Sorry another question(!) - when people say 1st few days are hard...

Everyone says the first few days are hard but I'm wondering what it is about it that's hard.

I assumed it would be the hunger but at the end of day 1 I just feel nauseous, tired and like I'm coming down with something (oh, and the headache too).

Is this normal? Feel quite...odd!
Yes, it's definitely normal and due to carb withdrawal. It will pass though in the first week.
Some people do feel very hungry some don't. As BG said carb withdrawal can be hard. Often day 3 or 4 is difficult but most people are in ketosis by day 5.
yep day 3 and 4 are the killers for me... headache that would kill any man, no energy.. urgh. Luckily it passes quickly, although I do have the odd day of no energy now and again but the headaches go as long as you drink lots of water :)
day 1 and 2 were the worst foe me,headaches from hell :cry: but im on day 6 now and its going well,im in ketosis and not hungry :D