Saraian is back where she belongs!!!

Erm you know i knew that was wrong, just looked at ww site and i have to get to 16st 4.5lbs, need to adjust my ticker!
Hmm just realised that ticker was wrong and have another 6lbs to go to hit my 10% which is 16st 4lbs that sucks
aww hun, that sucks but you're doing so well! so keep up the good work and before you know it you'll hit that 10% xxxx
That'll take no time at all hon. Keep up this good work and you could be 3 stone lighter by Christmas x
Well done mucca! 2lbs eh? WHats ur secret????? x x x x
That's so what I need to do.... start blinking walking!!! The weather here is rubbish at the moment - thought it was August ffs!! How are u girly??? x
Im alright thanks Chick, think im going to have another good week, not feeling cocky or ought but i have a system now which is working for me and im quite happy and relaxed. The kids have been ok the last few days as well so im looking forward to some peace and quiet today.
Peace and quiet? What's that?? Mine has just spilt softner all over the kitchen floor.... its smells lovely in there but took some mopping.... not the first time either, he's been known to try and soften the TV!!! :) Glad your into a system now.... I was well into mine until few days ago (see diary) but I am well up for 100% from today..... x x xx
Brilliant loss well done x
I love my husband, hes just got home early from work and hes been shopping - for me!

He come home with a evans bag and I went into a euphoric state as I LOVE clothes! He bought me a lovely pair of black cordroy trousers(sp) and a lovely black vest top. Awwww hes never done this before and said he has noticed my weight loss. I thought he was just being a bloke and not noticed anything!
SEE!!! And all your complaining about him going frigid!!! Try those clothes on and then get them off again and give him a proper thank you!!! x
Ive got them on now.........I would **** me :) yes hes going to get a proper thank you later once were in bed :) maybe thats why he bought me clothes lol
Really? Dont the make you look like a turkey being strangled??? x