Shelbell's Baby Diary

Thanks PH :)

Just got hubby to do another bump pic for comparison.

This was 10 weeks


This was 12 weeks -


This is today 19 weeks


see what I mean about small bump? I think it's actually shrinking. But the kickings a good sign though right, cos if baby wasn't growing properly I wouldn't be hitting the milestones like feeling the kicking at 17 weeks etc.

You can see that I've lost weight on them pics.
Oh yeah thats a big diffrence. I presumme there checking u very closely in the hospital?
Yup :( But they don't check for growth much until after the 20 week scan, as there isn't much they can do. They did a scan at 16 weeks but couldn't measure as it was a portable scanner, but development wise it looked consistent with 16 weeks. So we'll find out next week how we're measuring, and after that there will be a lot more scans.
((Hugs)) fingers x'd. Sending positive growth vibes for your baby for sure! ((Hugs)).

Is it 24 weeks that they'll help from? A friend of my neighbours lost a baby at 23 weeks - she was born but hey wouldn't help her. :( Very sad. She had twins later on at 24 weeks and they did everything they could.. they survived, one has special needs and one is fine. :) It's hard when 'rules' come into lives though.
We had a baby born in our neo natal unit at 22 weeks. And the last i heard it survived. That was about 2 years ago now. And in the ward just next door they do abortions up to 24 weeks. sad isnt it!
My goodness, I knew you could get an abortion up to 20 weeks, but not 24.. thats awful. Sorry but I'm against them unless for medical or psycological reasons. I have a friend who got rid of her baby as it was by the wrong dad would you believe! She has never conceived since and I think in a way it's justice. She desperately wanted more children yet didn't want that one. :(
Sorry don't normally get my soap box out here! lol

Shel - fingers x'd for a smooth 5 weeks for sure ((hugs)) I really really hope this works out this time for you, as we've gone this far together. ((hugs))
Late abortion has to be for medical reasons, including things like downs syndrome discovered at the quadruple/amnio testing. You have to have more than one doctor agreeing it is in your best interest etc too.
that's a relief it needs two Dr's. Though we do seem to be living in an age where if baby isn't perfect we're expected not to be happy to proceed.
A shame about the abortion advice from your GP Kirsty, I'd have been devestated with both Erin and this one if it had been 'assumed' I wouldn't want baby. :( Shows how many women they must see that want the advice though. :(
Hope all goes well. I know only too well what a stress having regular scan causes but at least they are keeping an eye on you. As you know mine was large for dates due to gest diabetes but the last estimate last mon was 7lbs 12oz so will find out thurs how accurate it is.
Best of luck

Moonflower that sounds like a great weight ((Hugs)) really hope that all goes well for you and bubs. Not long now eh! Must be getting excited.
Morning all. Have had a really strange couple of days, well mostly yesterday and so far today. I keep going dizzy, which is nothing new for me, but this time it's when I'm sat down or lain down! Started in bed yesterday morning, a couple of times I turned my head as you do in bed, and went dizzy. Has happened when I'm sat on the sofa, and more recently when I'm sat on the loo! My head feels quite odd, disorientated almost. Anyway, am seeing my nurse this morning for my injection so will mention it to her and get my BP checked as it has a habit of plummetting at the moment down to around 90/50 so it's possibly that.

On top of that, my IBS is back. Big time. I've had it for years (it comes with my fibromyalgia) but since the surgery I've only had 1 or 2 flare ups. Now that a lot of my other health problems are coming back with the pregnancy it seems the IBS has decided to join in too. So it leaves me with a dilemma. I know that if I cut out wheat, dairy, pork, turkey, MSG and cauliflower from my diet that the IBS won't be a problem (I have a lot of intolerances, and after testing cut them out and it pretty much cured my IBS a few years ago). The problem is, if I do that I will lose weight. I am eating a lot of those foods at the moment, because most high fat foods are wheat and dairy based, and even the substitute foods available tend to be low fat versions (and vile).

So, do I give up the list to sort out my IBS, and lose weight which could impact on my long term health and will make my consultant v unhappy, or do i keep eating them knowing that they are helping to maintain my weight at least, but with the caveat that my IBS is going to just progressively get worse?


