Siezing the day... whatever the day may bring !

Adieu mon amis x

Well ladies the time has come this year when I must unfortunately jump ship. Local government job evaluation being what it is has caused a reduction in salary which equals no spare money for lighter life.

I think the time is right as I am in a good place at the moment having firmly got it in my head that it is life that needs to change and my thought process, rather than it being just about getting the food right. If you know what I mean! God bless lighter life and the group work for helping me get that into my thick head lol

I know some of you will be thinking "oh no ! dont do it !" as your journey's are making steady progress towards your goals and you would want the same joy for me. Part of me also feels like that and worries about the next phase of my weight loss journey. Well worry is a little bit of an understatement ! However I am feeling strong and am going to capitalise on this feeling to move me over the next hurdle.

As I dont feel totally safe to take a freefall journey into food ( I dont want to have a phase of kiddy in a sweet shop), I am going to join a weight loss group to help me put some boundaries in around my eating while I am still feeling vulnerable. The aim being to build on my wonderful losses with lighter life and hopefully loose some more.

Would people mind if I kept my diary here for a little while .... not mentioning food of course just to get my thoughts down? I dont want to leave you all just yet, as you are LOVELY girls. I'll also start a new thread in the weight loss program of choice to discuss the eating bit.

I'd like to thank all those whose journey's I have shared along the way. Proud of you all, and wish you all the very best as you toottle on your increasingly lighter way.

All my love
Clara x
Really hope you do keep posting here. I love reading your posts. Sounds like your head is in a good place, which as you know is 80% of the battle! Really wish you well as you continue without lighter life. It must have been a difficult decision - but I'm sure you will succeed xxx
Thanks for that Spangly the reply means a lot x

Be comming to you for tips lol
Hi Clara,
Sorry you are in a position that you had to make this decision but glad that you are in a good frame of mind to move onto a new plan and keep moving forward.
I really hope you will keep posting, love your writings and would really miss you. xx
Thanks for that Birdy kind of you to say.

Well yesterday was the first full day of a return to chewy stuff not out of a pack. Kept is low carb and low fat as per eating plan. Was surprised my appetite has shrunk. That of the black hole that used to be my stomach!

Kept my water intake up as per Lighter Life, does make a hell of a difference. I was out and about later afternoon round about tea time, when I felt hungry. Then I thought, hang on ... could you be thirsty? Drank a bottle of water, happy girl, full as an egg. What a revalation that was, especially as a compulsive over eater! :8855:

Needing to up my exercise if I am increasing the calories in. Appart from the usual dog walking I am going to aim for 15 mins three times a week on my exercise bike. Well after I have blown the dust off anyway lol ( You can tell how the bad habits were established, brick by brick) May need to start in 5 min bursts as I have little cardio fitness. On a plus point though yesterday lots of movement, as a good clean was given to the kitchen and lots of washing done.

Going to be going through the Beck book on dealing with weight loss eating plans. Found it a good book when I have dipped into it before and will be a great help now I am back on the chewy stuff.

Avoiding my trigger foods like the plague, know what they are with bells on. Am facing the first weekend without the safety of the packs which is a little bit daunting. However I am clutching what I have learnt to me like a shield of steal, whilst I hurtile into the void of weekend temptation. Will let you know how I get on. Would hate to be a disappointment.

Anyway ladies, onwards and downwards !
So sorry this decision has been forced onto you, but like others I think it sounds as if you are giving it lots of thought etc.

Please don't stop posting I love reading your posts!, and wish you all the very best on your journey from here. I know what you mean about appetite shrinking, whilst away although I ate it was certainly in reduced quantities.

Keep posting xxxx
Thanks for that Lorna x need all the support I can get !
Hi Clara
Don't be a stranger. You are part of our forum. You have given such great support and advice to so many of us. We are still here for you too.
There will be challenges with food and emotions as you know as well as financial.
Keeping the water up is a good ploy too. It stops that empty feeling doesn't it?
Glad you know what your triggers are - you are half way there.
I'm a bit concerned about you having to dust the exercise bike off - I thought you were a sparkly Domestic Goddess nowadays having read your other thread!
You have done so well and I know you have the insight and determination to see this through in whichever way is best for you.
Good luck. Stay with us. xx
Hi Clara
I want to say a big thank you for helping me along when I was having bad days and for cheering me up with your cheeky humour.
Just keep your head out of the shed Ive stashed some goodies in their for a rainy day :8855:
I am sorry to hear you have had to ditch LL but glad to hear you are more aware of your trigger foods and taking with you a lot of the CBT learmt on LL.
I do hope you will continue to post as you are such a wonderfull lady with lots of help and avice and great at chivying people along.
Be kind to yourself and I hope you find happines, health and success in whatever weight loss plan you choose
Take care lovey lady.
Cathy xxxx
Hi Clara
I'm just back from holiday and catching up on some diaries and read of your tough decision that you have had to make. :wave_cry: As you say you are in a very good place right now, and I hope you continue to lose more weight, remembering the water is great. I had planned on Lite for my hols but didn't manage to keep my brat like child thoughts at bay, managed most of the time ok but had a strange head on, knowing what I was doing but unwilling to stop?????? What's that all about? WI tomorrow for the first time in 4 weeks so we will see what the damage is. I know I gained some on hols and was aware this would happen and went straight back to total today.
Money is really tight for me at the moment so hoping I can hold on and do Total for a few more weeks, then plan to do RTM. I have not really worked out my trigger foods yet, but know I will need to.
You are always so supportive of everyone, and knowledgeable please continue to post here :)
Hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the Beck book,

Take care

1 Week post Lighter Life.

Done well, thrilled to have lost a 1lb 1/2. Basically a low fat, low carb plan. Managing it quite well. My relationhsip with food feels quite different. I am staying mindfull around it and noticing what I am eating. Haven't gone ballistic, ( well only once, got carried away), and eaten everything in sight. Been out to eat and stayed on plan.
Ooops posted before I had finished.

Making use of my consultant in the weight loss group to plan my food. Time to acknowledge I dont know it all and so can benefit from any additional info to manage the chewy stuff.

Also will continue to see my LL counsellor on a monthly basis, she also does mentoring for me around my work issues. So I have a plan and am planning to stick to it.

Will update as I go along x
Well done lovely lady.Great to hear you are doing well with your chosen plan.
Keep us posted as it is great to hear how you are doing.There are some nice recipes in the RTM Phase 1 plan ask ,your LLC should be able to give you some.I have been making muschroom soup and celery soup now thweather is changing.
Keep up the good work.
Morning ladeez
Hope ya can help me,I was wondering how yr coping with black tea or coffee? My friends REALLY missing her morning fix of cuppa tea & been told to still splash a little milk in it... She's now only on day 3 & I know she really wants this to work x
In my experience most of us can get used to tea or coffee without milk after a short while, in fact I only drink my coffee black since doing LL.
Some people use the vanilla shake with coffee. It tastes lovely, like cappuccino.
LL isn't designed to include milk apart from the 1 milk week during Foundation.
I'm sure others will come along with their suggestions.
I started having my tea without milk a few days before starting LLT to get used to it. I didn't think I could do it but I just got it into my head that I had to stick to the plan. I am used to it now.
I just remember 20 years ago I used to have sugar in my hot drinks and I managed to change my tastes to having no sugar, so I can do the same with milk in my tea. I do make the tea a bit weaker though.
Phew!!!! She's done 3 days & decided it's not for her.... Weight watchers here she comes ;0)
I've done 35lbs in 17 weeks (2&half stone) & well impressed! I take my hat off to you ladies I really do x
Thanks for yr help wiv the milk does & dont's x