Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Hey Lozza. Not massively hungry as feel poopy today with a blocked nose and sore throat so that's a good thing in terms of the diet. Don't know if it's being ill or getting into ketosis again but massively tired and unmotivated :(. Can not focus at all today and am not really earning my salary to be honest!! No desire to eat bad things though...xx

I'm the opposite! When I'm ill I want to eat EVERYTHING! I hope you feel better soon. It will pass eventually. Why not get to bed as soon as you can? xxx
Hiya Jubbly ...i was mooching round matalan over chelmsford this afternoon...lots of nice stuff but only gave in to a couple of tops....hope your not gonna get too poorly hun...mind you i think i be getting early night tonight too as not much sleep last night grrrr ...xxxxxxxx
Ooh Valentine, you might have been there at the same time as me - about 4ish?? It was dead, there were a couple of old biddies finding dresses for their cruise though and making me chuckle. Well done for being restrained on your buys - certainly more so than me. And now I'm ridiculously looking for minature dachshund puppies online, like I can afford one of THOSE (adorably cute though)!!!

Looks like we all need an early night tonight then. I did get to bed early last night but was jumped on by OH so ended up not being so early after all ;). I think I have run myself down this weekend not sleeping well on sofa and futon (plus screaming baby) and messing around with body, coming on and off diet. Of course everyone is quick to tell you that you're ill because you're "not getting enough nutrition", nevermind the fact that I'm constantly getting infections and colds anyway...

Sadly I now have to wait until Boo comes to pick me up from work which might be in about an hour as he's got loads to do. Can't wait 'til car finally fixed. Have bought new engine - it's just sitting in my garage at the mo though!! xx
I was in there at about 3pm so we really did just miss each other lol..I am not too familiar with chelms so not sure if there is more than one Matalan..i was at the one opposite the ice rink...Have to say it never had a sale area like the one in colchester...I was just passing time as i was picking someone up from train station and they never made their connection so was very late...Mind you it did take my mind off of shakes n soups for the day lol....size 10..ooh misses your melting away xxx
Gah!! That's the one. I work right opposite the ice-skating rink car park :D xx
Oh I'm sooo silly. I don't know how I expected to eat all that food at the weekend and not reap the consequences, like I thought it would all be fine. I'm so going to have put on a few lbs, be back in the 10s and have wasted a couple of weeks. Boooooo. Rubbish. I hate diets sometimes. I'm almost considering not weighing in until next week but like I said before, I don't like starting to tweak rules and make allowances......

Ho hum. I'll know on Thursday :(. Right, I'm off for an early night after getting all emotional at Secret Millionaire!! Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow thin and beautiful (haha). Night night my lovelies xx
And tomorrow is another day as they say :)
Right, I don't care if it's got sucrose and citric acid in it - I'm having a max strength Lemsip. I did check if there were calories on the box but I got a big telling off from the health worker opposite me who told me I had reached the limits of ridiculousness in dieting. I am a snotmonger today. I don't know if my cold is messing up my sense of smell but the Lemsip smells like sweaty armpits??!!! :jelous:

More people telling me I'm ill because I'm not eating :sigh:.

Tomorrow's WI is looming. Ah well, there is nothing I can do other than be extra good today, and I don't feel like eating in any event so that's good. Boo was in a foul mood this morning as we got up late and I dithered about whether to come in or not. Been up at 4am trying to breathe :(. Oh woe is me....!! xx
Poor you Jubbly- get well soon so we can have some more food porn please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Co-workers are great and supportive aren;t they?!? Seems like these diets given anyone a great excuse to blame it for just about every emotion or feeling of unwell we get. Likelihood is you would have got a cold anyway babe so just ignore them. Dose yourself up and hope you feel beter soon so normal food porn service can resume xxxx
Poor you Jubbly- get well soon so we can have some more food porn please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO! :whoopass: Bad Gaga! Jubbly must stay 100% TS remember! LOL! ;)
And if it's not people telling you you're ill cos of your diet it's the doctor telling you (whatever is wrong with you) that you're ill cos you're overweight............ can't win really :(
Haha, food porn can resume whether I'm eating it or not - I have a very vivid imagination!! And besides, there is definitely some in store following Saturday's meal for Boo's dad's 70th in Suffolk...! xx
And if it's not people telling you you're ill cos of your diet it's the doctor telling you (whatever is wrong with you) that you're ill cos you're overweight............ can't win really :(

So true....:(
Bad Gaga likey the food porn hehehe! Doesn't have to be what's consumed....just general food talk me likey......yeeeee haa! nasty work people too. Don't let them get to you babes xx
It's frankly b0llocks that this diet would make you ill, we are taking in more vitamins and minerals etc than most people get from their normal food, and even though we are taking in less calories, our body is just burning our fat for calories! So we're not on a calorie defecit in the sense of our body needs them, our bodies are getting exactly what we need.

Anyway, my mum who is a biology teacher checked all the packets and website and stuff before I started and said it was fine, so tell everyone she says it's ok haha. xx
Oops, ate a bit of cold chicken for lunch (and not even very hungry??). Kidded myself I need to "starve a fever, feed a cold" or is it the other way round? Nevermind - I can't undo the weekend's food now anyway and chicken is always a good choice. Was delishy actually :D. And surprised I could even taste it!!

If I've put on more than 2lbs tomoz (therefore meaning less than a stone loss overall) I'm going to cry and cry!! My tummy looks very splodgy today. As do my arms. And thighs. On the plus side, the PH are getting things moving a little bit more...;) xx
Chicken's a great choice babe- at least it wasn't a chocolate eclair os some treacle sponge (note the food porn there!) How you feeling now after work?

And well said Jennie....couldn't agree more xx
Sadly of course I am still at work until my lift turns up, which is annoying as I want to be on my sofa!! One day I will mould into that sofa...

Mmmmmm, treacle sponge. With CUSTARD :D:D:D xx