Sonia's diary

..... and the walk will benefit you too - everyones a winner! xxx
Well its now beginning of day 3 and I am still feeling on track *phew*. I am just going to take it one day at a time.

I have been doing wii fit too start off with a few yoga poses and for some strange reason my trainer on it says I have excellent posture, lol. Then I do the step aerobics the long version of it about 3 times then I do the short run. Fingers crossed I as time goes on I will be able to do the long run. I will start doing some of the other stuff on it but for now I am going for yoga as it stretches muscles getting me ready for the step aerobics and running which burns off those big bad calories.:)
Glad you are back on track Son, it feels so much better when we are in control doesn't it?!
Glad you are back on track Son, it feels so much better when we are in control doesn't it?!

Thanks hun it does feel so much better being in control. I am petrified of falling of the band wagon again. Thats why I am just taking each day as it comes. Rather than thinking OMG I got 8stone plus to lose.
I had a wii and used it occassionally but then couldn't be bothered, got bored etc and now I tend to go out for a walk instead, I find it clears my head too.
Am really glad you're back focussed hun. xxx
Ooooh I didn't know Wii included yoga - we can compare postures altho I'm just doing it from dvds! :D

Yeah it has yoga on it teaches you how to breathe right while your doing it too its really good. I have not got any of the harder moves on it yet just a few stretches. There is one where you stand on one leg that looks a little funny If I tried that I would end up in a heap on the floor lol.
You know your new start date is 08/08/08 well the Chinese started the Olympics at 8 mins past 8 on the 8th August (8th month) 2008 - cos its lucky..... that must be a sign for ya xxx
Yeah it has yoga on it teaches you how to breathe right while your doing it too its really good. I have not got any of the harder moves on it yet just a few stretches. There is one where you stand on one leg that looks a little funny If I tried that I would end up in a heap on the floor lol.

Some of the balancing poses are - shall we say - challenging!! :giggle:
You know your new start date is 08/08/08 well the Chinese started the Olympics at 8 mins past 8 on the 8th August (8th month) 2008 - cos its lucky..... that must be a sign for ya xxx

Cool fingers crossed I could do with some good luck...:D
you dont need luck - you'll be great, you know what to do xxx
I think I should take a leaf out of your book - one day at a time. I think maybe I have been focussing too much on the long term goal
I think I should take a leaf out of your book - one day at a time. I think maybe I have been focussing too much on the long term goal

Yeah I have always done that I say to my self ok I will set a small goal of say lose 7Lbs in a month. I will lose 1Lb on a week I have tried really hard and think omg its going to take for ever to get to goal. Instead of congratulating myself for losing 1Lb I am looking at the long term.

I have just said to myself now take every day as it comes and every Lb lost is something to celebrate.
Well as always I got on the scales when I got up this morning and although I know I need to lose another lb just for a STS this week I decided instead to just be pleased that they are showing a lb less than yesterday. Little by little
Morning all well I weighed myself this morning. I a very pleased with the result my scales gave me lets just hope the SW scales are just as friendly. I wont say what loss I have had yet I will leave that till official WI on Thursday eve.:D