Tano's slimming world diary

Wicked!! Ok here's the recipe: Blitz in a blender 5 scan bran, 6tbsp sweetner, 3 tsp ground ginger, 1 egg, 2 tbsp maple or golden syrup. Mix into a paste, adding a tiny bit of warm water. Spoon onto a fry lighted baking tray and bake at 160o for 15 mins. 9 syns for the lot or if using scan bran as HEXB, 4 syns for the lot x

Ooh thanks for that, n thanks Becky, I will get some from holland n Barrett xx
Plan for tomoz:
Porridge n banana HEXA and HEXB

Beans jacket n salad
Fruit n natural yogurt with ginger biscuits (2 syns)

Wagamama coconut, ginger n lemongrass stir fry sauce, chicken, baby corn, mangetout and noodles 6 syns
Fruit n muller

Total: 8 syns
Stuck completely to plan.... Really really wanted cake and had. Muller haha
Me tooooo I want a bloody good loss this week!!!
Here's dinner: lemongrass, coconut and ginger stirfry


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Today will be a synny day.. I'm going to aim to have 20 and have a syn free day tomoz!! We're having our fave dinner tonight :D
Breakfast: porridge n banana HEXA and HEXB

Lunch: noodles, muller, fruit

Dinner: Italian meats, olives, sundried tomatoes, anchovies, brie, crackers..... Soooo excited :D
Stuck to plan... Still very excited about dinner hahaha x
As lees not back till 8:30, I've caved and eaten a tin of beans (free) and 2 satsumas. Need to work out my syns for tonight eeeeek x
You can blame Lee ;-) I'm still waiting for John to get back... My magic potatoes are ready, want some? x
Oh Bec stop it.... I'd do anything for a couple with salt on hahaha xxx
Dinner :) xxx


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Food today:

Jam on HEXB toast (1 syn)

Pasta n sauce (1 syn)

Cottage pie (5 syns) peas/carrots

7 syns

I've ran out of fry light eeeeeekkkkkk :eek:

how are you? day looks lovely!

i just wanted to pick your brains seen as you are the queen of magic potatoes!!! right i have knorr Chicken or Beef stock cubes - which is best? do i use one or two? also are there specific potatoes that make them nicer?

Then am i right i par boil them, put them in a tray fill the tray up with stock (half way up the potatoes) spray tops with fry light and cook for about an 1hr on 190? NO TURNING?!

Morning, how are you? day looks lovely! i just wanted to pick your brains seen as you are the queen of magic potatoes!!! right i have knorr Chicken or Beef stock cubes - which is best? do i use one or two? also are there specific potatoes that make them nicer? Then am i right i par boil them, put them in a tray fill the tray up with stock (half way up the potatoes) spray tops with fry light and cook for about an 1hr on 190? NO TURNING?! xxx
The cooking part is spot on!!!

I use two knot chicken cubes in one pint boiling water Hun. Hope you like them xxx
The cooking part is spot on!!!

I use two knot chicken cubes in one pint boiling water Hun. Hope you like them xxx

wahoo!!! i have all my ingredients and ready to go!!! sooo excited to have them! xx
Chickens out for a roast dinner tomoz

Cottage pie is in and I can't bloody wait to eat it!!! Yummmmmm