Saraians diary is closing. Last post in this

Hey hun....just popping in to say hello and see how u are.... ? x
hey hun how's it going? hope you're feeling better and have recovered from the comfort-eating x
Miss S?
Just thought I'd say hello as you haven't been online for while. You've not hit the ice cream again have you:eatdrink051:
Hope ok
Karen x
**** page 3 i have fallen back - sorry girls im so manically busy i find it hard to get on. I confess as well ive been depressed recently ive been enquiring about the surgical route so the last few days ive enquired and been turned down. So now, im trying to put it behind me and eat sensibly but its just such a struggle. Thats why im buying a wii to see if it can get me in gear a bit.
OOhh you don't want to go surgical - meant to be really painful. You've done really well so far, its probably post xmas blues. Quite a few people at my work have got the wii fit and thinks its great fun - and it works.
Good luck
Karen x
Ahh well it wont happen anyway so its forgotton - ive bought it though!!! wii console, wii fit 52 games for a bargain! Im thrilled!!! so it should be here saturday woop woop so me and dh are going to have a wii night!
Need to get my ass in gear, ive been down before but not this bad, i think my depression ias heavily related to my weight - need a stone off to feel happier ithink!
You too thanks babes.

Sorry girls all i do is come on here and moan at the moment im a right laugh a minute!
Thanks I will, I don't work Fridays - yehhh. Am going to go swimming - don't mind when I'm in there, but hate getting dried after.
Hi sara, lucky you getting a wii, hope you begin to feel better soon hunni.xx
Hey Sara hunny.. sorry to hear you've been feeling down *hugs* have fun with your wii fit though.. they are fantastic :) x
sorry ur feling down hunni.
i went through a stage of depression to, and know that i gained weight over it...but was depressed over my weight!!
its like a vicious cycle.

hope getting a wii helps ya though hunni, couldnt tell ya bout using it everyday...i only use mine as wi 2 a week...ops lol!!

ya need ta talk or anything just pm xxx
Thanks I will, I don't work Fridays - yehhh. Am going to go swimming - don't mind when I'm in there, but hate getting dried after.

That's why I don't go swimming either - hate getting dried. They should have those big body driers that they have at Alton Towers which would mean I would probably go. :D

Sara, glad you are getting your wii - the exercise might also help lift your mood - all those endorphins flooding through your veins - and help your weight loss. Sounds like two birds with one stone to me. Good luck with it. Wish I had one. :D
Don't worry about offloading on here Sarah - that's what friends are for. I know you have antidepressants but I really do think you should talk to your doc about getting referred for counselling.

You have done really well with your weight loss so far and you can continue to lose, you know you can. Some counselling might help you to break the link between slim and happy - because you can be one without being the other, even if you'd rather be slim.

Hiya hun, long time no see. Sorry your depression really getting you down. Congrats on getting the wii fit. Its really good. Want to buy my fitness coach sometime soon. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks ladies for being lovely as usual - its hopefull arriving tomorrow and il be in a better mood by night time - il ike the sound of thr endorphines making me happy - so does oh!!!
Have fun with your new toy, like Rosie sed the exercise will probably help lift you a bit.
i have to share with you tho, i used to think that loosing weight would make me feel better about myself and everything would be alright, but i've actually found that its the other way round , as i've sorted things out the weight loss has followed, and i do feel better