Say No to junk food and Yes to healthier food!

Feeling much better today.

Tuna sandwich and lettuce and cucumber for lunch.

Snacks satsuma

No junk today as wanting to sugar detox. ☺
Turkey and pasta for tea not exciting but very nice ☺

Knackered today though think I'm gonna chill tonight.
Hope you had a nice chilled one babe xx
Been having scan bran instead of syns this week.

Need to try to sort out my digestion so hoping this will help.
What colours? :) xxxx

Ivory and purple Roses. The cake is going to have Purple Roses so should match well. Theres added pearls and cystrals. I am waiting on my white sparkle butterfiles in post. That should be enough as I need to remember less is more!
Been having scan bran instead of syns this week.

Need to try to sort out my digestion so hoping this will help.

Not a fan of scan bran but like ryvitas. Hopefully it will sort it out.

Im having a really good food day. I'm back to planning my lunchs and making them in an evening to save time.


Chicken with pasta ,Passata and herbs


Planning on a Steak.mmmmm
Must admit I'm nit a fan of scan bran either but I'm prepared to give it a try.

Chicken casserole in the slow cooker for dinner. Using the remaining chicken from yesterday's roast.
Ivory and purple Roses. The cake is going to have Purple Roses so should match well. Theres added pearls and cystrals. I am waiting on my white sparkle butterfiles in post. That should be enough as I need to remember less is more!

Sounds gorgeous :) xxxx
Been having scan bran instead of syns this week.

Need to try to sort out my digestion so hoping this will help.

It should definitely sort it out! xxxx
OH ill with a bug

So just had a beef sandwich for tea. Couldn't be bothered with anything cooked. Ah well.

Really need to go food shopping. Nothing to make for tomorrow dinner. Looks like a supermarket dash in the morning.
0.5lb off for this week. At least it's going in the right direction!

Totm so pleased with that loss!

Birthday on Saturday so will be going out for a meal. But will be straight back on track.
Yay well done! I would be pleased with that on * week!

Ooh happy birthday for tomorrow :) xxxx
Hi sweetie happy birthday mate and well done your on a little roll... x
Had a fab birthday! A bit too much food and drink

Feeling rough this morning but will be back on track today.
Sundays turkey roast with vegetables a fab hangover cure.

Too many bacardi and cokes.
Glad you had a good birthday night ;) xxxx
Sad day today. 10 years today my mother passed away.

Not focused on eating as already comfort eating. Need a bit of me time.

Tomorrow will be a fresher start