ProPoints Reached goal! My maintenance diary x

Jaly said:
I'm alright thanks, finding I need to eat a LOT more to maintain but SF is great because it just keeps you healthy and as long as you listen to your body and only eat when you're hungry, you're bound to be successful!

Thank you for all your support too hun! xx You do need to just relax a bit and trust the plan - it does work ;)

Ahhhhh am soooo happy for you :) sounds like its all come together :)
Am still going to go to meetings so they will keep track of me and I guess it'll be each week I'll realise what I can and cannot eat ;) xxx
Jaly said:
1 pro-point = 40 calories

40*34 = 1360

plus maybe 240 cal for veg = 1600

You need to eat your weeklies AND AP in order to maintain because you do so much exercise x

Sounds like good advice,hope you're ok today,am sure you will soon get the hang of maintaining :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Sounds like good advice,hope you're ok today,am sure you will soon get the hang of maintaining :0)

Hey sweetie I love your new piccie :)
Am not going to stress too much because we don't know until Wednesday really but my calories are low using mfp.
I can't lie my anorexia seems to be peeking up again, seeing the scales show 10st 9 this morning sent it off. This is hard for me. To let go of dieting. I wish I could be normal. My gym teacher is away this weekend any one else would see it as a weekend off but I can't I have found other classes.
Hoping soon I find where I am comfortable xxx
browny85 said:
Hey sweetie I love your new piccie :)
Am not going to stress too much because we don't know until Wednesday really but my calories are low using mfp.
I can't lie my anorexia seems to be peeking up again, seeing the scales show 10st 9 this morning sent it off. This is hard for me. To let go of dieting. I wish I could be normal. My gym teacher is away this weekend any one else would see it as a weekend off but I can't I have found other classes.
Hoping soon I find where I am comfortable xxx

Just remember how far you have come and you don't want to go backwards Hun.
So long as you eat enough the classes aren't a problem.
Any problems,you know where I am :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Just remember how far you have come and you don't want to go backwards Hun.
So long as you eat enough the classes aren't a problem.
Any problems,you know where I am :0)

Thank u darlin ;) met Gareth for coffee :) am going to his for Chinese tomorrow evening :) xxx
bulldogdaisy said:
Ohhh sounds like all is going well and yum to a Chinese tomorrow,enjoy it hunni,hope you've had a good day :0)

I've had a fab day I can't wait for my night with Gareth :)
How's your day been?
I still have 888 calories remaining using mfp!
So strange xxx
Jaly said:
Ooh! Have a lovely night hun!

Promise me you'll look after your body and make sure you eat enough though xx

Full-fat cheese/yoghurt, dried fruit/nuts are all good ways of getting calories into your body without feeling too full!

Always here for you if you need a virtual hug/someone to chat to :)

Awwwww jaly you are so sweet. I'm so confused. I'm eating more pp's but my weight dropped again today 10st 8.2 lbs.
Thinking maybe mfp would be better for me to use am not sure going to have to have a talk with my leader on Wednesday.
Things like we're going for a roast on Sunday I will have turkey gravy veg and stuffing I don't eat potatoe and desert would be too scary . I do stick to safe Ww food if am honest.
I'm a little scared hope I can start eating more I just find it hard xxxx
Finding it hard to switch from losing mode. Yeah I need to get off some weight watchers foods and start using other brands.
Your such an inspiration to me xxx
browny85 said:
I've had a fab day I can't wait for my night with Gareth :)
How's your day been?
I still have 888 calories remaining using mfp!
So strange xxx

Glad you had a fab day,spent the day with the kids yesterday,enjoyed it :0)
Hi Hun,you feeling better now? Libby talks a lot of sense,you have to try and overcome any fears which I know is easy for me to say,I hope all goes well when you chat to your leader on Wednesday :0)
Ok guys am freaking out! Last night was amazing but I got a bit carried away we had 2.5 bottles of red wine between us and I had chicken chop suey and about 2 spoons of egg fried rice if that.
I weighed this morning and I gained!
Hope am not going to gain everything back! Xxx
You think so? I weight at mid day today after last nights wine and take away. Hope you are right as I don't want to start gaining again. Back to gym tomorrow yey so hopefully it'll come off again xxx
I know I really do need to learn to relax about this a bit I mean weight fluctuates anyhow doesn't it.
I feel better now am back to my normal eating. Gareth came over tonight its going really well!
How are you both? Sorry know I am a pain xxx