Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Oh and approx estimated weight around 10 stone 4 I reckon - one WHOLE stone on from what I managed to lose. Of course, as I refuse to WI, it could be WAY MORE than this and this is my mortal fear (actually, 10 stone 4 would be bad enough. I'm just going to live in ignorant bliss, no doubt until I reach 11 stone again)......pah.....
Jubbly said:
Oh and approx estimated weight around 10 stone 4 I reckon - one WHOLE stone on from what I managed to lose. Of course, as I refuse to WI, it could be WAY MORE than this and this is my mortal fear (actually, 10 stone 4 would be bad enough. I'm just going to live in ignorant bliss, no doubt until I reach 11 stone again)......pah.....

I take your 1 and raise you 2 :p
Yep! I've put on about 2 stone!!!!!!!!! I suck more than you!!!!

Well I may win the sucking competition as I haven't actually got on those scales for about a month now. And you had a wedding in between anyway didn't you? At least there's a guy in the world that HAS to love you now no matter what weight you are, what hope do I have???? Especially when all of Boo's female friends (of which there are many) weigh as much as my frigging leg??? ;)
Jubbly said:
Well I may win the sucking competition as I haven't actually got on those scales for about a month now. And you had a wedding in between anyway didn't you? At least there's a guy in the world that HAS to love you now no matter what weight you are, what hope do I have???? Especially when all of Boo's female friends (of which there are many) weigh as much as my frigging leg??? ;)

I haven't weighed either that's a conservative estimate Hun and you know he loves you! Now step off that crazy perch and dial the paranoia down a few notches ;)
It's all fixable darling just take a deep breath and make a plan xxx
Well I have at least printed out another "Chart of Doom" for the kitchen cupboard up until 23/08/12!!!!! At least putting that up (the last one ran out at the end of 2011 will, allegedly, spur me on. And it's stupid cold packet chicken for dinner....yuk....
Jubbly said:
Well I have at least printed out another "Chart of Doom" for the kitchen cupboard up until 23/08/12!!!!! At least putting that up (the last one ran out at the end of 2011 will, allegedly, spur me on. And it's stupid cold packet chicken for dinner....yuk....

Oh bless you :) x well done for taking control x
ExanteNewbie said:
I wondered about that. Bit empty isn't it. Bit worrying for a newbie. Do people often leave the site when they hit goal?

The exante section is under a year old and the maintainance section is only a few months old and not many get to goal so late in the year :)
Also people tend to post less when they aren't actively dieting :)
Oh the horror. 10 STONE 5 LBS. Urgh. 5lbs on over Christmas, which was already added to the 4lbs or so I had put on over holiday and that was added to the few lbs I had put on since July/August when I was lovely, lovely 9 stone 4lbs *sighs wistfully*. One stone 1lb to lose. As a miniscule consolation, it was flickering between 10 stone 4lb and 10 stone 5lb which at least means only a tiny effort to lose that 1lb and have a nice round 1 stone to lose (if only I hadn't had the noodles with my stir fry last night....).

I am now closer to the weight I started at than my target and moreover, I am probably about the same weight I was this time last year, making the whole period between April and November-ish a futile waste of time (just like all the other diets).

Plan of action - when I have some money, get some chocolate, vanilla and choc-orange bars. Do about 2-3 weeks of TS with protein/veg meal as and when I need it to try and shake off the majority of that stone. Then try and figure out the rest of my life....

Now to amend my ticker *sob*....
Hmmm. That depressed me.

New "things to lose weight for":

1) Need to be 10 stone or under for January 30th, Boo's birthday. Was fat for his last year and simply refuse to be fat for this one.

2) My birthday March 1st - want to be 9 and a half stone or under by then. My 27th, 28th and 29th birthdays were nice and slim - 30th (especially) and 31st were fat. Better make sure the 32nd is slim again or it's just all too terrible....
Or alternatively:

1) To 10 stone - a third of the way there.
2) To 9 stone 9lb - two thirds of the way there.
3) To 9 stone 4lb - TARGET.

That doesn't look so bad....ignore my ramblings btw....
This is like reading my own story lol
I got to 9.3 maintained nicely, went on holiday gained 7lbs, lost 7lbs then November - Christmas hit and BAM I'm 10.5! Feel like a beast!

I'm re starting again on Monday when I'm back at work. The distraction helps me stay focussed that and the fact my uniform is tight!

Good luck x
Ah Lil, hi, I remember us having similar goals and working at it at the same time before. Sadly I wish I could say this was utterly unexpected but I've been here before boo-hoo. It seems each time I get to target I stay there for less and less time each time. However, to try and be positive, I also tend to gain less weight each time before I do something about it. It's just that everyone tries to be so nice and say they can't notice but how can someone NOT notice a one stone gain? Ridiculous. I'm also hoping to start again next week, need to get this under control as I've just eaten 4 sausage rolls and 3 mini rolls (whole lotta rolls going on here)......xx
Yep, I was too skinny at 9.3 but a stone later, and apparently I look great and no one can tell I've put weight on!! I smell a porky pie!
*waves Hi DQ
It's just not true, I'm so sure people are just being nice (although I'm sure you look lovely Lil). Photos are the concrete evidence if in any doubt. I have had the same and Sophie said to me that I got really skinny in Summer when I got to 9 stone 4lb. Skinny?? I got to 8 and a half stone when I first did this. There's a girl here who's under 8 stone and a bit taller than me!!!! People seem to have different rules for different people and I'm somehow not "allowed" to get to a smaller weight. I can tell for sure that my face particularly has got fatter and as for my stomach....bleurgh....

I couldn't start Exante this week as I don't have the funds boo-hoo. Had a roll with pate for lunch and a minature Mars bar. Oh dear *sigh*. I don't even know WHAT I'm doing now. I seem to have extended the Christmas overeating period to about 6 weeks as I started early (holiday) and am still doing it!!! I had 2 hangovers this weekend - I need to get a grip.....xx
You'll get back there jubs x hey lil *waves*

I really hope so Dusty. It makes me sad when I think about my weight and how I'm getting older and have wasted too much time being fat and/or yo-yo dieting throughout the years:(. I thought my life had started at 26 when I lost 4 stone but turns out it was just the beginning of a different problem altogether xx