Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

You are doing wonderfully :) that 2 stone award will soon be stuck on your book :)
Thanks Fran xx I think if I can get that it will help keep me motivated to lose the next 7lbs towards my hols in April
Well done for getting straight back on plan Texty! I'm sure you will be in for another good loss this week and I've got my fingers crossed you will get your 2 stone award on Wednesday! It's well deserved :) X
Thanks chick. Im usually quite good when I do have a bad/unplanned day I make it just that ( the day) I dont want to undo what ive done so just kick my own butt lol.

Im sure the whole of minis will know if I do get it lol - I was so close just before xmas it seems to have taken an age to get so close again. Once ive done that I want the next 7 off not that im greedy or anything :p
I think if I wait long enough the korma will work I put extra curry powder in it lol. I gave the peppermint tea away at work as i didnt like it

Texty, I'm just catching up on your diary, what was your korma like using yogurts, it looked yummy. Can you post recipe pretty please? x
Lol Peri Im the good looking one of course ( the dark hair) :D

Hi mrstore I had an unsettled sleep :-( I hate Sunday nights I watch the clock haha.

Hi cat - the curry was gorgeous hun- ill mail you the recipe when i get home as im just about to go back to work I onl get a 30minute lunch lol. Im just having the leftovers now yummy xx
Lol Peri Im the good looking one of course ( the dark hair) :D

Hi mrstore I had an unsettled sleep :-( I hate Sunday nights I watch the clock haha.

Hi cat - the curry was gorgeous hun- ill mail you the recipe when i get home as im just about to go back to work I onl get a 30minute lunch lol. Im just having the leftovers now yummy xx

Thanks hun x
HEXA - 250mls ss milk
2 Alpen Light BarsBrekkie- 2 Alpen Light Bars and a cuppa tea

Lunch- 1 Syn Korma and Rice ( I didnt count the syn in this as I added it to yesterdays syns and halfed the mixture over 2 days)
Tea - This DSC_0130.JPG Kebab and chips with Salad

Snacks -
Boiled Egg, Pineapple

Syns -
Morrisons Wholemeal Pitta (7) Morrisons Tzatziki x 2 Tbsp (2) Sugar (1) Curly Wurly (6) Total (16) oops

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max
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Lol sometimes lemon and lime water and you just reminded me I had a glass of pomegranate and red grape juice with my curry to cool my mouth, My problem is I dont drink enough during the day and then when I get home Im choking lol.

I need to make an effort to drink more :D
I try not to drink too much in the mornings as I don't want to get half way through a long dog walk and need to pee lol. Most of what I drink is from 4pm onwards, but then I'm peeing all night!!! Grrr