On a positive note, the 20 week pic is lovely :)
Your dizzy spells may be due to anaemia(sp) I've been feeling light headed too lately even when just sitting watching tv. Rang my midwife and she mentioned low bp or low iron levels, I'm seeing her tomorrow so will be getting checked out.

With regard to your intolerences that's a hard one, like you say do you cut them out and risk losing more weight or put up with the pain of the IBS. Perhaps your consultant will be able to advise you or they may refer you to a dietician

Hope all goes well with the nurse this morning.
Morning Shell,
Sorry to hear about the IBS :sigh: Are you able to cut out some of the list to try and ease it? Would that work? Just thinking of turkey, pork, cauliflower, that you could get protein from other sources. Can you eat cheese? that would give you fat and protein in one hit.
There are a lot of wheat free items available now in wholefood stores - I have a friend who is wheat intolerant, a pest and the alternatives aren't as nice but an option hopefully.

I hope your nurse can sort something out regarding the dizziness. I have low BP naturally so in pregnancy get dizzy spells - mainly on standing still when my body doesn't keep my blood pumping as well. Normally lying down with elevated feet above my heart helps. I have had to do this sitting on the sofa a few time - hubby thinks I'm mad when he see's me with my feet in the air! lol It is a little odd that you're feeling it in bed though so maybe it is iron levels.

The 20 week pic is wonderful isnt' it!! I'm loving my 18 week one too.. much better than last weeks! lol

Lisa - you must be countind down seriously now! lol ((Hugs)) hope all goes well when baby does come. :)
My iron levels are fine, had them checked very recently. My BP is low at the moment so it could be that. I've noticed today it's related to head movement. If I put my head back or look up I go, or if I move my head from side to side too much. So maybe it's an inner ear/balance thing?

Spoke to the nurse this morning, well, cried all over her. She advised me to see the GP and get signed off work for 'a good few weeks'! Said I'll think about it.

I'm seeing my consultant on Wednesday so going to talk things through with her, and seeing my dietician on Friday so going to ask her about supplements like Fortimel, but not milk based or high sugar.

PH, I can have cheese, but it's dairy and sets me off. Cheese substitutes are vile. I'm going to look at substitutes for other things, get some wheat free pasta etc and lacto free milk, and atleast work at cutting down my intake of dairy and wheat as they are the worse two.
Morning all, just a quick update. Saw my GP this morning and the dizziness is labarynthitis. She's signed me off till the end of the week and made it quite clear she will happily extend it. My BP has plummetted again, down to 85/60 this morning :eek: so after work tonight that's it, I'm taking a break.

Only one more sleep till the scan!
Sorry didn't reply to your last post! Only just seeing it now!
Am SO relieved to hear you sounding like you are ready for that rest your body has been telling you you need ((hugs)).
Also that the dizziness is something they can treat / will ease.
My BP is only slightly different from yours 92/58 last time I tested - but this is 'normal' for me. I'm guessing yours isn't ((hugs)).

Also glad your GP has signed you off and will happily extend it. Don't push yourself hun, you and bubs need all the rest at the moment - the world will still turn and all that.. ((Hugs))
Really hope all goes well for your scan tomorrow. And that you find a way of lessening your intolerant food intake ((hugs)) even if you can't cut it out completely. There are some lovely soya based puddings, etc around these days so hopefully they'll help - you'll know what you can and can't have in them. might be worth trying to find some receipes that you can do yourself and know exactly what's in them too.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow x
Cheers PH :hug99: My BP is normally textbook 120/80 so it is rather low for me! I've stocked up today on things like lactofree milk and wheat free pittas and crackerbread etc, so i can atleast cut down my intake.

Saying that, I'm having spaghetti carbonara for tea - wheat - yup, milk - yup, cheese - yup, pork - yup, hmmmm, need to add some turkey and cauliflower to get the full hit!
lol Shel had to laugh at dinner tonight!! Dafty!! lol Glad you got some supplies in though will be interesting to see if it eases your ibs a bit at least. ((Hugs))
Fingers x'd your BP goes back up too.. I don't have any side affects these days on my BP and not at all normally 'in life' unless they try and take blood or do something medical on me! lol Then I flake out on 'em! lol So hopefully you won't have any side affects from the BP. Also my midwife wasn't in the slightest bit concerned by my BP - she just said that it's better to be low than high! lol