Stace, Lorraine and Chantelle's 2 stone crimbo challenge

Stacey - now 15st 13lb target 13st 13lb
28lb - 2lbs down 26 to go!
Lorraine - now 16st 13lbs target 14st 13lb
28lb - 5lbs down 23 to go!
Chantelle -
28lb - 4lb down 24lb to go!

i lost 1/2lb and its my * week so am ok with that, considerin i havent stuck to it 100% either

hey girlies.
I weighed and lost .5lbs last night. Not weighing in at sw anymore as cant afford it but my scales were the same so i knew the week before i hadnt lost a thing lol.

Stacey - now 15st 13lb target 13st 13lb
28lb - 2lbs down 26 to go!
Lorraine - now 16st 13lbs target 14st 13lb
28lb - 5.5lbs down 22.5 to go!
Chantelle -
28lb - 4lb down 24lb to go!