SlinkySons diary to the new me!!!

Hope you're feeling better Sonia and you're on a roll today x
thank you both i feel loads better today and ive promised myself to not go longer than 4 hours between food, the times of eating will change due to where im working etc but the prinicple needs to be followed, i very nearly gave inj last night because of the pain i knew that if i ate something it would go but i couldnt ive worked too hard this week!

After much thought ive decided to get as close to 11.7 or 11 stone with slim and save then move onto JUDD been reading loads about it and chatting to ex S&S ers about it but for now im happy on this as i know the losses are excellent! So i will still be here for a good 4 weeks or so i would have thought! when i was 14.8 at my biggest i lost 2stone in the first month on slim and save, however this time round im starting off at a lower weight so im not expecting miracles! due to being away this evening i weighed myself today as there wont be any weigh in scales at the hotel lol so in 6 days im 12.8 which is 6lbs loss im so happy with that seen as i had already lost 4 the week before on ww! i reckon i would probably lose another 1lb or so tomorrow but will have to wait till next week i think because peoples scales are all different arnt they so im best just weighing on mine :) only 2 stone and 1 lb to go till i actually reach my full goal :) i may change it to 10 stone when i get near it but for now 10.7 is achievable

So today im waiting for my order to arrive which should be here before 3pm
ive had a BL bar for breakfast well actually only had it 30mins ago, just been busy cleaning totally forgot to eat! i sure do love ketosis :)
for lunch i will have spag bol either on its own or with brocoli and mushrooms not sure yet
then later some turkey and to finish a choc brownie ohhh hell yeah i friggin cant wait im wishing the hours away till this eve when i can snuggle up with a decaf coffee and a brownie yum yum
oh im not recording my weight loss on my signature or in the weekly wi just incase i can get out of staying over and just set off early to whitehaven instead! basiccally im a north west based beauty educator so i travel about and sometimes have to stay over but its only 2 hours away i dont mind travelling then that way i can weigh tomorrow and maybe will have lost 7lbs or still the 6lbs either way im chuffed :)))
Good to set yourself realistic goals and an achievable plan hun. You'll do great!
Well officially 1 week completed 100% 7lbs lost in the first week yippee megga chuffed with that, so thats 11lbs in 10 days!
Well done hun that's fantastic Xx
well day 8 and i must admit it! im finding it really easy which is shocking me! however, that said! i have a carvery meal to attend this saturday so im going to have 3 packs and a protein meal that day and make sure i only have protein and veg with no gravy and certainly no carbs. Got to stay strong ive worked too hard to lose this weight!
Carvery is easy be fair..eating out anywhere is simple on plan, anywhere will do plain protein for you :)

Lots of meat & veg, lovely xx
Half a stone in a week is pretty damn great. I am so looking forward to this diet. Cant believe the losses.
Well day 9
And i have to be honest first morning that ive actually woken up hungry and a little bad tempered! TOTM isnt due for a while so not sure why im feeling this way! anyway off to Manchester gteaching now till 7pm so hopefully i feel a bit better soon! i wont break my diet im not that daft but i am feeling a little peeved off! hope everyone has a good day :)
TOM can come anytime on this diet so probably is pms! Take it easy nice hot drinks, plenty water the hunger will pass

You're doing great, keep it up! x
Thanks ladies i feel im doing ok, just stressed i reckon! plus my cycle is all over the place, the whole reason im back here to lose weight is so that we can have a babay and i wont carry really heavy! so basically im losing weight to gain it well not fat just baby weight, all my family carry really big and i dont want to get diabetes like they all have so im sticking it out even if i am bad tempered with pms etc!

Well day 10
And as much as i feel slimmer today, i got on the scales for a sneaky peak and ive gained 3lbs which has totally peeved me off wish i hadnt got on the scales now, i seriously need to be doing this for at least 1 month then go onto either JUDDD or WW to shift the rest slowly! i love slim and save as in the support you get and it really is less hassle than most diets but this water thing isnt helping me! im going to stay off the scales now till weds and see how i get on! only thing i think it could be is water retention is not totm for 2 weeks yet but i did eat two pieces of ham yesterday with green salad as my protein option as i was out and about no dressing or anything naughty though suppose im just abit mift if i hadnt got on the scales this update would have probably been abit more positive :( oh well on wards and downwards off to Manchester now so no time to think about food!

have a great days S&S ers :) xxx
Try and stick to the weekly weigh in if you can hun at the same time of day. We fluctuate even
during the day so you don't want to see a "fake" gain when you don't need to xx
Yeah I know your right! I just felt slim and my clothes are baggier today so I assumed I'd lost a few more pounds but hey HO, by weds it better have gone and a few more really want to get into the 11s by then end of August only 8lb from last weds wi to go till I'm there :)))))) thanks for listening to me moan :)))) xx
It's in your newly baggy clothes that you see the "real" losses anyway hun.
It's the measurements that really count not a number on an inanimate object!
You're doing brill, stay calm and focussed. Here come the new improved us!
Hey ladies been mega busy with work! Dashing around like I don't know what, sticking to the packs and fluids and yet I've gained 4lb since I last weighed in!!!! ? I'm do confused I haven't cheated I haven't had citric acid or anything been drinking at least 3 litres a day! Been walking but not over doing the exercise more so because I don't have the time with work!

I'm gutted I feel fat aswel where as the other day when I checked my weight I actually felt slimmer! Well nope not today I'm bloated and have a muffin top in my trousers do started wearing leggings to avoid discomfort and over hang! Im desperately wanting to lose weight I just don't know why I'm plateo-ing so early in my weight loss plan fair enough if I'd been on the plan a few months but two weeks!!! Plus the totm isnt due till around 12tj august! Only other thing I ca put it down to is that I'm pregnant now! But I won't know till nearer the 12th so I will carry on a little longer and if I get no loss at all by the 12th august I may just have to do a pregnancy test to see what's going on!

This has never happened to me I usually lose a lot at the start of any diet!

Anyway rant over! Hope everyone else is doing great xx
Found You!! keep going hun we know it works xxxx
Mega chuffed this am
I seem to have has a whoosh on the scales will record it tomorrow! I'm in cold, wintertime, wet Blackpool all day so won't get Chance to post much but will have a look at lunchtime as it helps me to stay focused and keep off naughty things :)