The diary of Pink Princess - Weigh in result 1 :D

Hey everyone :)

Having another good day so far. Been at uni this morning, took my vanilla latte with me in my lovely flask, only 2 points and so worth it! Nice to have something sweet, especially at the moment as my period is making crave chocolate and sweets!!
Got home and had a weight watchers meal, tandori chicken with spicy potatoes, only 5 1/2 points :)
Feel really, really tired today, dog was really stressed and barking for hours as the fireworks went on for ages. Had to get up early for uni, and on the drive there, there were some stray cows in the road! Very dangerous! Rung the police as was worried they'd cause an accident! The joys of living in the countryside :) x
Sounds like you had a good day so far :) What you studying at uni? *Sorry to be nosey*:D
that tandoori chicken sounds lovely - is it one of the fresh or the frozen ready meals cause i havent seen it on my travels..?
Hey :)

I am doing my midwifery degree at uni, it's great :) Be as nosey as you like, doesn't bother me at all :)

The tandoori chicken is one of those fresh meals in the green packaging, they are sooo nice! I got a steak one too - yummyness!

Have been busy all afternoon cleaning the house and cleaning out the mini zoo we have here (4 guinea pigs, a rabbit, a hamster and 2 doggies). Must have earnt some points from all the hardcore hoovering! Things are quite quiet on the firework front too, fingers crossd it won't be as bad tonight, last night was awful!

Just had a steamfresh meal for my dinner, white fish in parsely sauce with veggies and mash, was really nice! I still have quite a few points left for tonight as i've been so busy I haven't had time to use them!

It might sound a bit sad but I can't wait for weigh-in! I feel so much healthier now i'm eating proper meals and drinking more water, which to me means as much as losing the weight. Walked the dogs earlier so hopefully the exercise will help too :)

PP x
what day is your weigh in?
Sunday, we are weighing at home for a couple of weeks till my student loan comes through. If we find it ok we'll prob just keep weighing at home, but if we need something more strict, we'll go to the classes. x
sounds a good plan :) i weigh at home - on my 7th week and still doing really well :D if you continue to do really well, how about you spend some of your student loan and come up for the xmas do we're organising? Not exactly sure where it is yet but I think it'd be a great laugh meeting everyone :)

good luck with the rest of your week - i bet you both do really well :) however if your OH doesnt stop talking about twixes i may have to go have one and do away with my goodness haha.. so many mentionings of wispas, crunchies and twixes this week.. i must be nearing my period cause I really want one! (who am i kidding, i want them all! :p)
Lol, we have some mini twixs, not quite so bad as the big ones but enough to satisfy the craving! My weaknesses are more savoury things like crisps, crackers and blue cheese, sausage rolls etc! It's just good to be on a diet where you can have something if you really need it (within points). I'm not feeling too bad today on the cravings front, the chocolate craving is easing off now :) xx
hello glad to hear your enjoying the WW, its brillinat knowing you can still have your treats and loose weight!
Thank-you :D I know! Can't live without my treats! Just had a vanilla latte, sooo nice and warming in these freeezing times! x
sounds really nice that does.. then i remember its coffee, and its hot.. both of which i'm not a fan of! i would however have one just to dip my twix in haha :p
I bet midwifery is's been baby mad this year for me and everyone who's had one has had a really nice midwife and praised the job they do :D
Glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying WW :)
Talking of mini twixes I just brought some more mini them for a chocolate fix and not too many points :D
Not the twix! Lol. I never used to drink coffee but i've started to love it! Only have one a day though, don't want to make it too much of a habit. Really nice on a cold day though :) Just watched Katie and Peter, I love that programme! It's the last one though, sad times! :( Will have to find a new Thursday programme to replace it! x

p.s Yes the midwifery is great, am loving it :)
watch mock the week on channel 2 :D although i just realised i missed it :eek:
Brrr! Another freeezing day in Bristol! Got to have a lie-in today as I only had to go in for biology lectures in the afternoon, made up my flask of coffee to take with me so I won't want to buy chocolates from the evil vending machine of temptingeness! Had a bagel (cinnamon and raisin) before uni so I wouldn't be starving when I came out.
Lecture was very, very long, luckily I had my trusty flask of coffee to keep me awake!
Got home and made myself a massive dinner as I was sooo hungry! Needed something to warm me up too! Made meatballs (with smallest amount of meat ever!) with lots of veggies and sauce I made myself, to save on points, had this with loads of salad, a mini whole-meal pitta bread and some cheese. Twas lovely :) Had a fruit bar and some baked crisps as pudding, am stuffed now and slightly warmer!
Can't believe how dark it's getting now so early in the evenings :( My student loan should be arriving this week though, which will cheer me up as my gf has said we can go shopping! My fave thing in the world! :) x
I said a bit of shopping :p
Just did half an hour of wii-fit, I love it! Especially the yoga, although I do keep laughing at the silly positions you have to get into and making myself fall off the board lol - but at least it's exercise! :D x
Well done! I love the boxing :D
boxing is one of my faves too :D step plus and i do the tricep extensions on the muscle section to try and deal with my chicken wings :)

the sun salutation makes me laugh.. the idea of my big bum sticking up in the air i just know i look ridiculous! haha :D
