Taz's diary - Need to do this!

(((Hugs))) Taz - not a nice part of your job - horrible thing to encounter x
Morning all! It's Mr Taz's birthday today but he is working. Not sure if we are doing anything later but I have to be in work at 5am tomorrow so I am a little limited
Glad Mr Taz had a good birthday x
Yes we went bowling then for dinner. It was a good evening

I hope you didn't let him win (even if it was his birthday!! ;)).

Have a great day. x :)
Morning Taz. I hope you're having a good day x
Well I didn't 'let' him win. I was actually doing really well until my elbow gave out and I had to switch arms. I have ordered a support for my elbow as I've had a lot of trouble with it lately so hopefully that will enable me to do things like bowling without any trouble
I hope it does sort things out for you Taz x
Well I didn't 'let' him win. I was actually doing really well until my elbow gave out and I had to switch arms. I have ordered a support for my elbow as I've had a lot of trouble with it lately so hopefully that will enable me to do things like bowling without any trouble

Ouch!! Sounds nasty. Hope you get it sorted soon. x
Morning Taz - have a terrific Tuesday x
Morning Taz, are you on day off?
Have a great afternoon (since the morning is practically over now! ;)). x :)