Rebekah's road to reduction!

Got home to kids eating fishfingers Eek! Made OH stir fry, despite saying I wouldn't cook thought I better with kids here everyone fed now!

We always watch superskinny together so that's the plan :)

I know shorts look tiny! LOL one size and a lot of flab to shed!

Not that hungry although only had one pack... Hmm not sure what to have. Drink a pint of water whilst I think!

Pheww.. felt completly stuffed after my dinner, managed a bar...but bowing out for today!! cannot force another drop down!

Eats & drinks for today

First thing
X2 Chai tea

At work
1.5 litre water
Mushroom pasta (around 1.30pm)

At Home
1 Tumbler water
Spicey spaghetti with 120g mushrooms (STUFFEEED):jelous:
Chai tea
2 Tumblers of sparkling water
1 Tumbler water w/flavouring
Praline bar

Phewwww... so full...and sloshing LOL... keep running up for a pee wee! Day off tommorow so can veg out, and try to figure out a better schedule for eating!! Think am going to have porridge early, least then that will be one back down!

Gym tommorow too...hurrah, havent been since my operation 4 weeks ago, really cant wait :whacky068:

Nighty guys xxx

Day 1 down!!:nightf:
That's the best thing about this diet - actually feeling full! Having to go to the loo every two minutes is pretty annoying though lol! Well done on completing day one hun. Wish I got so excited about the gym :p enjoy! xx
Thanks guys :)

I have to resist getting on the scales each day...must be only a Wednesday night...eek.. I did though..and 3.5lb down..know its just water but still chuffed!!:bliss:

Had a lusssh day off so far :) going to the gym in a mo... unsure to train back/biceps...or legs.. hmm think legs is likely to make me hungry.....Will see when I get there... I canttt wait :D

So far
2 Coffee
2 Big glasses water
1 Porridge (w/wheat bran)

Big salad 100g
500ml Zero pop from asda

Taken for post gym
Hazelnut shake

I better shake a leg, the day is getting away with me!! TTFN xx
Argg did a huge post... then it got zapped as the site was down :( gah!

Try again lol might not be as detailed!! Good day, great workout, relaxing with OH tonight, he had exams shattered is the word.

Workout details - Back and bicep (did it all light today as my first workout on diet)

Pulldown machine - 45kg, 55kg, 3 sets
Wide lat pulldowns - 40kg, 50kg
Narrow lat pulldowns - light, really squeesing biceps at the bottom
Shrugs - 12kg - 3 sets, 18kg -2 sets
Cable work for back - nice and light

Concentrated Bicep work
Hammer curls - 12kg
Preacher curls
21's with long attachment on cable - Burrrns oww

Finished off with

Back extensions - with 5kg plate to chest - all the way down, nice and steady stretch
Ab work, nothing major
Tricep pushdowns (cable v shape attachment - 20kg)

Sweated buckets!! felt good though after all that time off after my op. Felt like back to normal :) foodwise will be having 4 packs & protein or 5 packs on workout days. Want to maintain muscle. Normally I have minimum 100-130g protein, so this is a big reduction for me


2 Coffee
2 Big glasses water
1 Porridge (w/wheat bran) (1)

Big salad 100g
Truffa (2)
500ml Zero pop from asda

Taken for post gym
Hazelnut shake (3)
Additional protein -26g protein/no carbs/no fat - 75 cals (PROTEIN)

100g mushrooms/cabbage/greens
1 mealpack - macaroni I should think (4)
Moreee water
Freshly made hazelnut coffee

Phews.. thats all for now, gonna veg out with a big bottle of water, need to get some more drunk today for sure

TTFN xxx
Thanks guys, I been training for a long time just pleased I have so much energy on plan :)

So far so good. Working this morning then on leave this afternoon. Gonna do yoga have a nap then go gym train legs.

This mornin
protein -25g protein/0 carbs

Not sure what else I will have today, probably take shake to gym and have 100g salad before I go :)

finding the veg a godsend, never hungry and stuffed after a mealpack with 100g veg!

Bit achy but nothing major, hot shower n yoga will help that

TTFN xxx
Thanks hun

Gym time :) xxx Yipee
Phews back from the gym...chilling tonight, a duvet day is sounding tempting tommorow, but no doubt will be hitting gym again!!:whacky068:

Trained legs tonight
- Did a reduced amount as I havent trained legs in a long while, so kept it all under 120kg
Warmed up with stepper 30 minutes
Romanian Deadlifts
Leg press 120kg - 2 sets, 100kg - 3 sets, then 3 sets - High reps -at 90kg
Leg extensions - 50kg, 55kg, 60kg - single ones then both for x2 sets
Calf machine - 100 reps at 65kg (will do on Smith machine next week so can go heavier)

Pretty short workout but all together good :) Hopefully burnt off at least 200 cals

Eats so far

At work
Bar - Substituted it, same Carbs as s&s but 25g Protein (extra needed for leg training) (Pack 1)

100g salad
Extra protein (as knew I would be training - legs) (Protein )

Post workout
Red fruit shake (Pack 2)


Not sure yet.....
Either porridge or spag bol ....not hungry at all at the moment, but I will eat later!

Using MFP to log everything, protein nice and high and carbs well under with 1 pack still to go :) May scoff some more protein, see how the post gym aches are going...phewwws! Know rob said can have extra pack if needed, so I shall see, not hungry tho!!

Currently at 38 carbs/73 protein

Phewwws.. so yeah so far so good, no hungry, no headaches...just feeling bloomin fantastic :) Resisting the scales!! Red fruits was angel delight..Mmmmmm

TTFN lovelies xxx
Ugh woke up with a hideous sore throat at 6am, uuuggh. Yukky. Dosed up with paracetomol, been laying in bed being a sap most of the day. Gonna get off my toosh and go for a walk, pootle round supermarket pick up some bits

Got some Ribena (the safe one), cabbage and more sparkling water, Must get it down me

I might of snuck on thee scales...wee... 2lb more off...oooo.. I must now resist until Wednesday :eek:

Blah no gym for me today :( back in there a busy old day, OH taken kids to footy so I got the place to myself....aaah, Lush bath...dressing gown and the voice I think :)

Yes that's right hun. I have found as long as I get enough water am ok. Certain packs seem to set me off, but touch wood have been okish!!

Taking slippery elm which seems to help. Tummy is irritated but sure that will settle down.

Todays food

Protein - 25g protein/no carbs
Spicey spaghetti with mushrooms

Huge salad

Relaxing, went n got more cabbage, some fancy living lettuce and more perfectly clear apple water. Sore throat easing

TTFN xxx
Nearly forgot .. was bad and hopped on scale again!! 2 more lbs :) really hope this 5.5lb stays off for weigh in next Wednesday!! Xx
Hazelnut seems to upset me!! - I've only got err five more in my box LOL!! X
ive not ordered any hazelnut, sounds a bit horrid.

i like the vanilla caramel ones... x
I love the Hazelnut shakes they don't love me :(

Ok.... I can't keep off the scales, this is why I don't usually weigh at home!! 2 more lb :) Ooooo gonna be annoyed if any creeps back!! 7.5 since I weighed Wednesday, it'd unreal :)

Cardio today, its a bit blustery for outside running. Think just crosstrainer, jacuzzi n home today!

Busy busy this morning get boring housework done, bit of study, hopefully some relax time too
