Seeking diet buddy

Hey claire soz for late reply been out and my fone had no battery, we just went to the carvery so I had dinner then bloody icecream after feel sooo fat now, im just praying I can do this tommoz cse I wanna loose this weight!! An my will power is no good im actually dreadin it and thats not the way to be looking at it, I just felt so **** on that last wk felt like I was dying hahaha!! 1lb aint nuffin hun ull loose that again n,a day god av prob put on bout 5lb I aint even gna look lol!! I just really need to get in the frame off mind hun! I will and am going to, I just think off that dreaded soup yukk!! I put it in a blender and it takes the lumps out but leaves the soup frothy and sooo puts me off! Gna try cooking it another way lol xxxxx
I've had an awful day, been to my brothers for tea and had pudding etc but i need to get a grip now and crack on this week... U going to do it with me AGAIN haha?? We just need to be honest with ourselves and think about what we REALLY want and I know for bloody sure I want to be thin!!!!! My weight has been the vain of my life and just and would love to just not feel so blobby... Xxxxx
Hey huni dont feel bad about it, todays a new day and.i actually feel really positive today, I think with doin it last week I know whats ahead, and its funny but all that eating its actually made me not want to eat cse I didnt enjoy the takesway I had and I thot this wud av been my biggest downfall. So im looking at last wk as thr trial run and I pick do to exante and im gna stick to it to, so we re in for the long run girly!!! And we re gna do it 100% yeah? Hope ur ok bbe speak soon xxxxxxxx
Hey Leanne how's things? Porridge is reappoint yummy and quite filing and also feels kind of like a meal haha... How's your day been and are you still feeling positive?? I REALLY want to do it this time I HAVE to be a skinnyish bride haha xxx
Hey av been great todat that porridge is filling,god ive been full all day iv not even thot bout food infact am sitting outside chippy rite nw waiting on,tom and I dnt,feel tempted at all so far so good hows u hun? Xxxxxx
An u will always be a skinny bride maybe u wnt feel like it but u will bbe, u know how I said that they sent 10 porridge well I just checked my pack and they ve sent me ten off everything lol they must av made a mistake lol!! Also weighed in today and the two lbs I,lost last week , ive still lost and never gained nothing , very weird!! But I aint complaining lol xxxxxx,
Waheyyyyyyy well done you :) that's such a good incentive to carry on!! I've got every faith in you totally doing it this week :-D wahooooo keep it up!! Im just finding it hard to drink loads of water as well as having the shakes xxx
Morning my fellow dieter hehe good luck for today babe, stay strong and think thin :-D you'll have your holiday beach body in no time... Xx
Hey huni , yeah im thinking just that, day 2 and still going strong well done to us!!! Hehe!! We re gna do this huni defo defo this time good luck for today u can do it!!! Xxxxxzxxx
Thank you :) I am aiming to just drink as much as I can today to stop me feeling hungry!! I think that's the only way... I'm going to go on the lap top in a minute and see if I can find you on Facebook and also send you a picture of my dress haha.. X
Aww bbe thats stunning!!!! Ull look so pretty n ur dress! are u gettinh nervous? I would be terrified but excited lol!! Cant wait to get married and pick my dress bt dnt think that will be anytime soon, im drinking lots water aswell its hard aint it!! Jst having my porridge just now I love the porridge its so filling aswell. Im wondering how I never gained any weight because I ate takeaways all weekend why d u think I didnt? Its a very weird one lol, yea type in leanne croal shud cme up chic xxxxxxx
Yeh im excited and also very nervous now... Just hope the bloody weather is ok hahaha we had really bad thunder and lightening during the night. Everyone says picking your dress is the best thing and you'll know straight away haha BUT i didnt haha and its nothing like i ever thought i'd have BUT it suits me and thats all I care about haha loads of others looked hidious and when I ordered mine there was a lot of LACE dresses around (royal wedding and all that stuff) and some people can carry these off BUT I cant and plus im really not that keen on them anyway!!!

I think your metabolism must have shot up last week with the diet so you were just able to burn the takeaways etc off really quick, but dont rely on that always being the case. BUT dont think about it too much either haha you did well.... I love the porridge but havent got many left now.. Might look on ebay and see if ican find some on there to just buy on their own :)
Ano I hope its a lovely sunny day for u hun hopefully the weathers just getting rid off all the nasty weather now lol fingers crossed eh!! Yeah I think the dress is so pretty u made a good choice huni. Its a weird one lol but no im not gna think like that im not even looking at it as if I have lost 2lbs I dont believe it in a way haha!! I just hope I loose this week cse nxt weeks my lst wk well ill stop for the wkend then ill get bck on the monday after, im a bit worried because it says drinking alcholol on kestosis it can be fatal im gna eat the nite before and try and kick myself out but am just worried it wont lol, im a worrier jst not sure how long it takes for kestosis to go and how many days before wud I start eating lol. I think if u eat lots carbs then shud kick me out straight away well im hoping thats what happens haha, did u find my page on facebook hun? Xxxxxxx
I cant really help because i dont really know much about ketosis!!! :( I'm sure you'll be ok though... just enjoy your time off and then jump back on when you can and go hard at it again. No cant find you on facebook!!!! its saying that no1 has your name hahaha xxxx
Yeah ill be be ok hun, thats weird how it aint coming up I just tried typing it on aswell and nothing, if u go pn to google and type my name in on search tab dnt know if it would come up then lolxxxxxxxxx
Its cool I just thought that it might be easier to chat via there haha... Its just strange how we seem so similar :) but good because we can keep each other on track hopefully.. About 20mins ago I got really hungry (thats because I was thinking about having a shake) but since talking with you i now think 'NO' haha and now im not really hungry at all... Just drinking some flavoured water, strawberry stuff from tesco that's citric acid free. Im assuming its ok to have as it says in the sticky note thing its ok BUT i sometimes doubt it. Normal water is just abit boring to have all day everyday xx
Ano we are very similiar its good though cse we go threw the dame things everyday. I jist had the same I started negatove thinking but I soon got myself out off that mode dnt know why because yesterday I was brilliant didnt even think bout food, but have thot today but nt enuf to give up n I aint gna lol, I gave up on my 2nd day last week I refuse to let it happen again haha, its just boredom wiv me it aint good, ive nearly drank 2lt off water today and im sick off going to the toilet every.2 mins arghh lol xxxxxxx
Just keep going and don't give up :) if you do i'll kick your arse haha... I just think that I want it so bad and nothing is worth the feeling of disapointment. I've drank loads as well today and I think thats the key to not feeling hungry. However it is only 2pm and have many more hours left of the day hahaha. BUT i shall not give in, not today anyway haha xx KEEP GOING xx