Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Then there's songs like "Don't tell I Tell 'ee" and "Theece Got 'n Where Thee Casn't Back 'n 'asn't"
your day sounds like on of mine LOL x

hope ya enjoy the party.... and the meet up in Brum x
Well a spanner has been thrown in the works. I started on the hallway then saw a spider running around. I have a severe phobia of spiders (I was once trapped on an arm chair for 2 hours cus of a spider) so as the vacuum was next to me I thought I'd just zap it up. The vacuum wasn't plugged in! So by the time I plugged it in and turned it on I'd lost sight of the little blighter. Grrrrrrr! So now I can't go into the hallway til I know its gone which is really inconvenient as I have a Tesco delivery due any time now!
jeez, didn't understand a word of that. :( :D
Oh Taz :(

Grrr at spiders, I aint a fan but I aint that bad! Hope its gone !?
Speedy will speed off - in fact he's probably escaped under the door already - work on that idea otherwise you will drive yourself mad thinking about all the spiders that may be somewhere that you haven't seen yet.

Oh and yes it is probably quite bad that you understood every word of that - but you do live in Bristol so at least you have an excuse!
I am only joking Taz cos I'm very fond of dialect x
Yep, spiders don't hang around Taz, he'll be outside hunting now.
i have to clean my entire house tonight taz, as tazzi is arriving at my humble abode as i get home from work and the place is a dive!! ha.

so i am now armed with bathroom cleaner as i totally ran out and that's my first major mission of tonight!!

OH is on kitchen duty :D

abz xx
Is that the McTazz abz.
OK, just remember, behave yourselves, you know I would.!
i have to clean my entire house tonight taz, as tazzi is arriving at my humble abode as i get home from work and the place is a dive!! ha.

so i am now armed with bathroom cleaner as i totally ran out and that's my first major mission of tonight!!

OH is on kitchen duty :D

abz xx
you had a visit from Tazzi?! I'm so jealous! :p
Well the house is now spotless! Well, almost. It's not sterile and show home-like but it is totally clean and tidy! Mr Taz had to remove 3 spiders in total and I screamed and cowered like a little girl at every one!

Speaking of Bristolisms, I used to be a manager of a cafe and some of my staff were VERY Bristol! They used to shout out things like "2 breakfastses!" Breakfastses! Ha ha
Yea - I used to go to ASDOL cafe in Bemster (or Bemmy) when I used to go into Bristol with the kids. It was a meeting place for some very Bristol people and I smiled at some of the snippets I caught - they had "all day breakfusses" there too as well as cuppa teas!
hey. i'm trying to get OH to stop talking about sarnieses, i mean sandwiches, sarnies i can cope with. but sarnieses? he's picked it up from the guys at work and it's driving me mad :D

abz xx
LOL, I can just about keep up with the Brummies now, took a while of living here though.