Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Afternoon hun.. How are you? I've followed your advice and have just made some houmous to take to work with me tomorrow and Tuesday, with some carrot sticks. Will boil a couple of eggs too. Thanks again :)
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

The couscous is only 1 syn per serving for the light mayo :) I'm really looking forward to it.. can I have it now? Lol xx
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Tin of chickpeas whizzed up in a blender thing, I always add a little bit of water so it's not too dry, add some mayo, garlic and black pepper.... Easy peasy :) I think you're supposed to add lemon juice as well but I never do xxxx
Hey Texty, I like that cheap recipe sheet it's a good idea. Are you having a good day, no work for you tomorrow, very nice.
Thanks hun I thought so too. Ive had a quiet day and im looking forward to my week off yayyyyyy im at the hospital tomorrow for my mammogram im not worried though