Sam's Diet Journal 2008

sam. hope you are having a fab time.

kaz, you poor thing. get yourself sorted and get your head back in the game. the way i'm trying to think about it is life will always be there to screw things up but my fat bits won't!! i've just come up with that. i might use it as a mantra. i hope things are a bit better today?

abz xx
Weigh in day - Start of Week 6

Well I have been away on my hols this week, and have managed to maintain my weight loss without any gain, which I am happy about.

The holiday (in the caravan) was a wash-out, with rain every day - we did have one fine afternoon. The weather limited us a little resulting in shopping and eating!

At the start of the week I was really good, but as the rain continued I started to have a bit of this and that, so I feel pretty fortunate to have stayed the same.

I'm glad to be back home and control the eating again before it gets out of hand, which I guess is what it should all be about!


Abz - how did you manage with your weekend?

Kazzy - how are you doing?

Weakwilled - hope you're doing ok? Let me know.
hi sam. shame about the rain but did you have a good time anyway?

i didn't get back into things on sunday but i did on monday and my weigh in come tuesday night was a 1lb down and loads of inches, so i can't complain really, ha.

abz xx
Abz - yes, I had a good time. It was great to be away from the computer - I definitely spend too much time on it!

Glad you lost the weight & inches. Are you now back on CD proper?
i am indeed sam, i am indeed :D today is day 6. so far so good. i haven't been as hungry and tummy rumbly this time around but i am still fairly tired and lethargic etc. am hoping after the week mark passes i'll be back in the zone :)

i did have an extra bar last night as i got the mega munchies and was feeling really light headed and weak and no amount of water was shifting it. so i suppose that was a small cheat, but at least it was just an extra cambridge product. what i really wanted to do, desperately in fact, was order chinese, so i see it as a success rather than a failure :)

how are you doing today hon?

and where's kaz?

abz xx
Just checking in to see that you had a good holiday. Rain and caravans seem somehow to be inextricably linked in this country! Nevermind, it's all part of the fun. :rolleyes:
Fab news that you held the weight off - I bet you'll have a good shift this week! :innocent0002:
Take care. :)
Abz - well done on missing out on the chinese. Glad you're back on it. Did the weekend go well?

Mikki - I am on a mission this week to really get some weight shifted, (it would be so easy to slip back into my old eating habits). I seem to have hovered around the stone mark for too long.

Today I've done 2 hours of Wii Fit, walked the dog and done gardening. My legs are certainly feeling it this evening!

I've no idea where Kaz is - I hope she's ok.
well i'm in the beginning of my sunday 10 hour shift so today could be better, ha. and i was craving like mad last night but didn't give in. i'm not sure whether i drank enough water or not as i lost count of my litres but i had more than the 2.5litres recommended. i'm not sure if i had my usual four though. i'm damn thirsty today so i'm thinking not, ha. i'm really tired as the cat woke me at 6am as she wanted to go out. darling thing :(

well done on your exercising hon. mine is non existent. my sciatica is bad today and i think it's because at work yesterday i had no real reasons to move around. so today i need to get up every half an hour even if it's just for a brief wander to the kitchen and back. or to the water cooler or something...

abz xx
Hey sam, well i didnt go to the gym for three days.....I couldnt actually and felt bad for not doing so but i went again tonight and feel great...Let go a lil on the food front but im feeling fresh and ready for action again.....heres to a great week gals x x
Week 6 - Day 6 (Wednesday)

Well I had a really productive weekend on diet and exercise. On Monday morning I had a call to say my Gran had died, so the exercise has gone out of the window, as I'm sorting the funeral details out, and I just don't seem to be able to fit exercise in at the mo.

I've been very good on the diet front though, and as the end of the week is going to be very hectic I have weighed today instead of Friday.

I'm happy to say my effort over the week has been worth it, as I've lost 4lbs this week, taking my total to 18lbs:)

Now I just have to keep up the good work for the next weigh-in which will return to Friday of next week.
well done sam :) that's such a good loss :D

am so sorry to hear about your gran though hon. take it easy won't you?

abz xx
sam im really sorry to hear about your gran :grouphugg:

but well done for still managing the diet side of things
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Gran would have been 97 today. She has been away with the fairies for some years as she had alzheimer's, so realistically we lost her a long time ago.

How are you two doing with your diets?
aww sam hon. so sorry.

well i am craving like mad and desperately want to have a low carb meal. and because of the way ketosis works in theory i should be able to do so and still lose lots of weight if i keep it to one a week or so. but i will feel so guilty for not sticking to the diet 100% if i do. which seems silly really given that i should be trying to make it work for me. but i just don't know what to do. maybe i should just forget about it, drink my shake and shut up!!

abz xx
abz - I kind of know where you're coming from. I'm not on a specific diet - just doing my own thing, but I have these constant battles in my head about what I should and shouldn't be eating - it is totally consuming.

Having said that when you step on the scales and see the loss it all seems worth while:)
that's just it. i'm really glad i'm losing weight but what i'm putting myself through just seems ridiculous!! saying that hopefully i will have lost over half a stone between last week and the next week so when you think of that, not many other diets would let you do that would they?

abz xx
Very true. When is your next weigh-in?
next tuesday, ha. although that doesn't seem so far away now. the days are flying by!! my measurements are definately changing. i just need to remember to take my chart with me this time so i can get it updated :)

abz xx
I've not measured myself since I started dieting, but there is a definite difference. The cropped trousers I'm wearing today are very loose now, so I think it will be the last time I wear them
well done you guys you are doing great