Rainbow is leaving SW again! x

I've been so stupidly busy at work.... but I've got all next week off. I'm having a break from SW and will be back to it on 30th June.

Funny - although I'm letting myself have a break, I'm still kind of sticking to it, for example today I had.... yogurt for breakfast, then rustic oven chips and chickpea dahl for lunch, then having pasta for dinner.

I've had 2 cream crackers and a chocolate eclair as my naughties - but as you said.... previously I'd have had loads more without even thinking about it!!

SW gets under your skin!! Hehe.

Hope you are ok anyway Mrs xxx
I know what you mean Lou, since I decided to take a break from class I have been more relaxed about it and have actually started to lose weight again. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the numbers and place too much focus on what happens at WI. When you are more relaxed it's easier to eat properly
Yup am fine ta. enjoy your week off! Ive been busy busy too, have been writing 30 reports to send home so the parents know how their little cherubs are getting on!

Yeah I agree bout focusing too much on numbers - am going to just take the pressure of myself a little bit xxx
fingers crossed for me! think Ive just got to 'that point' now - but have stuck to it for 5 months with only one gain along the way and that was only a pound, so I just need to keep things in perspective. Am having a takeaway tonight and going to try to be good ish tomorrow and starting back on plan totally on monday so if WI shows a gain then no majors I'll lose it by the week after xxx
Hello my lickle Rainblo........ I hope you are enjoying your time out, as it is a good thing now and then........ now blooming well quick back march to the great SW'r you are, otherwise when you go on hol, you won't be the size you coulda been lol.... :)
Good luck honey, sometimes we all need a break!! I am on a break myself and am now more relaxed about food but seem to pretty much able to follow sw anyway :)
Hello my lickle Rainblo........ I hope you are enjoying your time out, as it is a good thing now and then........ now blooming well quick back march to the great SW'r you are, otherwise when you go on hol, you won't be the size you coulda been lol.... :)

you'll be glad to know Im back to being the great SW'er I was!! Im back on track now - have enjoyed the break, but know it cant lat forever xxx You ok Nanny? xxx
Good luck honey, sometimes we all need a break!! I am on a break myself and am now more relaxed about food but seem to pretty much able to follow sw anyway :)

thanks Steph, glad you're enjoying your break too. think I wa just putting too much pressure on myself! you ok? feel like I ant 'spoken' to anyone properly for ages xxx
Thanks - yup yup yup I am xxx Im back in the zone x
Ive got a quiz sheet and Im stuck - but am sticking at it..... in the mean time thought Id give you lot some of the clues (to the ones Ive already got) and see how you get on.

OK - the answer is the name of a shop, restaurant or bank

1) Usually hot (6)
2) Made for walking (5)
3) A place of rest (5)
4) Thames & Jersey or Severn & Sky (5,6)
5) Is this building leaning? (5,3)
6)Not Eves (5)
7) Maternal attention (10)
8) Is this the place you shop in rainy season? (7)
9)Best Guy (3,3)
10) The man you book your holidays with (6,4)

Thers some to get you going! xxx
1) Usually hot (6)
2) Made for walking (5)Boots
3) A place of rest (5)
4) Thames & Jersey or Severn & Sky (5,6)
5) Is this building leaning? (5,3)
6)Not Eves (5)Adams
7) Maternal attention (10)
8) Is this the place you shop in rainy season? (7)
9)Best Guy (3,3)Top Man
10) The man you book your holidays with (6,4)
1) Usually hot (6)
2) Made for walking (5) Boots
3) A place of rest (5) Bench ?
4) Thames & Jersey or Severn & Sky (5,6) River Island
5) Is this building leaning? (5,3) Pizza Hut
6)Not Eves (5) Adams
7) Maternal attention (10) MotherCare
8) Is this the place you shop in rainy season? (7) Monsoon
9)Best Guy (3,3) Topman
10) The man you book your holidays with (6,4) Thomas Cook
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Well done Emski, good effort Taz - 9/10 - the one you missed was currys xxx
I was in a rush this morning and didn't have time to look at them properly. Great teasers!
will add some more tomorrow..... no guarantees I have the answers though! You ok Taz? x