Saraian is back where she belongs!!!

I ahve the new digital ww scales,my mum order hers for £50 then she see some in robert dyas for £14.99,i couldnt be without mine now,i am on them twice a day,its terrible tho,as makes me go mad!!
Ive ordered proper ww bathroom scales - after the last couple of weeks stress I have decided to weigh at home as its stressful getting the kids into the car and taking them out so late, its not fair on them. And i will stick to this, i cant not girls, if i give up im chucking my life away. I care about myself too much to give up so dont think your a second i wont remain motivated just because im no longer attending meetings.

Plus my nt that keen on her and find her patronising rather then helpful. So that bags my desision too.
I dont need meetings, i think im going too organise a chat night where we all get together and rant and discuss weigh ins - let me know what you think?
Yes i agree there hun,we can do that as thats my problem of an evening.i hope you stick at it hun,otherwise i will be shouting at u!!
Yes i agree there hun,we can do that as thats my problem of an evening.i hope you stick at it hun,otherwise i will be shouting at u!!

Goes without saying Gemma! I do not want to be who i was when i first started,cant imagine being a stone heavier again!
Ive ordered proper ww bathroom scales - after the last couple of weeks stress I have decided to weigh at home as its stressful getting the kids into the car and taking them out so late, its not fair on them. And i will stick to this, i cant not girls, if i give up im chucking my life away. I care about myself too much to give up so dont think your a second i wont remain motivated just because im no longer attending meetings.

Plus my nt that keen on her and find her patronising rather then helpful. So that bags my desision too.
I dont need meetings, i think im going too organise a chat night where we all get together and rant and discuss weigh ins - let me know what you think?

I have digital ones that weigh in stones, pounds and ounces so I see every little loss (and gain!)!!! You leader should be helping you hun! Thats a nightmare she is patronising - and I bet she was in your position one day - so she should sympathise. Biatch! I'll be your leader :D x
She was as fat as me, seen the pictures. Not going there anymore, she makes me nervous too and isnt helpful, i hear stories about how lovely peoples leaders are and they have time to help them out etc, why the **** is it alwsy me that gets the *****?
So nope me not going, i will weigh at home and thats that!
God, poor Sarah! Don't let that woman make you feel bad! Those kinds of people are totally not worth bothering about x And the cheek of her anyway, sure wasn't she need help and encouragement not that other *****! So that is what we're here for! I'm totally up for chat night if I'm not bloody working x
sara my lovely! how are you?? ignore that stupid *****, i think its great you're doing it at home! same as me *grins* and im sure alot of others too! we could have our own mini meeting once a week or something lol be alot more supportive and motivating.

hope you're okay hunni xxx
Uhhuh SV, def up for chatting loads tonight...... i'm bored to tears!!! ARGH!! x
because they know you have a filthy mouth and have to beep everything you say lol, whereas im good as gold xx
thats very true, we all have our own little stress relivers...mine is...can ya guess? talking fetish! lol
oh that was funny!
Ha, lying in a hospital bed, four holes in your tummy and still all you can think about is baby-men....tut, tut, tut....I hope those nurses know what kind of sicko they have in there!!! Ps Any nice Doctors make sure and tell them I said hi!!! But don't tell them where you know me from ;) (Fat forum)

sooo funny! there is actually quite a hot young doctor, think hes a student because he trails the surgeon that i had and he should be coming in later to check on me...only thing is im sitting here with an oxygen mask on, scruffy hair and no make-up its *****! lol he looks like...did you ever watch green wing? if so then he looks sooo much like that dr boyce the young hot one lol
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OMG - they allow ****? what!!!!!!!!!!
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Well maybe they justify that **** is anothe word for 'vagina' looool me giggling at using the word Vagina!

Omg Jax my number 1 hoe, got a shock yesterday hearing you were in hospital - near cacked my pants! How are you lovely>>>and while your there give the student docs arse a good squeeze will make you feel better lol!
When are you home again? I bet your so not looking forward too a non fat diet lol! will be a great kickstart!

Oi bitches, how come you all started without me tonight! i log on and theres a flurry of activity!
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Well maybe they justify that **** is anothe word for 'vagina' looool me giggling at using the word Vagina!

Omg Jax my number 1 hoe, got a shock yesterday hearing you were in hospital - near cacked my pants! How are you lovely>>>and while your there give the student docs arse a good squeeze will make you feel better lol!
When are you home again? I bet your so not looking forward too a non fat diet lol! will be a great kickstart!

Oi bitches, how come you all started without me tonight! i log on and theres a flurry of activity!

Cacked your pants - hahahaha - so so funny! Your hilarious. Yer jax - pinch his ass...... x x x
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