huge for me as they haven't budged in ages.

So today I am 9st 5.5lbs which means I'm now in the Ok/Normal weight range for my height. Happy bunny. x
Just got to thank you for these quotes making me feel a whole lot better. got some news today that a close friend has died, been expecting it all week, and I've found it very hard to stick to cd, but these quotes have inspired me

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back.

Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

When you expect success, your mind focuses on success.

Life is a succession of moments, seconds and minutes. To live each one is to succeed.

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!

Everyone makes mistakes - the only people who never fail are those who never even try.

The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.

Great results will follow if you allow yourself to solve difficult problems.

Just some quotes for you xxx
Oh honey, i'm so sorry to hear about your sad news. Poor you. You're doing so well. Sending you a big hug on this very sad day xxx