Seeking diet buddy

Im gna keep it up huni, I am feeling hungry though lok bt am ok, yeah water does help alot but its not very enjoyable lol but I can drink it ok, dreading my soup yukk lol xxxxxxx
Ahhh no what flavour soup have you got today?? Steve had some of the soups and the tomato one was PINK hahaha and just smelt yucky!!! I just stick to shakes and porridge. Have you heard so slimmm? I brought 70 of their shakes off eBay for £28.50 including postage!!! They are Swiss chocolate, mint chocolate, summer berries, vanilla and cafe mocha flavour and they are really nice... Same as exante just not so thick.. But calorie wise etc they are the same!!! Xx
I enjoy the shakes and they do fill me up actually but can always hear the water glugging around in my stomach haha... But I do have porridge for breakfast :) I only brought the slimmm shakes because they were cheaper but they really are quite tasty flavours.... :) the soups just don't sound nice to me!!!

Welcome aboard essexgirl stick with me an Leanne and we'll keep you on track (hopefully haha) good luck xx
Yeah I know that feeling haha!! Its even worse when u go to excersise lol!! u shud get the bars , it allows u to chew for 5 mins and actually feels like ur eating something( even though u are) but u know what I mean,haha!!! xxxxxxx
Yeh I like the bars steve had those BUT I get so tempted to have more than one haha.. I've just mixed up a mint chocolate shake really thick and still it in the freezer!!! I'm hoping I can make ice cream hahaha!!! :-D I'm going to start trying things out and seeing what I can come up with haha... Anythings worth a shot isn't it?? Xx
Yeah why not huni might make it that much eaisier to do the whole thing hope it goes well and majes some yummy ice cream lol, does steve do the diet aswell then? Xxxxxx
Steve did lighterlfe 2years ago and lost 10st in 5months!!!!! but he's just doing it for a few weeks again before we get married!! He's totally crazy though because he's kept his weight off... He did really really well and totally amazing!! Hense why I know these diets do work, exante is the same just cheaper xx
Thats amazing aint it!! Hes got brilliant willpower to do that well done!! I wish my bofriend would do it with me then I wouldnt have to mke his dinner every nite lol dnt matter anyway id still have the kids to do but it would motivate me that wee bit more at the wjends but hes to fussy for all that he eats nothing I like hes a bloody pain,lol!!! Xxxxx
All men are a pain hahaha... But no fair steves done amazing and keeping it offs even better. If I didn't know that it worked for him I'd still be very doubtful of these kinds of diets BUT I've seen the proof so it's even more annoying when I screw it up. I've got a headache :-( not bad but I'm just thinking it's to do with the diet so hopefully it's a good thing haha!! I just have to get through tomorrow, I always find day 3 the hardest.. Xx
Hey Hun hope your doing well and staying strong... I must be carrying loads of fluid because I'm feeling really fat today :-( most odd when im not eating haha. How u feeling?? Xx
Hey claire, yeah im ok today just done some excersise , knackered now hah!! Not been to hungry today ive kept myself busy so that I dnt think about it lol!! Yeah im the same must be all the water haha!! Hows ur day going hun? Xxxxxxx
Heya Hun my days not been to bad ta :) so far so good anyway haha... I'm just feeling really tired but that's not just to do with the diet, I haven't been sleeping very well....!!! Well done on the exercise :) I'm off to the gym in a little while... Hopefully that will wake me up xx
Aww hope ur feeling better soon bbe, get dome black coffee inside u that may give u a little boost, im just eating my tomatoe soup well frothy tomatoe I shud say. The blender makes it like that its bloody awfull lol! Keep strong huni xxxxx
Yeh I'll be ok :) and black coffee is a great idea haha... Just had my vanilla shake mmmmmmmmm made a shake up and put it in the freezer to make ice cream again haha it was really nice last night :) was nice because it felt naughty haha xx
Oh I meant to ask u how that went ! Thats great it worked aint it, sounds lovely I might just try that lol! Yeah soup was horrid I now hate that so gna have to change the soups, awk I dont know.take at a time I think lol!! Ive just sat down,been doing my gel nails keep my mind off eating haha maybe gna start having four products dnt know yet thinking bout it xxxxxx
Hi peeps, would you mind me joining you guys? you all seem very friendly and chatty! i have just started doing my 2nd week of Exante TS, before this i did 2 weeks of Cambridge ss, I changed because of the difference in price! but i am loving it. the Shakes are lovely, bars are great but soups i can stomach but make me feel a bit sicky!! x x
Hey course you can join us :) how you finding it so far???

Leanne I also thought about doing 4 packs a day as right now I am STARVING hahaha if I have anymore coffee I will look like a coffee bean and I just can't stomach anymore water haha.... Xx