Rach's Weight Loss Diary

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thank you both :D

well, definitely ate more beef than i should have.. forwent the potato and yorkshire pudding to save points (and also didnt have any eggs to make said yorkshire puddings! :p)

last update for today:

B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple (3)
L - chicken breast (3) with onion and mushroom gravy (1) and free vegetables (0)
T - roast beef (10) free vegetables (0) and gravy granules (1)
S - raspberry oatsosimple (3) 2 finger kit kat (2.5)

total: 22.5 points
I love the smell of the fish counter and can often be found sniffing around and looking, never buying the fish :D ... Also loudly pointing out fishes eyeballs to Callum lol!!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your sunday x
10 points on beef? What did you do? Eat the bloomin cow????? x x x x
I love the smell of the fish counter and can often be found sniffing around and looking, never buying the fish :D ... Also loudly pointing out fishes eyeballs to Callum lol!!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your sunday x

haha nice one.. we get lots of people who figure Sainsburys is a cheaper day out than Seaworld.. i'm just used to it now haha :D i play along and scare the kids with the whole salmon at xmas...

10 points on beef? What did you do? Eat the bloomin cow????? x x x x

..yeah pretty much! :D i have learned the hard way.. never put me in charge of carvery because the beef will never make it to the plate.. PLUS, i am a believer in fat = flavour and only go for the best cuts of beef for joints - rib. Rib = extra fatty (= extra tasty :p)
I am funny about beef.... I think I am just funny about most meat. I was a veggie for years and now I am thinking about returning as I am even going off chicken! WTF!
glad someone agrees Jane :D and Lou, you weirdo.. i have to say i get sick of chicken sometimes as i eat it more than any other meat with it being lower in fat - would love to eat more fish but its just so bloody expensive!

well, last day before WI.. i am DYING to see how i've done.. i've been so good!

can't remember if i mentioned but i gave up bread, biting my nails and swearing for lent.. failed slightly with the bread but got back on the wagon, nails havent been touched in almost 3 weeks now (woot! :D) and i gave up on the swearing on the first day, 10 minutes in as it was necessary to curse that spinning instructor 1000 times :p so anyway, i discovered what cuticle scissors look like yesterday (i laugh at myself.. 21 and i've never even seen a pair before, let alone thought to use them) and so i've clipped my fingers to bits (made myself bleed more often than not.. i blame being a shakey lefty :p) and then painted them with clear varnish.. i shouldnt really wear it to work, but my nails are so weak with all the washing up i'd be devastated if i broke one! I am so sad - i spent all last night admiring them.. i only have maybe a millimetre or two of growth on them but i dont care :D

food plan for today:

B - apple and blueberry oatsosimple (3)
L - batchelors low fat chicken soup (2) with 2 ryvita (1)
T - spaghetti bolognese made with 1/2pk quorn mince (2.5) onion, mushroom, basil, passata (0) and 60g wholemeal pasta (3)
S -

total: 11.5 points
i'm big on the vampire / paranormal stuff, though i also love House (5 seasons.. Hugh Laurie is amazing!) and i'm just about to start on The Unit.. love Sex in the City (got the cool shoebox :D) and Desperate Housewives, although i am ashamedly a season and a bit behind now! I have to shut my eyes if i ever catch the adverts on telly LOL :p

I quite like Bones too, although David Boreanaz will never be as good as he was in Angel!

...i am such a geek! :D

DITTO - I have all the Buffy and Angel ... erm and Roswell, X files, House, Charmed, sex in the city and friends box sets on DVD ... hmmm no wonder I'm skint!!!

I tried to get into Bones, but kept seeing Angel, and waited and waited for Spike, but he was a no show so gave it up :D

Geeks United lol

:) Hey Rach .. good luck with w.i this week! you certainly eat some yummy food :) ...
I LOVE rasberry OSS its heaven! ... love it with stewed apple ontop to! yum! ...
Hi Rach

Your doing well do have given up bread - ur a braver person than me as I'm a bread lover too!
Giving up swearing too - well if i'd have been made to give up bread that would of started me swearing!!

Go easy on those nails ;oO

Good luck for WI 2moz
DITTO - I have all the Buffy and Angel ... erm and Roswell, X files, House, Charmed, sex in the city and friends box sets on DVD ... hmmm no wonder I'm skint!!!

I tried to get into Bones, but kept seeing Angel, and waited and waited for Spike, but he was a no show so gave it up :D

Geeks United lol


OMG Roswell! I havent seen that about in ages.. will have to dig that out and watch it me thinks!

I thought that about Bones, but i left it awhile and then watched it again and its really quite good :D gotta love charmed.. i have the nip/tuck boxsets too.. all for Cole from charmed <3 haha!

:) Hey Rach .. good luck with w.i this week! you certainly eat some yummy food :) ...
I LOVE rasberry OSS its heaven! ... love it with stewed apple ontop to! yum! ...

all i can think about now is apple crumble.. really fancy some now you mentioned stewed apple! yum :D

I thought you weighed in on Tuesdays? Did I miss something?

i think you missed a day.. unless i'm mistaken its only monday? ;)

HI Lovely - good to see you back on track.

Snacking on oatsosimple is a good thing anyway - wont give you cravings like other stuff would. xx

thanks Rosie :D though i might go into shock over the weekend.. what am i going to do for breakfast on saturday and sunday?! :(

How do you calculate the points for oatsosimple? This morning I had original with water.

Irene xx

i think the original with water is just 2 points? Rosie would know.. she has hers with cashews and other nuts and seeds and things which sounds lovely..

Hi Rach

Your doing well do have given up bread - ur a braver person than me as I'm a bread lover too!
Giving up swearing too - well if i'd have been made to give up bread that would of started me swearing!!

Go easy on those nails ;oO

Good luck for WI 2moz

Tracey my nails look amazing :D i have admired them all morning at work.. and annoyed my boss by being reluctant to do any heavy work incase i "hurt" them LOL :D

i am looking forward to WI tomorrow for once.. i hope its a good one cause i've been so good :D
thanks Jane :D

and Jess, its cause you're so excited for the weekend that you're wishing days away isnt it? :D xxx
Good luck for the WI Rach but I'm sure you will be fine. You could take your sachets of oatsosimple with you and get hot milk or whatever if you want to be dedicated!!

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