Sausage on a mission - veggie green days diary

Monday 8th August


porridge made with milk (hexB and hexA),

3 krisprolls (hexB)
salad, quorn spam, cottage cheese and chutney (1 syn)

leftover veg and lentil thing on wholewheat spaghetti, lettuce and cheese (hexA)

2 x scan bran carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 4
Fluids: good
Exercise: none


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Tuesday 9th August


porridge made with milk (hexB and hexA),
banana and grapes

3 krisprolls (hexB)
topped with leftover lentil and veg stuff (again) and cheese (hexA)

Moroccan slow cooked veg stew
3 x Cauldron sausages (1.5 syns)

2 x scan bran carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 4.5
Fluids: good
Exercise: none

Odd meals, but it was stuff that needed eaten today. Got a few days off so will try to do some exercise.

The Moroccan stew is mommyb's recipe, post #4. Very subtle flavours and couldn't be easier to make.
Sausage, what are these krisprolls that you're having? x :)

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silly sausage said:
Pagen krisprolls are wholegrain Swedish toasted bread fingers. Find them in the ryvita aisle. They are very, very crunchy and are 3 for a healthy B.

Ooh thank you! I might give those a try! :)

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Hi sausage, just had the cottage pie, OMG absolutely gorgeous !! Had it with mushy peas, mint sauce, broccoli n cabbage. So good I had to go back for seconds !! :D
Good stuff, Coolkerry! :D

Wednesday 10th August

bran flakes (hexB)
with Greek yoghurt, strawberries and dried apricots (2 syns)

Moroccan slow cooked veg stew,
mushroom and lentil loaf (hexB for two meals),
lettuce and tomatoes

Exactly the same as lunch!

milk for coffees (hexA)
2 x scan bran carrot cake (3 syns)

Total syns: 5
Fluids: good
Exercise: swimming


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I have just made your spicy stew Sausage. Well what can I say ...... it went down a storm, even my fussy son (who refuses to touch 'diet' food) enjoyed it. And, my neighbour who popped round smelt the delicious aroma tried a bit, and has left my house with the recipe :D
I gained a pound, but not upset coz I knew I hadnt been a 100% with it being my dad's birthday etc

Fingers crossed you get into the magic 100's for your anniversay Sausage :)
Sausage, congrats on your 4stone award!!!!!! :D
Cheers Cake! :D

Thursday 11th August

scrambled eggs, beans,
quorn roast pieces (0.5 syns)
ketchup (0.5 syn)

mushroom and lentil loaf + 21g cheese (hexB)
mushy peas and pickled beetroot,

Thai quorn curry (hexB + 2 syns)
baked potato and lettuce

milk for coffees (hexA)
2 x scan bran carrot cake (3 syns)
grapes, apple

Total syns: 6
Fluids: good
Exercise: none


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What scan bran carrot cake is it that you have? :)
Hi Katie :) I don't like fakey sugar so make the one with honey.

4 scan bran (softened with boiling water)
1 weetabix
5 oz grated carrot
0.5 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp mincemeat
1 tbsp honey
3 eggs

Mix all together. Bake in loaf tin for 1 hour - cover with tin foil for first half hour. 11 syns for the whole cake. Freezable.

It smells like Christmas cake. I tried to make a ginger version today. Bit of a fail, but it didn't stop me eating half of it! Will update if I manage to make a nice ginger cake without fakey sugar.
4 stones! Excellent!

And now down to the nitty gritty. What do you make your thai quorn curry with? ;)

Is it bad that I'm stealing your recipes? :p

Need to be good for a few weeks given the blowout I had today...
Friday 12th August

3 krisprolls (hexB)
cheese (hexA)

mushroom and lentil loaf (3 syns)

Thai quorn curry (hexB + 2 syns)
brown rice

milk for coffees (hexA)
1/2 failed scan bran ginger carrot cake (6.5 syns)

Total syns: 11.5
Fluids: good
Exercise: none

Shouldn't have had the rice (and the cake obviously :rolleyes:) as it has made me feel very heavy today. I've made a big fruit salad and will graze on that today and ditch the cake.
Hi Gwenny :D

I used the tubes of Gourmet Garden herbs to make the curry. The jury is still out on the syns, so I am counting it as 0.5 syns per tsp. You could make it free by using real ginger, garlic etc. The phili is a 200g tub, but I am calling it 2 x hexBs as it is near enough if I don't use all my syns.

box of chilled quorn pieces
whole baby button mushrooms
red pepper
fine beans (thirded and cooked separately)

1 tbsp chilli
1 tbsp root ginger
1 dsp garlic
1 veg oxo cube
juice of 1 lemon
black pepper
390g carton of passata
200g tub of extra light philadelphia

In a big frying pan, start off the quorn, mushrooms and pepper in frylight. Make a space in the pan to mix together the stuff for the sauce then stir it through the veg. Cover and cook until the mushrooms are juicy but still firm. Near the end, add the cooked fine beans and stir through the phili to make the sauce creamy.

Serves two. 2 syns + 1 hexB per serving (ish)
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Saturday 13th August

3 krisprolls (hexB)

fennel gratin (hexB + 1 syn for Cauldron sausages)

milk for coffees (hexA)
loads of fruit salad
loads of melon

Total syns: 1
Fluids: good
Exercise: swimming

I had another attempt at the fennel, cannellini bean and sausage gratin. It was too dry last time so I added a carton of passata and it was still too dry. Maybe it's because neither me nor my neighbour had any bread for the topping. I used bashed up krisprolls with garlic and lemon zest for the topping. Very tasty, but still too dry :p


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