the journey of longer vlcd-ing.

again, thanks to everyone taking the time to reply, it really means a lot to me and i'm touched by every single one of your replies. i swear exante should be promoting this forum as their version of counselling! cause everyone is so supportive in every aspect whether it be diet or otherwise related.

i'm holding up okay. her memorial was in the local papers yesterday and that set me off. i was saying to my mum that the one thing i'm sad about is that she never got to see great grandchildren- not from me!! i'm too young!! hehe but my cousins are a bit older and i know she was desperate to have a baby in the family to spoil. i'm sure she'll be the best guardian angel there could be when the time comes though :)
well thats it all over now. i am drained and feel constantly on the brink of tears. it was a nice service but the thought of her in that wooden box made me feel sick. i cant believe shes gone. i'll miss her so much. :cry:
Hun i really feel for you and your family, it so hard when we have to say goodbye to someone. Look after yourself x
Thats the worst part over Colly. Now you have to remember the happy times with her. You know she wouldnt want you to be sad.
was thinking of you today. Joanne's right - that's the worst bit over and although it may not feel like it, it will get better. Just think of all the lovely times and remember her that way.x.
i'm trying to. thanks all. xx
i have a job interview this evening so wish me luck...
thank you kitty. how is your atkins journey coming along?
Good luck
Was thinking of you today. *Hugs*. It's so hard, and I completely understand the feelings surrounding not seeing (great)grandchildren etc - I had the same feelings when I lost my dad and step dad... they got to see my brother and my sister get married and have children, but not me. Just doesn't seem fair. I like to think they will be there in spirit when it finally happens, but I dunno - my faith in that stuff has been knocked a bit.

Anyway - onto happier things... hope the job interview goes/went well *crossing everything for you, you deserve some good news*

well i didn't get that job. but the women interviewing kept saying to me "you're an excellent candidate" and "we're really sorry we only have one post...but we're going to be looking for workers for other units so please keep an eye out and reapply...". it was through the council and to be honest from the moment i walked in i sensed they already had someone for the post but had to go through the rigmarole of advertising and interviewing in the spirit of "fairness"...not really very fair to make people go to effort & expense of travel to interview when you've already decided!! not really bothered though. got another interview today for my old job!! i have mixed feelings about it but i'll head along anyways and see how it goes. i left because i had major issues with the management (both unit and area). it was not a nice environment to work in because of that but i loved the service users (adults with learning diabilities). both of those managers have been "let go" now and the place is being run by someone else. i'm not sure they'll want me back as i've heard they're trying to wipe the slate clean and basically re-staff the place completely. fresh start and that. however, they've put me through to interview stage so i'll go along today anyway.

so yes back onto exante related matters :D i'm back on board as of TODAY, was going to be yesterday but just wasn't prepared enough, stayed up late on sunday and was knackered on monday morning, ended up running out of the house with no shake for breakfast and no bar or anything, so by 5pm i was super grumpy and just wound up having a meal. i'm at home today though and am ready for action!!

pretty much exactly 3 months until i go on holiday :D i almost wish it was a bit longer so i could lose some more weight before going but what can you do.

if i can do 3 months exante and lose a decent amount i hope to buy myself one of these to take on holiday with me as a reward;



yum yum yum beautiful 50s dresses!! i'm also going to treat myself to a foot tattoo if finances permit at one love in prague. they are my reward for *HOPEFULLY* good weight loss!!

unsurprisingly i have put on all but 2lb of the weight i lost in my brief time on exante, and am morbidly obese again. my aim is to be just plain old obese by next week!!

so how are we all doing? i have missed being a part of this forum properly xx
Gorgeous dresses Colly. You could lose loads in 3 months so definitely something to spur you on.

Good luck with todays interview. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Although it really is crap when you go to all the effort to go to an interview and its nothing but a waste of everyones time. Not exactly my idea of 'fair'.
thanks joanne, i hope so! not sure which of those i want, knowing me i'll buy both :D but only if i don't have to take the biggest size they carry!! and yeah applying for jobs really can be the most confidence crushing experience. the thing that annoys me is when you apply and spend a lot of time on the forms etc and they dont even get back to you. rude!
it is tough, especially at the moment, every industry just seems to have taken a massive hit and i can't see it improving for a good few years. i'm a student so just need something part time, i'm finding it tough this time round, i have the gift of the gab and have never really struggled to get work before but this year has been hell!
I have a tendancy to fall apart in interviews, not something Ive ever been good with. That said Ive never actually had an interview and not got the job so I dont know quite why they panic me so much.

Only problem is that its almost impossible to even get to the interview stage nowadays. Its definitely an employers market.
yeah it really is. fingers crossed things are looking up though!

i've just made up my first shake of the day. mmm strawberry with a million sweeteners to mask the weird salty diety taste mmmm!! i must say though, the shakes on exante are gorgeous in comparison to cd (imo), i dunno if its the dairy creamer or something but they're lovely and creamy :)
Ive never tried cd but I dont mind the exante ones at all. The best thing about the whole thing though is the amount of preparation time and washing up - virtually none, lol.
Hi Colly Strings.....good to see you started again. Those dresses are fab!!!. I love them....where are they from?
What type of job did you go for? (if not too nosey)