Working Solutions Russian Doll - One Day at a Time

RD, don't be so hard on yourself. Kudos on driving past McD's, that took great strength of character. Don't worry too much about WI, give yourself a chance to adjust to your change in lifestyle. Take it day by day, and who knows, the scales might be kind to you on Friday. ;)

Oh RD we've all been there and done that - why can't vending machines have something half decent in them eh?! Fingers crossed you get back on the diet today with not too much bother and the scales will still be kind on Saturday.

Also, you have far more willpower than me, i would have been ALL OVER McD's ;) x
Thanks for the kind words peeps.

I'm still a bit hacked off with myself but fully accept I'm human with human failings. You're right - the vending machine (the ONLY source of food in the building and we're not allowed out) is full of rubbish so I was on a non-starter there and I just couldn't go til 10pm without SOMETHING to eat. I've already packed a bar for tonight and am taking a couple of spares to leave in my desk drawer. I don't want to get caught out like that again!

Today, I just got straight back onto the plan so hopefully have exercised some damage limitation. I'm very, very tired but I guess that's to be expected until my body adjusts to two tiring jobs (albeit they're tiring in different ways).

Tiredness is definitely a bit trigger to a loss of control when eating. I 'know' I'm eating cr*p but, at that precise moment, in the words of someone very famous, 'Frankly my dear I don't give a damn'. It's almost the weekend though and I can play sleep catch up then :)

I'll still do my WI as usual tomorrow and post it REGARDLESS of the result - having a bad week as a consequence of falling big stylee off the wagon is part and parcel of this roller-coaster ride.

I'm going to try and grab a 30 minute power nap now before heading off at 4.

Love and peace everyone xx
((Hugs)) hun. Hope you get your nap in and well done for packing a bar and spares already! xx
Good Morning! How were the scales? How was work last night? Hope you are OK xx
Hi all

Well, I'm down another 2lb. Part of me is pleased - part of me disappointed. I know I lost the plot a bit a couple of nights ago but it's a bitter pill to swallow that eating a few hundred extra calories slowed me down by that much. But I try to bear in mind I DO have metabolic syndrome so even though the losses are smaller than most, they'd be minuscule on any other diet: I'd probably be lucky to lose 2lb in a month!

I'm tired - VERY tired. I'm not getting the help I wanted around the house so I'm doing the morning job, shopping, doing housework and then heading off for another 5 hours at the tax office. It's exhausting. I'm trying not to let that be the cause of me falling off the wagon though.

Hope everyone is ok. The weekend is tantalisingly close and I can chill and recover before it starts all over again on Monday.

Hugs to all x
Well done RD for picking yourself back up and not berating yourself too much! I can imagine how hard it was not to stop at MaccyD's and just round the whole blip off, but you drew the line under what you did have and made yourself that bit stronger by reinforcing the fact that you wasn't going to completely blow it. That's tough to do and a big learning curve (in my books!) So you did GOOD :)

I saw two Avon Russian Dolls. Not sure which one you was looking at? There was a red one, with a little one inside in the sale catalogue and then there was another equally pretty blue one in the big catalogue I got this week. Maybe you could get one via a rep?
Well done RD for picking yourself back up and not berating yourself too much! I can imagine how hard it was not to stop at MaccyD's and just round the whole blip off, but you drew the line under what you did have and made yourself that bit stronger by reinforcing the fact that you wasn't going to completely blow it. That's tough to do and a big learning curve (in my books!) So you did GOOD :)

I saw two Avon Russian Dolls. Not sure which one you was looking at? There was a red one, with a little one inside in the sale catalogue and then there was another equally pretty blue one in the big catalogue I got this week. Maybe you could get one via a rep?

The one I'd wanted was the little red one with a smaller one inside but the rep said they'd sold out and weren't getting any more. I was truly gutted! :(

I even saw one on Ebay and put in a bid but the amount went over what it is in the catalogue and I'm not prepared to pay more than the company itself is selling it for!

Do you think your rep would have one then?
2lb down is great! Tiredness doesn't help and I know for me it's a trigger. Take care of yourself as much as you can this weekend. With the nights drawing in I think it makes your body want to hibernate more.

Have you got an underactive thyroid? I know someone posted about a thyroid problem and then seeing you post about metabolic disorder I wondered if it's you? I have an underactive thyroid. I'm supposedly on the right amount of meds but it's never been the same as when it was okay :( although being honest with myself I can't completely hold that to blame but I think it's a big factor.
Well done RD, we are showing identical results this week. Despite my best efforts, all I am showing is 2lbs loss also. Better off than ON! I hope you make some significant "YOU TIME" this week-end ;)
2lb down is great! Tiredness doesn't help and I know for me it's a trigger. Take care of yourself as much as you can this weekend. With the nights drawing in I think it makes your body want to hibernate more.

