Please Help!! I desperately need to be fit!!!


New Member
I have tried many diets and exercises, but to no avail. I manage to lose a few pounds initially whenever I start something new, but I am back to square one again! I am completely exasperated and feel depressed. I do not know what to do. I will go to any extent to get a fit body.
Have you tried the SW diet? If not then give it a go, there are so many people on the forum who are having excellent weight losses with the diet.

Maybe you could give it a go and see what it can do for you.

Good luck to you.
SW is a good place to start. Lots of food and you won't be hungry. As for exercise, it's important not to go at it like a bull in a china shop. Start off easy and work your way into it! There's a good article in the new magazine to start you off and get you to doing a 5km run! Takes 3 months and even a couch potato like me is considering it! I find that my Wii has got me off the sofa and doing more than I've done in years! And it's fun!
If you are not sure I would pop along and buy the latest SW magazine which will give you an idea on how this diet works and how you can eat and lose weight.

I ahve seen a few people come along to my weigh in class and just sit and listen to see if it is for them.....

What ever you decide - Lots of luck - There are loads of us on here to help.

L xx