Scrumpers diary the revenge !!!!

yes true. Mine in the wheelie bin- gets collected once a week. if they go to twice a week ill walk round to the dog bin and empty it all in there ;)
Glad we're doing the poop talk in someone else's diary (sorry scrumps!)
lol there is poo talk in my diary too Jo - you started it with the mushies :D
Cheryl usually starts it... or at least joins in!
I'm telepathic! She even lowered the tone with that D word!!
<Oh! who's gonna clean up? Scrumps will be cross if we leave all those virtual crumbs and empty wine bottles in here>

here is a virtual glass of wine and a pint of scrump to apologise for hijacking!
<Scrumps is too cross with us to even post... She's probably mopping up the mess...>
lmao i love you lot posting in here makes my day when you trot off at high speed on a tangent !!!!!!
Anyhows kitten poop umm do people clean up after them like that dogs yes ...i suppose out of the litter tray then .....
Little one ok just got to keep an eye on her , its difficult with her as she could be ill or pulling a fast one , she can be a bit of a bugger at times !!
its so cold now have chucked the heating on as cant take much more
will do my tea later when i warm up
Evenin' Tania :)

Just thought I'd pop by your diary and say hi :) sounds like exciting times ahead for you - what with Oz and ebay :)

I love ebay but find it a real time consuming nightmare at the moment, between fussy buyers and royal mail it can be a hair tearing out experience....

got a flyer through the door last week wanting secondhand clothes... 40p per kilo or £4 for every 10kg... gotta go check what that looks like at some point :) could be an easier way of getting rid than ebay :)

hope you've had a good day hun and your LO is feeling better x
thanks hun funny i saw a big sign about the clothes ive got bags full to go at the moment will have to read the sign again when i go past ....not sure if the OZ thing will ever happen , but we will keep an open mind
lo is fine today forgot she has a sore lung this morning mmmmm

ok the winds died down which is good sun is trying to shine its cold though
Ive got course so wont be about till lunch
was bad again last night think this totm is a nightmare for me ...had a giant pretzel , but on scales this morning was 166 so heading for a sts this week .....
B galette and egg
L omelette
Dslow cooked rump steak tough as old boots the last piece
I've two friends who've moved to Oz... one with her job, so easier (and her husband had no problems as he's Australian... ironically, he'd like to return to Blighty, whereas she's happy to stay put!). Can't see the attraction personally...

We turned our heating off Sunday when we left the house, so it'll be parky when we arrive. As it runs on fuel, every few days off saves plenty of € and no risk of freezing yet. Once it gets really cold, and last Christmas it got to -25°C at night, we leave it on lowest when we leave...

So while I'm settling the cats and unpacking, the other half's first job is to BUILD A FIRE! love it! The only problem is that we normally sit in front of it and vegetate... not such a good idea today though as we'll be there by 4pm!
I have a wood range too, Jo. It's in the kitchen (and the comfy chairs aren't) or I'd sit in front of it and cook myself slowly! Then I'd complain that it was too hot (I don't 'do' heat very well).

Hope winter is better for all of us this year. Last year was BAD - never seen so much snow here before.

How are your courses going, Tan?
morning :D ooh wood ranges sound wonderful!
I'd like a woodrange...but would have no idea how to cook in one :)....

I'm the same Jo :) left the heating on 12c here to ensure no freezages...never want to come home to frozen/burst pipes ! x

Jo, where can't you see the attraction to? France? Blighty or Oz? x
hey all ....Laura courses fine a bit too easy but im not going to complain keeps me out of trouble !!!!

mmm Jo im a warm weather person , I swear iI was born in the wrong country ...Oz wouldnt be my first choice , but its warm so im happy ...Im a bit of a traveller and love to be on the move the kids have got to travel bug too
Other half would have no problems re work just the visas holding it up
We also have land in Portugal but the work situation there is a lot harder to sort ...#
Im afraid im not a Blighty lover (shame on me !!!) and would rather be elsewhere , I dont like the culture the lack of maners or respect and I think the kids they are churning out of schools now days have not been taught the basic moral standards ....sorry moan over....I know all countries have their problems ,but as lifes too short I would like to see other places
I feel the same way hun :eek: :) today can barely cross the road, don't think much to the schools here, morals, manners all lacking...not good...obviously there are better and worse areas...but just speaking from experience.

sadly the xbox parenting style has taken over ...... My kids are not perfect but i expect them to know their pleases thank yous and table manners for starters.....
The school dyl went to for a few weeks the kids would barge past adults in the corridors , i couldnt believe it .....the one he went to before and the one he goes to now , the kids have been taught to say excuse me and step aside ...all the basics that we learnt ....
bloody pc crowd and their softly softly approach grrr
too right Tania!

I'm not for knocking kids about corporal punishment style...but I do think there has to be a line not be run amock these DD makes me proud that she's so well behaved and considerate of others :) that's not down to school...that's her following by example ;)...x