Sam's Diet Journal 2008

Thanks for your support Kazzy. I hope you find your way soon. How is OH doing?
how is your OH doing kaz?

i have had my low carb meal and feel fine for it. didn't have much. can't fit much in these days, ha. but it was very nice and shouldn't knock me out of ketosis...

i feel like a clown in my current troos!! but i don't 'quite' fit in the size down!!

abz xx
OH is doing ok, home from hospital and being a pain in the ass as he thinks he can do everything he did b4 so having to tell him to sit down and behave, hes dying to get back to driving and im like not b4 monday at earliest but hes like ill be fine at weekend grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MEN
ha. they're big kids kaz... which means you have another one to look after!! you poor thing, ha. glad that he is OK though and now you might be able to chill out a bit, well, you might have to lash the OH to the sofa first... :D

abz xx
yeah that sounds about right, mind u if i lashed him to sofa he`d probably think it was some kinky sex game lol
ha. well let him think that. then you can always swan off to take the dogs for a walk and leave him there :D
Week 6 - update

Well it's Monday again. It's been a bit of a topsy-turvey time with the funeral and visitors etc. I found myself eating cake - and several slices too:( Still, I have a few days till weigh-in and hope to have turned it around into a loss come Friday.

Hope you're all managing to keep on track.
im sure you will manage to do fine by friday sam and i think a few slices of cake at the funeral wont make a lot of difference keep smiling babes
Thanks Kaz:)
i'm sure you'll be just fine hon. it won't have made much difference. just drink loads of water to combat any water retention and you'll be sorted by friday, no worries :)

abz xx
Hi Abz - I see you're weight is moving - well done.

I'm really not looking forward to going on the scales in the morning. In the last 48 hours it's as if the eating flood-gates have been opened and I'm finding it so hard to get it back in control. It doesn't help that I'm due on - which I'm putting the munching down to - you know how it is, any excuse....
ha. i know that excuse well hon :D i lost 7.25lbs over the last fortnight which i'm happy about :)

good luck with the weigh in tomorrow. hopefully the munching won't have done you much harm. you've been doing really really well :D and have lost the same amount as me in the same amount of time whilst regulating yourself which is amazing!!

good luck :)

abz xx
Thanks Abz. I really value your support. It's good to have somebody with a similar amount of weight to shift and starting at the same time too. We'll get there eventually - through fat and thin (hopefully):)
Weigh in Day - Start of week 8

Due to the funeral etc I've not done any exercise this week, the eating has gone to pot and realistically I've not been trying. This has resulted in a "stay the same" week - on the positive it's not a gain.

So, down to the coming week. I will exercise every day, I will not eat hi-cal food and I will have a decent weight loss! How's that for positive thinking/mantra. Now the hard work begins....
Weigh-in Day - Start of Week 9

I'm being a chicken and not stepping on the scales this week. It has been another week of indulgences and I'm certain that I have gained so I'm going to attempt to get back into it this week.

Abz - how are you doing?
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not too bad. i'm finding it hard this week. i'm hungry all the time. and i'm only showing half a lb down so far this week but i'm hoping for a sudden whoosh to keep me on track. ideally i need a 3lb a week loss if my target for denmark is in any way shape or form going to be realistic. i've started going to step aerobics though which will hopefully help... god i'm hungry. just going to have a coffee to try and stave it off a wee bit longer, ha.

abz xx
It's so hard. I know exactly the day I became less motivated to diet. It was the day of Grans funeral and I had a couple of slices of cake and since then I've gone off the rails - it's like I am slipping out of control:(
don't slip sam. think of all that you've achieved and all that you want to achieve!! reach down to your boots and drag up your resolve!! what's your next short term goal? where do you want to be in a week or two? is there something you want to feel fabulous for?

i have seeing the danish contingent to keep me going. do you have something like that?

abz xx