Sybersadie's Diary

Wow, someone is up early Becky!

All going well with me. Working from home today so should be no social food distractions.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
I know I always wake early and I can never get back to sleep lol x
Me - I usually have to drag myself out of bed :(
Hey just had to tell you I've just had my first peppermint tea and loved it! Thanks so much x
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Hey just had to tell you I've just had my first peppermint tea and loved it! Thanks so much x

I moved over to mint tea when I started this diet - a replacement for all the regular tea with milk that I would get through in a day. And actually, I love it now :)

@Darcy15 I had a good day yesterday, thanks.

I had a late start, which usually happens when I work at home, and worked 'til late. Got loads done finishing around 8.30 and had my last pack at 8.45 - unusually late for me. Then in the middle of the night I woke up hungry! Not sure if that was the late eating or what:confused:

Anyhow, today is going to be a long one too. Working in the office today then meeting my OH off the train this evening and on to meet friends for a drink - well soda water!

As I am out so long and don't have any microwaving facilities today it is bars in the bag for both lunch and dinner.

I just grabbed 2 without looking and have chocolate caramel crunch and chocolate orange. I had a chocolate shake for breakfast! So it seems it is death by chocolate today :D
Death by chocolate yesterday was pretty good :) Although I think I would rather have a "meal" pack in the evening to make me feel like I'd actually had something to eat. Bars seem "snacky" to me. OK for lunch but not when I think I should be eating a real meal.

The evening out with friends was good. I stuck with soda water all evening. OH picked up a kebab on the way home which made me feel hungry, although I really wasn't. Think it is FOMO at play here.

Ended up having another bar, just so I didn't start picking at the kebab o_O

Again, the lesser of two evils, but annoyed at myself all the same :(

I need to stick to plan.
Well done for sticking to soda water... I was bad last night and tucked into a large glass of red wine when I was out.

I agree with you on the meals - it definitely feels a lot more 'hearty' and normal to have a meal in the evening, and think it promotes healthier habits for when we reach our goals and need to plan for maintenance.
I feel the same about the bars

.....doesn't seem to be the right 'message' about a long term relationship with food for me :rolleyes:

Well done for resisting the kebab :)
Thanks Darcy. Kebabs are not even something I would usually eat, like you I would rather have a pizza, so why I felt I really wanted some I don't know. Anyway the extra bar did the trick and kept me on track.

All going well this weekend. Yesterday out shopping all day for birthday presents (two family birthdays coming up) and easter eggs. We usually go for coffee and cake when out shopping, this time I had a mint tea and the OH just had coffee with NO CAKE so as not to tempt me :)

Slow lazy day today. A late breakfast of maple pancakes. OH wanted some pancakes too so made up 2 packs, so we both had Exante for breakfast :D
That's great that your other half is being supportive although quite easy with the yummy pancakes!!! X
Yes, it was really nice over the weekend - no rubbish food to tempt me and having the pancakes together was really nice :)

So, weight update time.....

3lbs down this week :woohoo: that's a big loss for me! Very happy bunny here :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

Total loss so far 21lbs, happy days :D
Well done Sadie, that's a great loss!