Say No to junk food and Yes to healthier food!

Oh no Annie. I'm the worst self saboteur. I know how frustrating it can be. Hopefully it will pass.

Today's going okay and trying my best to avoid sugary foods.

Breakfast 2 pears

Chicken salad wrap with mayo
Tea chicken curry and pepper with boiled rice .

It was lovely.

STS today at weigh in which is okay but really wanna see a loss next week.
Pear for breakfast

Tuna melt on wholemeal bread with salad for lunch.

Going okay just not feeling in the zone at all.
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I'm gonna make a start on making my wedding bouquet with artificial flowers.

I hope my vision doesn't outweigh my artistic talent. I usually can't draw a straight line with a ruler.
Tea chicken curry and pepper with boiled rice . It was lovely. STS today at weigh in which is okay but really wanna see a loss next week.

Well done on STS! Here's routing for a loss for you next week :) xxxx
I'm gonna make a start on making my wedding bouquet with artificial flowers. I hope my vision doesn't outweigh my artistic talent. I usually can't draw a straight line with a ruler.

Eek exciting! Pics please!
Will add pics when done but not sure when will be finished.

I may put some progress pics on. Show the stages of development or lack of haha

Bacon and lettuce sandwich tonight and was lovely. Just wish I had on tomato for a full BLT.
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Made a start on bouquet and it's looking good. There's still a lot to do on it but at least I've made a start.
Took our Lil doggy for a walk. He loved it. Not much food planning today and not really worried about been on plan. Just not eating any processed rubbish. Went shopping and resisted cakes and chocolate. Bought some fab superfree.

Have a pork baguette with salad for tonight mmmmmm
Weighed in this morning with a 2.5lb loss. So I`m now at target!! WOOP!! WOOP!!

Now 8st11.5lbs!!
Had a junk free day☺

. Went clothes shopping today. Bit shocked I bought some knickers in my usually size and their far too big. Can't take them back though so will be buying some in a smaller size tomorrow.
Went shopping at primark and bought loads amazing how much you can spend there! But at least my bag was full so good value.

Haven't been on track food wise but not worried as tomorrow is another day.
Feeling horrible today. Horrible headache and just tired and groggy.

Foodwise okay just didn't feel like making anything. So store bought sandwich.

Wish this day was over
Feeling horrible today. Horrible headache and just tired and groggy. Foodwise okay just didn't feel like making anything. So store bought sandwich. Wish this day was over

Don't over worry. Just have an early night and get back on it tomorrow.

Fab news about the baggy knickers ;) haha xxxx
Feeling horrible today. Horrible headache and just tired and groggy. Foodwise okay just didn't feel like making anything. So store bought sandwich. Wish this day was over

Aww hope you feel better x

I have bought a subway salad as I am too hungry to cook x
Starting to feel better but taken all day. Had another sandwich for tea. And angel cake. Who oops.

I hope I have a better start tomorrow.