sarah's simply filling food diary

How's it going Sarah, how was the picnic yesterday evening? Week 2 now of no wi, would you recommend it? I'm thinking maybe I might do it just for two weeks, so like skipping one wi..maybe..not sure though :) It's my treat night tonight, though I've no points left for treats I'm still going to have them..and I think choc buttons might be in order :)
Just been super busy! Seem to have fallen off plan, will get back on it soon, hard when everythings all mixed up like sometimes we r out at tea time and can't have tea at home
Ella Belle said:
How's it going Sarah, how was the picnic yesterday evening? Week 2 now of no wi, would you recommend it? I'm thinking maybe I might do it just for two weeks, so like skipping one wi..maybe..not sure though :) It's my treat night tonight, though I've no points left for treats I'm still going to have them..and I think choc buttons might be in order :)

Hi I would recommend no Wi ESP if the Wi result effects u staying on plan! Missing just one Wi shouldn't b that difficult, it does take the pressure off a bit!
sarah88 said:
Just been super busy! Seem to have fallen off plan, will get back on it soon, hard when everythings all mixed up like sometimes we r out at tea time and can't have tea at home

Glad it's just that's you've been busy,hope you've been getting some chill out time as well,yup you will soon be back on it :0)
Hi I would recommend no Wi ESP if the Wi result effects u staying on plan! Missing just one Wi shouldn't b that difficult, it does take the pressure off a bit!

I think I'm going to weigh the next two weeks then have two weeks of no wi. These are the two weeks where I have a wedding and hen weekend. I'm thinking that not weighing until a full week after might give me a chance to make up for any bad results..and then I'll save myself the trauma of a bad result! I will have to get OH to hide the scales though, it'll be very hard to not weigh.
I think I'm going to weigh the next two weeks then have two weeks of no wi. These are the two weeks where I have a wedding and hen weekend. I'm thinking that not weighing until a full week after might give me a chance to make up for any bad results..and then I'll save myself the trauma of a bad result! I will have to get OH to hide the scales though, it'll be very hard to not weigh.
Aww.. Yea defo just give yerself a wee break after that.. A wedding is a long day n full of booze.. Never mind food! lol
I was doing the weighing every fortnight a while back.. really does work.. I couldn't go monthly. I wouldn't have the discipline..
Sorry you have been so busy, Sarah. How is the new car working out? Everything ok so far? Is it due to the beginning of the summer holidays that you are so busy? Hopefully it will settle down soon. I don't beat yourself up too much about veering off plan a little, just decide when you want to get back on track with it and take each food decision on its own and try to make the best choices that you feel able to.
Hi sarah!

You've been quiet! Are you okay! Don't worry about going off's happened to all of us! You can pull this back! You have no WI for another 2/3 weeks yet!
Hope all is ok Sarah x
Hoping to get back on things tomorrow! I have eaten an awful lot over the last wk and have seemed to have a constant belly ache and felt tired. But I have felt a lot less stressed not sure if that's a mixture of holidays, no exercise and no diet or wether it's just one of those things, but it has been really nice to just relax and I don't really feel like I wanna get back on Ww but I still feel like I want to loose more weight so I am gonna try and get back on track tomorrow and just try not to use many weeklies as I'm prob over my 49 from fri! At least I have 2 more no Wi weeks so maybe just maybe I will get a Sts, starting exercise 2mo as well
Hi Sarah,good to hear from you,maybe you just needed some time out,stressing over food/exercise Definitly does us no good.Hope you have a good day tomorrow and im glad you've enjoyed your chill out time :0)
Glad to hear you are ok it's nice to have the pressure off for a bit x
Glad you're back!
Hope you get back into the swing of things but don't worry cos sometimes it just clicks again. You've come a long way and you aren't going to undo all your good work by a week off plan!