Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Get you with your skinny features- sounds great Jubbles and well deserved too xx
Good things about being slimmer - skinner hands and arms (loving these, always very satisfying), the little dip near the bone near my wrist, skinnier ankles, seeing my collarbones, cheekbones visible.

Things to work on - my stomach still makes me feel sick, it's so blobby and massive :(

Hmm, never happy ;) xx

You could always just take to wearing floaty tops ;)
Yeah, I'm trying to work out what flatters me but I think floaty tops make me look even MORE top heavy. To my shame I own a Trinny and Susannah book and might need to dig that out, as I do every time I lose weight :sigh:. My clothes are in various states of stretchiness and despair. Yesterday though I tried on some dresses I haven't tried on for a while in an attempt to find something for tomorrow night - let's say I still need the Bridget Jones squashy pants. They hide a multitude of sins (and squidge them out under your bum!!). Looked OK with some heels though - so long as I can spend most of the evening sitting down!!

Cheeky scale jump this morning (stop it Clare) and 9 stone 10lbs but not moving that fecking ticker until next week - it did say this a week ago after all. Today I had a bar for brekkies, just had a shake a minute ago and, yippee, I had LUNCH at training as they did hot food which included pieces of cooked chicken with no sauce on. Yay!! So I sat down with colleagues with a plate of, ahem, FOUR chicken pieces (they were very small), three turkey slices and a mountain of lettuce. AND Boo just bought me a box of Coke zero tonight with a cool retro fridge magnet included - it's a good day :D. Still feeling a bit rough but I'm going to have a lie-in tomorrow morning which I reckon should see off the worst of it and, the best bit of all, (drum roll) - my car is being fixed tomorrow hooray!!!!

Looking a bit too forward to tomorrow's dinner....;) xx
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I suppose if I'm honest I can't really kid myself that I've been doing TS at all for about the last 2-3 weeks. WS is fine for me at this weight but I'm just concerned it's going to take WEEKS to lose the rest (and still considering reducing target weight)...xx
I now have an image of Bridget Jones's knickers fixed in my brain..... thanks :)
Mine are just the worst - flesh coloured ones that come up to pretty much under my boobs and a weird stitched bit where my bum crack is. Beautiful!! ;) xx
OH MY GOD!!!! I've just sent an email to a lady who is selling 3 puppies in Surrey. Just "to look at them if they are still available" you understand. They are super-cute Chiweenies. Need to be giving this some serious thought. xx
Well done indeed on such wise lunch food porn for us today hey!!! Sounds like you have cracked this TS malarkey! Puppies sound amazing too.....go for it then post lots of piccies pleeeeeeaze! xx
Oh they are pretty damn cute. I'm worried I'm not thinking this through seriously enough though. Having said that I can't believe for a moment that everyone who owns a dog is retired or out of work or a stay-at-home-mum. They are so cute I reckon they will have gone anyway :(. If I go for it then there will be muchos photies here trust me xx
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.........................
Gah, you guys should all be questioning my level of responsibility not encouraging me!!! ;) xx
nah just do it....I just wanna see cute fluffy wuffy puppies pictures.....oh so cute xx
nah just do it....I just wanna see cute fluffy wuffy puppies pictures.....oh so cute xx

:8855: We shall see....

Oooohhhhhh, in exciting news today I was 9 stone 9 lbs, but it was a scale hop so doesn't count. TWO numbers in my weight - hurrah!!

Had a massive lie-in and feeling better now (although had very odd dreams). Pete's outside fixing my car, the sun is shining - could it get any better??

Have an awesome weekend everybody :) xxxx
aww bless them - we have two pupply doggies and we both work - they keep each other company during the day - maybe you should get two of them!
Oh no, Boo would go ape if I suggested two. I don't think he realises how much I actually want one (I think he's hoping it'll go away. Having said that, he looked at the pictures of the puppies last night and almost melted at how cute they are)!!!!

Gah, car can't be finished until Monday - bless, it's taken Pete over 4 hours just to get my engine out!! Nevermind, I've been waiting long enough so two days doesn't make much difference. Mmmmm, lovely smelling cinnamony banana bread cooking in oven and I also had to make bacon and egg sarnies this morning. Must resist urge to lick out bowl - going to put washing up liquid on it now!!! xx
Jubbly said:
Oh no, Boo would go ape if I suggested two. I don't think he realises how much I actually want one (I think he's hoping it'll go away. Having said that, he looked at the pictures of the puppies last night and almost melted at how cute they are)!!!!

Gah, car can't be finished until Monday - bless, it's taken Pete over 4 hours just to get my engine out!! Nevermind, I've been waiting long enough so two days doesn't make much difference. Mmmmm, lovely smelling cinnamony banana bread cooking in oven and I also had to make bacon and egg sarnies this morning. Must resist urge to lick out bowl - going to put washing up liquid on it now!!! xx

Lmao but they are only teeny :)
Oh, oh, oh, the boy is the only one left from a litter of 7 and he's the cutest one!! Might see him Tuesday but bet he will have gone by then. All the girls gone - why do people prefer girl dogs to boy dogs I wonder?? xx