Sunday Weighers... or is it only me?

Morning Sunday weighers!!!!

How ow did we do?

Ive be just weighed and have lost 2lb this week. I'm such a slow loser but as they say, as least it's off and not on :)

goodluck today everyone! Xxx
Well done everyone and welcome back Jenna! I remember you from when I used to be on here a few years ago. I'm still rubbish. I'm not following SW and I just can't get my brain in gear at the moment? Good luck to everyone! Trace x
Only 1/2 lb off for me this week... But I'm not too disappointed as I haven't been an angel this week & I had birthday cake yesterday. And it nicely rounds up my total weight loss to 10 lbs :)
Hey everyone, how are you all? I'm currently trying to shift 4st in total, I have a 3 month old who I'm currently BF. This week was a 2lb loss bringing my grand loss total to my 1st stone since the beginning of Jan. X
Hi everyone!

I started Slimming World at the end of Jan and was doing really well, 8.5 lbs off in the first six weeks (includes gaining 2lb one week) then weighed in today and I've 3lb back on ugh! We were away during the week and I decided to use flexible syns and enjoy myself but went a bit overboard and totally forgot (ignored) my upper limit :/

Anyway, back on it from today and making an effort to stick to the plan. I just wanted to ask some of you more experienced Sunday a bad day to weigh in?

Thanks in advance for any advice :)

Rana x
Hello all :) I guess everyone is sleeping in :)
I started Slimming World on Monday but it's not a good day to be weighing in so I decided to move it to Sunday. So after 6 days on SW at home I am 1,5kg or 3.3lb lighter and I am below 18st mark which makes me very happy! :)
That's fantastic.. well done :)
I'm new!

Hi, I weighed in Sunday morning for the first time since having my daughter and I need to lose 2 stone. I don't know how succesful I will be at the moment as my daughter has been in and out of hospital, but I'm going to give it a good go - at least it's something else to think about. Did a big shop today so hopefully I'll be ok for the week. Will let you know next Sunday how well I did (fingers crossed!) xx
Feeling brave ;) We're recording ours together as we do it at home but I'll try to commit to putting on here too.
Sunday Morning weigh in - 14st8 and 3/4s :) Last month I was at 15st6 but wasn't committed to the plan or tracking.
I'm doing SW at home, it's my second week and I've lost 1.6 lbs - any other Sunday weighers out there? I can see that there used to be a fair few but I guess many of them will have drifted away when minimins was not available. So pleased it's back as I need a bit of support.
I'm back on minimins after having a break and gaining 4stone in 18 months (I'm so annoyed with myself but I need to keep telling myself I have still lost some weigh) and I will do it again.

This time next week I'll be on here with an update on how much I've lost on my first week :)