Have you got an underactive thyroid? I know someone posted about a thyroid problem and then seeing you post about metabolic disorder I wondered if it's you? I have an underactive thyroid. I'm supposedly on the right amount of meds but it's never been the same as when it was okay :( although being honest with myself I can't completely hold that to blame but I think it's a big factor.

As far as I'm aware I don't have an underactive thyroid ... but metabolic syndrome (or syndrome X) means you don't metabolise carbs like 'normal' people and convert a lot of it straight to fat. It's typified by carrying a large proportion of the excess weight on the tummy and can lead on to Type II diabetes (which mine has). You gain weight easily and find it hard to lose again. It's hugely frustrating but I either put up and shut up or try and do something about my weight no matter how much of a struggle it is ... and that's what I'm trying to do now.

Thanks for your support - it means a lot to me :)
Well done RD, we are showing identical results this week. Despite my best efforts, all I am showing is 2lbs loss also. Better off than ON! I hope you make some significant "YOU TIME" this week-end ;)

Thanks Conor - weight loss twinnies! Cool!! :)

I'm definitely going to make the most of my down time this weekend - this has been a tough week as it's my first of having 2 jobs to cope with (plus the usual family stuff). I'm sure it'll get easier as I adjust - or maybe it won't lol

I'll be happier when I see the financial reward for my efforts :p
Well done on the 2lbs loss and pulling yourself back on to the wagon! I'm sorry that you are so tired and not getting any help with the housework and shopping, do you think you should maybe let your family know that you need help? If they are anything like mine they will have not realised because they think us ladies are super human ;)

Hope you enjoy a restful weekend! xx
Well done RD on surviving a gruelling week of 2 jobs plus all the unpaid work of being a Mum & housewife. And to have lost weight and stuck to this regieme took supreme efforts. I am trying to introduce a chores roster with my boys but its a dismal failure. I think I've missed the boat on that one, but I'll persist with it. Otherwise, God help their flat mates & girlfriends!
Well done Debs, one minute you are posting that you probably won't lose anything and the next - 2lbs off! Well done you, fantastic, despite the small slip you are now well over a stone gone forever. So chuffed for you, you are doing it!
Sar - I tried creating a work roster by putting a big piece of brightly coloured card on the kitchen wall and dividing it into columns (one for each name plus one with 'daily tasks' and another with 'general tasks') then put the jobs I wanted doing on post it notes. Where it fell down was it relied on my family (hubby, 16 year old daughter, 24 year old daughter and her 25 year old fiancé) taking the tasks voluntarily and transferring it to 'their column so I knew who was doing what ... at first it went ok but now the tasks just stay unclaimed :(
So I've decided I'm going to have to start 'allocating' the tasks as the lazy so-and-sos can't be relied upon to help me out voluntarily.

Conor - thanks for the continuing support. As I said to Sar above, I'm going to try getting a bit more 'robust' concerning getting some help on board regarding the housework or I'll just burn myself out. I'm doing close to 50 hours of paid work a week and with the shopping and housework on top I end up with zero 'me' time ... which I don't think is very fair with four other adults in the house!

Barb - wonderful support as always. I can always rely on you to help me on my (frequent) journeys :p
Diet-wise I'm just plodding on from day-to-day and am in a reasonable routine so hopefully will continue to chip away at the weight.

I'm supposed to be on an AAM week but may just have an AAM weekend as I don't really want to eat all next week (plus it isn't convenient anyway as I'm on the office from 5 - 10pm)
Anyway - have a great weekend and keep the eyes on the prize (in the words of a famous minimin-er) :)
Definitely allocate the lazy sods some tasks!

I skipped my AAM week, I have fallen at the AAM week hurdle in the past, so it's best if I don't do it! I will eat on Xmas Day and not before... I did 13 weeks of SS+ on Cambridge before introducing food and it definitely helped then so I hope it does this time! xx
Sar - your results are fantastic ... a huge pat on the back from me!
I think I'll be doing a little food now and again because I went 9 months on Cambridge SS in 2006 and although I lost a shed load of weight, I seriously did my head in regarding eating. I became to scared to even eat lettuce - I really thought I couldn't ever eat again.
As it turned out, when my nephew died a few months later then my dad went downhill with cancer at the same time, I lost the plot and gained 5st in almost as many months. Much as I want this journey to be 'over' ASAP, I need to stay in touch with food on occasions just to prove to myself I can eat and not immediately regain masses of weight.

Like you, I intend to have a planned break at Christmas and fully expect to regain 'something' as there will be a fair few carbs included but the plan is to get back onto it shortly after.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and it's become increasingly worse during the day. I now feel a bit 'sicky' and tired so I think I'm coming down with something. I can't take any time off sick whatsoever so I'll start dosing up on echinacea and remedies to relieve the symptoms.

Drat! I could do without this right now!! :sigh:
Bless ya, I hope you feel better tomorrow xxxxxx