Quick Omelette Recipe


Silver Member
Not sure if this has been posted anywhere before, but I had an email with these exact instructions, and it seems like a quick and easy way to make an omelette! Plus, you could always put the ingredients together the day before for a quick breakfast.

Ziploc Omelette
Oh I don't know - seems like rather a long, short-cut if it takes 13 minutes to boil the omelette when you can do one in the pan in around 5 minutes. I have heard of this being done in the army/scouts but have never tried it though.
Although it's 13 minutes, it says you can cook 6-8 of them at once. Ideal if, like me, you have a big family. A 'quick' omelette meal takes about half an hour for me to cook one each for everyone.
Plus no scraping the pan to clean it after ;)
Can it be any plastic bag that seals itself?
I would assume so. I think what else is nice about the recipe is that you'd be able to walk off and leave it, whereas frying one needs constant attention.