Sara's Dukan Diary: Stage 2 Cruise

Thanks, Trudy, that is really helpful. I'm still trying to do 4 pp days in a row at the moment, so I can pretty much eat the same as everyone else at weekends (obviously without the carbs) so it's jazzed-up pp meals I'm particularly on the look-out for. I've been steering away from 'tolerated' ingredients until now but realise that if I'm going to keep going for months, not weeks, I shall have to do more experimenting.

On a different note, I went for another walk today! Two days in a row! And in fact I injected 3 x 1-minute jogs because I was getting bored and wanted it over with, and it really made a difference - I got that post-exercise 'high', endorphin rush, whatever you want to call it and feel really good. I know I can't run much more than that because, at this weight and poor level of fitness, I'll hurt my knees, but still!

I've been wanting to eat ever since, but then you reassure me that you should eat lots on this diet, just lots of the right things. Panicking about quantities is a mind-set I'm still struggling to get out of.
Well done sara on your walking and running your putting me to shame I'm going to have to up my game x
Lost another 2lbs this week - very happy! 2 more to go until I've lost my first stone - yay!!

Just been for another walk (with little jogs thrown in) - that's 3 days in a row - and scoffed my last 2 muffins so all's well with the world. The fine weather's helping, it's going to be 19 degrees today. Enjoy your weekend, everyone xx

PS I love my ticker - looks just like me! LOL
well done :D
Wooohooooo Sara, that's great, so nearly your first stone. Keep up the exercise, you will grow to love it, especially if you keep the jogging in between - gives you such a energy rush!!!! Hope your getting some variety into your PP days - I know I use chicken too much but honestly so far I don't get that bored with it - love my mince flan thing and sooo great for lunch on the go!!!
Had a health scare on Saturday and spent most of the day in A&E. I had such bad heart palpitations that I was wobbly and faint. The symptoms lasted 3 days but this morning, thank God, they've more or less gone! I'm sure the cause was stress, pure and simple.

My mum came up yesterday so I ended up doing 4 pv days in a row. I'm also pre-menstrual this week so I know I'm not going to lose any weight but, after 2 days off at the weekend, I forced myself to walk yesterday and this morning I actually enjoyed it! Weather still fab - I really hope this lasts for the kids' Easter holidays.
You know its going to rain over Easter, it'll start Friday evening just as the kids start their hols!
sarafvrm said:
Had a health scare on Saturday and spent most of the day in A&E. I had such bad heart palpitations that I was wobbly and faint. The symptoms lasted 3 days but this morning, thank God, they've more or less gone! I'm sure the cause was stress, pure and simple.

My mum came up yesterday so I ended up doing 4 pv days in a row. I'm also pre-menstrual this week so I know I'm not going to lose any weight but, after 2 days off at the weekend, I forced myself to walk yesterday and this morning I actually enjoyed it! Weather still fab - I really hope this lasts for the kids' Easter holidays.

Sara what a scare xxx so pleased your feeling better xxx stress does just come up behind you and knock you off your feet....... is your mam staying with you tull your 100% back to normal?
what a scare ... hope your ok hun xx
Flippin heck that is scary Sara, glad you are okay...... Take it easy hun and hope the palpitations are gone for good. Stress and its side effects are underrated. Take care.
Feeling much better now, and no palpitations for the last 3 mornings. Thank you very much, Sid, Ellie and Trudy for your kind messages.

Spent yesterday in the park with my youngest 2 - no school due to NUT strike. It was almost too hot! Not complaining though, just hoping the weather's still OK for the school holidays...

Bored with Dukan atm. My son tasted one of my muffins and pointed out that they were disgusting - he's right, they are! My turkey-mince flan really began to pall by the 3rd day of eating it, too. I made my first venison casserole last week, with butternut squash as well as other vegetables, and it was absolutely delicious but now I've got to wait for another pv day before I can cook it again. You do realise, don't you, that these "delicious" Dukan concoctions are actually pretty gross, just better than plain-old, plain-old! Still, while I feel like I'm still losing inches I'll stick with it.

Keep up the good work, everyone!
Sara keep your chin up, try the muffin recipie again the first few I did were gross but now I've cracked it they are as big as fairy cakes light as a feather beautiful, will always make these long, long after this diet has finished x keep experimenting with flavours you'll find your perfect menu x
Did my weekly weigh-in this morning and was pleasantly surprised to find I had lost another pound. 13lbs down - so close to that elusive 1st stone!

Went for my walk again this morning (I know! I'm impressing myself!) and finding it so much easier. I really feel happy that I'm improving my health and fitness through this programme. I had such an awful year last year and really began to wonder whether it was the slippery slope to a crap old age. Now it feels that active middle age is back within my grasp!

Doing my best to stay positive about the food. Dijon mustard is my saviour at the moment. I have a pv weekend ahead so that will be good - they fly by too fast though!

Keep up the good work everyone! xxx
Sara, we all feel like that about Dukan at times but honestly I really have found some great recipes that I will use time and time again - admittedly most of them are for use on a PV day but I won't ever change them even if and when I no longer do Dukan. Have a scroll through the recipe thread for inspiration - it might help. Amazing that you are close to that first stone - what an achievement - you have come a long way in a short time.
Hope you have a lovely PV weekend and feel renewed ready to start an new week on Monday - I have just made the tofu yoghurt cake - not sure how it is gonna taste but will let you know. Chin up hun - fantastic that you are feeling fitter and well on Dukan - I am too and try and remember that feeling when I get down and depressed with it all!!! That way it never lasts long!!! x
Just checking in briefly to say I'm still here! School holidays are full-on, with 4 children at home, so I get virtually no computer time. The walks aren't happening this week, but I'm sticking to the diet: started the week with 2 pp days because I had a long weekend (Fri, Sat & Sun) of pv, but today I enjoyed a delicious tuna salad for lunch and there's a venison casserole in the oven right now!

Trudy, I can't believe you've lost 100lbs! That must be right up there amongst the records! Quite incredible, well done you!

Back on Friday with my weigh-in. xx
glad to see you checking in xx :D
Good luck for you weigh-in Friday sara x
Just read the last few pages of your diary, Sara, what a health scare you had! Glad that you're doing better now. I once had a panic attack (feels like a heart attack apparently) during an overseas flight, short of breath, heart palpitations, the works and it was a very scary 10 minutes!
Your venison stew sounds lovely, I'm always afraid of game because I really have no idea how to prepare it. Now I'm sorry I made the bf give away a huge piece of venison he got from a friend a few months back :)

I agree that you should try tweaking the muffin recipe, I really enjoy the ones I make, from the recipe thread I think by Trudy. I doubled her recipe except the eggs, which I only increased by 1 cause I thought 4 would be too eggy. I make these religiously every 4 days, varying flavourings and spices. I suppose to a kid they mightn't be all that fabulous, but I love them!

I'll be honest, one of the reasons I adopted a dog in January was that I knew it would force me out for a walk, on my own I'd give it a go for maybe 4 or 5 days and then I'd find one or another excuse not to go out until I just gave up on it completely! Now I'm out at least twice a day. I admire your attempts at making it part of your life. Keep up the good work!
Just popping in (school hols as hectic as ever) to say, I lost 4 lbs last week! Can't believe it! it's an absolute record (apart from my attack week, but even then I only lost 4 1/2), most weeks it has been just 1. I'm so thrilled! It's the biggest motivator ever, when you get a big loss, isn't it? I think I deserved to experience it finally!

Hope you're all well. Back properly in another week xx
fabulous loss sarah well done :D