Size 10 screaming to get out!!

Right, weekend going OK so far but really need to get much more water down me (and had diet coke at pub earlier as no coke zero and didn't want water). Yesterday lots of chicken , a shake and a bar. Today the same though may have another shake later. Off out in a mo for a night on soda water, can't wait. Even worse, it's snowy and I hate driving in it. No doubt I will be watching Boo get drunk tonight (he loves it when I'm dieting)...Why oh why do I feel fatter than two weeks ago?? xx
Woah, the roads were far too scary and a car slid everywhere in front of me so we spent about an hour and a half driving most of the way to Bishops Stortford and then back again. The dog doesn't know what to make of the snow! It looks lovely out there.

Hmmm, I have tried to drink more today but I have had more Coke Zero than you could shake a stick at and a chicken leg, a chicken thigh and a bit of frankfurter as well as a shake and a bar. Now a nibble or so at some protein is OK but I think I'm having far too much and a veg or two wouldn't go amiss....x
Jubbly said:
Woah, the roads were far too scary and a car slid everywhere in front of me so we spent about an hour and a half driving most of the way to Bishops Stortford and then back again. The dog doesn't know what to make of the snow! It looks lovely out there.

Hmmm, I have tried to drink more today but I have had more Coke Zero than you could shake a stick at and a chicken leg, a chicken thigh and a bit of frankfurter as well as a shake and a bar. Now a nibble or so at some protein is OK but I think I'm having far too much and a veg or two wouldn't go amiss....x

My puppy is loving the snow she's been out biting it and pouncing on it lol
Uh oh, here comes the constipation. And I've been taking 2 PS capsules a day as well. Stupid diet. x
Oooh, Mattesons Smoked Pork Sausage in all its processed glory has 0 carbs in it. Had a few cubes of that for lunch with my bar. Didn't get anything to eat or drink until half one today as was at court. Not hungry though so reckon I'm in ketosis. STILL feel bloated and crappy though and swear tummy hanging down all over the place when I lie on my side (well, it IS hanging down all over the place - I can feel it). Where's my period? It's gonna be a horrid one. Diets always mess with my hormones...xx
Bleurgh. STILL feel gross. Photos of me on FB, look massive, v upsetting. I go on a diet for all of 2 weeks and expect to look like Kate Moss ha!! Mind you, I was wearing tights, 2 pairs of socks, leggings, wellies, vest, T-shirt, jumper, jacket, hat, gloves and scarf which is surely enough to make anyone look like the Michelin Man? Not hungry at all on diet, a good sign. Breaking it next Tuesday for Valentines :) xx
Woah, the boss had her son's Christening on Sunday and has bought in leftovers. Expecting annoying cakes, she has in fact bought in a good 40-50 bits of cold chicken. I'm in heaven. I think I've had 10 bits already. Anyone knows what happens if you have too much protein? Will I turn into a body builder?? ;) xx
Jubbly said:
Woah, the boss had her son's Christening on Sunday and has bought in leftovers. Expecting annoying cakes, she has in fact bought in a good 40-50 bits of cold chicken. I'm in heaven. I think I've had 10 bits already. Anyone knows what happens if you have too much protein? Will I turn into a body builder?? ;) xx

Lmao I don't think so, think you might turn into a chicken though lol
Heehee, I have a load more of it to take home as nobody seemed to want it!! I also have all the bones to make stock and people seemed to think that was a bit weird....xx
Not hopeful at all for tomorrow's WI. Not allowed to be avoidant however and MUST do but really feeling very fat. I've reassessed the chicken situation (having had more at lunch which I wasn't intending to do but I forgot to bring in a shake) and realised that some of what I've been eating is defo very very bad as it has some sort of weird BBQ or spicy sauce on it. So basically I doubt I'm in ketosis and probably consuming muchos calories.

V tired and can't concentrate. Rubbish. Can only ascribe to diet as sleeping OK. In fact now I really think about it, I feel absolutely awful...xx
Good luck for your WI, I'm sure you'll see a 9!!
Oh hun good luck for WI but yes I think you need to go to ChickenMunchersAnonymous!!

Heehee, me too. You think I'd get sick of chicken but no, I never seem to!! I remember having so many sardines at one point when maintaining before that I can barely look at another sardine!!

Right, I'm IN BACK THE NINES. 9 stone 12 lb to be precise. Stomach still v bloated and if this stupid TOTM comes I'm sure that would help. Two lbs loss - meh, not fantastic. But let's be honest, I haven't really been following the diet properly.

For a better weight loss next week (even despite the dinner I know I'm having on Valentines night) I must:

a) Drink way more water.
b) Eat way less chicken, and none with any sort of marinade on it.

That should sort it.

Would like to hit next target 9 stone 9lb for next week as birthday not that far off now but must acknowledge that scales going down, which is all v positive, and that I must just CHILL OUT about it all. For today I aimed to do TS but there's still more of that chicken in the fridge here....!!!! xx
Yay to being 9 st something!!
Oh no, been sooo good this weekend and then just had two mouthfuls of rice. I LOVE rice. BIG downfall for me (could be worse though surely?). Grrr to STILL no period and horrid toilet issues...better be worth it...!! xx
Why oh why have I offered to make cakes for everyone in the office on Thursday? That will be torture. Tsk. Someone here eating cheese toastie and about to chew own arm off. Also everyone eating chocolate to get through inspection week and it's driving me insane. First inspection interview at 3.30 gah!!! xx
Jubbly said:
Why oh why have I offered to make cakes for everyone in the office on Thursday? That will be torture. Tsk. Someone here eating cheese toastie and about to chew own arm off. Also everyone eating chocolate to get through inspection week and it's driving me insane. First inspection interview at 3.30 gah!!! xx

You're mental jubs! Tell them you can't as you've just developed a severe cake allergy x
I make cakes for a living and today's hell!!
Oh no, poor you. I don't think I could make cakes for a living as I'd end up eating them all. It's the bowl full of mix that's left over that gets me every time. I usually end up making, say, 11 cakes instead of 12 as I've eaten at least one in mix before I've even put them in the oven!

Just had a hot and spicy sausage from TESCO. V v naughty (and I'd been doing so well after all apart from random rice fix). I figured I need it for the stupid interview...probably low carb I should think...xx
Dustqueen, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the doggie. He does look like he is dangling a cat from his mouth in the photo however?!! xx