Refeed diary.


Full Member
Well got weighed and lost 4 lbs so I am on the road to a better, healthier life (hopefully). No caramel bars so this is what I've had...
Breakfast - Orange creme
Dinner - Vegetable soup (really liked this, not tried if before, it was so thick I had to put twice the amount of water in)
Tea - Pan cooked chicken fillet in water, lettuce, 1/2 tomato, 2 slices cucumber, bit of yellow pepper, 1 mushroom and spring onion with balsamic vinegar. Ate slowly and really enjoyed it. Milk in tea... heaven.
Doing two days at each step, so Orange creme, Veg soup and tin tuna, lettuce, 1/2 tomato 2 mushrooms, 3 slices cucumber, spring onion and bit of pepper with balsamic vinegar. Tea and coffee with milk. Went out and had 2 diet cokes whilst my friend ate a huge hot beef baguette, salad and chips. : )
Summer fruits shake, tuna salad and balsamic vineger, chicken salad and balsamic vinegar, Tea and coffee with milk. Feeling good and actually feel full after meals.
Orange creme, chicken salad and balsamic, haddock baked with tinned tomatoes and mushrooms and a 8oz jacket potato. Feeling hungry tonight tho, have a cuppa instead. Keep thinking about my Terry's orange sat on the sideboard.: (
Terry's orange still intact lol.
summer fruits shake,Tuna sandwich-2 slices bread, 1/2 tin tuna,lettuce, tomato and extra lite mayo, fat free yoghurt. J potato, chicken and salad. Banana. Went out and had 3 diet cokes although the first one tasted a bit funny and may have had bacardi in. Friend or not?
Orange creme, Beef s/w with lettuce, tomato and home made piccalilli, fat free yoghurt. ONE CHUNKY KIT KAT grrr naughty!!!, j potato, few vegetables stirred into a veg soup shake with bit of curry powder in - was actually quite nice, I was surprised and a banana. Scared to get on scales tomorrow : (
Woke with a headache : ( why? because I ate more than half my chocolate orange. How pathetic is that : ( TFR - no problem, start back on food and slippery slope AND I weighed a pound heavier for my sins. grrrr, Have 3 shakes today to hopefully make amends.
Hi Nenya.. hope the headache doesn't last long :( Don't beat yourself up. Please tell me you savoured every bit and enjoyed it at least! :)
Think I may have dreamed about a chocolate orange

kimmy x
mmm it was fab, unfortunately just been to my mums and 'had' to eat a custard donut. eeek! having healthy sandwich for dins then on to the ironing - groan.....