Total Solution Slim for christmas!!!

Well done for fighting the cravings :)
Well done! Those 11's are so close now :)
Come on 11's!!!!!!!! Can't wait to read that you've got there :D x
Lol, what is it with me and Sundays??? Fell head first into a bag of pork scratchings - 3/4 lb on this morning lol, so 12st 1.75lb!! The 11s will have to wait a few more days!! No food events til Thursday so hopefully will see them before then, albeit probs only briefly!! And so far, nothing planned next weekend so hopefully I'll finally have a well behaved one!!

Happy Monday :)
Way to go for starting c25k! :)

Your post made me laugh, of all the things to fall head first into....why do we never fall into anything healthy? xx
Way to go for starting c25k! :) Your post made me laugh, of all the things to fall head first into....why do we never fall into anything healthy? xx

Lol, coz there was nothing healthy there!! ... Actually in fairness there was a fruit stand... And one which did salad... And a fish stall.... Hmmm well nope looks like I just really fancied that scratchingy goodness!!! There's leftovers on the dining room table but I will not succumb - one naughty day per week is more than enough!!

Am I allowed to post a link to a restaurant I'm going to with work on Thursday? Wanted miniminners opinions on what to order if you'd all be so kind but I'm never sure what you are and aren't allowed to put links to...?

Woohoo! Let me know how you get on :)
Good going there Kylie. How many times a week will you be doing it x
Good going there Kylie. How many times a week will you be doing it x

3, maybe 4 times Susie, and possibly the 30 day shred on the days I don't run!! Tummy looking flatter for holiday :) I wouldn't want an action shot taken of me running down the beach or anything mind, but not breathing on the sun lounger whilst in an impossibly awkward position I reckon I could pull off ;-) will pop over to your diary to see how you're doing lovely :)
I wouldn't want an action shot taken of me running down the beach or anything mind, but not breathing on the sun lounger whilst in an impossibly awkward position I reckon I could pull off ;-)

Ha! I love this description and know exactly what you mean :)

Good for you on your first run :) x
I don't mind a link to a restaurant, I'll choose my dream meal :)

Ken Hom was on the radio earlier and mentioned a Chinese restaurant in London - I came home and bookmarked the page and chose the meal I'm having when I go :D x
I don't mind a link to a restaurant, I'll choose my dream meal :) Ken Hom was on the radio earlier and mentioned a Chinese restaurant in London - I came home and bookmarked the page and chose the meal I'm having when I go :D x

What a good idea :)

Right, here's the link - let me know what you think? It'll be a three courser, but I can deffo skip out on pudding, think I'll look like a weirdo if I don't have a starter though?

3, maybe 4 times Susie, and possibly the 30 day shred on the days I don't run!! Tummy looking flatter for holiday :) I wouldn't want an action shot taken of me running down the beach or anything mind, but not breathing on the sun lounger whilst in an impossibly awkward position I reckon I could pull off ;-) will pop over to your diary to see how you're doing lovely :)

LOL ,funny enough I was just looking at our hotels web site & they don't have sunbeds on the beach, instead they have these kind of half deck chair half bed things. Its going to be very difficult to hide any belly sitting in those. Think I'll need a nice Italian to pull me out of it as well cos I wont stand a chance on my own :eek: x
What a good idea :) Right, here's the link - let me know what you think? It'll be a three courser, but I can deffo skip out on pudding, think I'll look like a weirdo if I don't have a starter though? :)

Are you looking for the least fattening options? Gazpacho is low fat low calorie
And you can't go wrong with steak or fish and a salad or veggies - no sauce or butter