The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Morning, and another great weigh in for me (which I admit baffles me somewhat after such a slow initial weight loss). I'm certainly not complaining although I really don't understand what has changed.

Oooh yes those mirrors and leotards! I remember them well from when I was a child and used to go to ballet lessons!
Joanne, you are doing brilliantly, you'll be there way before me at this rate. I read a comment on another forum which said we shouldn't be surprised when weight loss goes at different speeds, after all we didn't put it on smoothly so why should we expect it to go evenly.

I am 9st 10lbs again, and will be doing JUDDD this week and just see what happens. I don't know what alterations or tweaks I might need, I'll just have to keep on trying.

Dancing was OK, but we are working on a number for the Christmas show which is not as interesting as always doing new stuff. Fairly gentle for restarting which helps on the aches front.
hi Claire and sorry for lack of communication yesterday but it wasn't a good day for me,

Diet going fine, but yesterday finally got the Alzheimer's diagnosis for my grandma and now awaiting further information as to what (if anything) will now change for her. It's so hard when you're not there to be able to just pop in and visit. I feel a bit guilty that I'm going away for 2 weeks and not going to see her at all, as they did tell her, and she asked them what it was! Awh! Also have a sprained upper arm so am suffering with that but avoiding pain killers cos they make me sleepy!

Scales the same this morning (WHAT?!) which of course is great as Tuesdays are higher calorie days for me, but I couldn't help a pang of sadness as each morning in five days I've had a loss! How greedy am I?!

How are your scales today?
Hi, so sorry to hear about your grandma, Alzheimer's is a horrible disease, my DH's mother had it and was a complete nightmare. How old is she, does she live alone?

How did you hurt your arm? I always prefer to do without pills if possible too, unless it's tothache when I'll take anything and everything!

Isn't it funny how we think the scales will keep going down for ever when the diet is going well. I have gone up again, not surprising after the up day yesterday when I had a chocolate binge. No idea why, I knew it was silly when I bought it but I went ahead anyway so entirely my own fault. Oh well, draw a line and start again, DD today. Dancing again tonight so hopefully some benefit there, although at the minute I feel I will never lose again.
She lives alone in a warden controlled flat, and is fiercely independent and refuses any assistance. Social services have already given her 1/2 hour morning and evening carer visits, but she refuses to let them do anything (as she is "fine" most of the time). She's dressed when the one arrives to wash and dress her in the morning, and refuses to go to bed or get dressed therefor when the evening one comes! Very independent and that's great BUT... I would feel happier if she were in a more nursing oriented environment. She's had a couple of falls in the past four years, including one last year involving a three month hospitalisation and I could just imagine her lying there for hours without anyone finding her! Apparently family doesn't have the right to make that sort of decision though and, while she refuses, there's nothing we can do. Hopefully the correct diagnosis will mean that more appropriate "help" will be available...

Arm is a weird one. It started last Friday and the only thing I can think that I did was throw my cat's grey mice far away for her (overarm style) so that she'd bring them back. I did it over and again, have had operations for tennis elbow as an adolescent, and can only presume that the weakness is now higher up. Typing isn't a problem. Sleeping is. I seem to have the arm at just the wrong position to get comfortable when I'm lying down! grrr!

I think you're doing brilliantly to be able to say "draw a line and start again" after just one little blip. It's so easy to continue. You say "chocolate binge" but then you say "silly when I bought it", so was it just the one chocolate item? I have something most weeks as a treat so, if it's something you particularly like, perhaps include it so that there's no feeling of deprivation?

Dancing tonight has to be better than sitting in front of the box (as I will be...). Sleeping badly doesn't help keep me awake and buzzing during the evenings!
The big problem with Alzheimers is that the sufferer doesn't believe they have anything wrong with them. And their character can change, DH's mother became cantankerous and difficult, some even get violent. If she is diagnosed as incapable of making rational decisions for herself than presumably the family can then decide for her, but it is hard to find a place to accept a resident who is active and unwilling to be there. The only option then is secure environments, which is probably not what you want at this stage.

I've had shoulder problems from ball-throwing, the things we suffer for our pets! It does ease up, but is hard to know where to put the arm at nights. Doors on stiff hinges can be painful too. I do sometimes have acupuncture for that sort of injury, it is a treatment I respond to well.

The chocolate was a large bag of chocolate peanuts, very high calorie and very stupid of me. Not a thing I usually do, so I'm not sure why I went for them. Looking on the bright side I'm not remotely hungry today, so my DD should be straightforward.
I can see that this whole thing is going to be painful. I really hope, for her sake, that it doesn't go on for years. She worked right up to her mid-70s as a nurse and would have hated this, I know.

At first I was joking when I mentioned that it might have been the toy throwing, but I honestly can think of nothing else and it's just the sort of forceful jolt that could well sprain / strain a muscle. Woe is me at night time, that's for sure! I've figured out now how to get my arm in and out of clothes! OUCH!

It's good when we're not hungry after overeating. I'm sure that my restrained chocolate treat on a Sunday night helps me no end during the week. Just knowing that it's going to be there next Sunday too (THANKS KARION!) helps stop me be silly!

Nearly home time thankfully. Have a good evening! (I can smell someone frying onions outside the office building somewhere. NASTY SMELL!)
Morning Claire and delighted to see the numbers of my scales this morning,

although I'm "surprised" at how fast the weight is coming off, after weeks of very slow or no loss and nothing's changed in my food plan, I'm not feeling hungry at all and am pretty stressed and hyper so I'm sure all that "helps"! At least I'm making plans to go for a walk each morning, while Rich vegetates in front of the News on TV with his first morning's cuppa. This used to be my "smoke like a chimney" time of day and I've never quite found "what to do" when not tearing around to get out to work! I thought this would kill several birds with one stone. Maybe I'll even break into a trot?!!!

We officially adopt Minnie the kitten tomorrow so I'm busily preparing for her arrival, as well as all of our departure tomorrow evening straight from work. Since my cat doesn't know her particularly yet, it should make for an interesting few hours when she first arrives tomorrow lunchtime! Shame I'll not witness it really...
Wow, you have been losing so well, it is really encouraging when the end is in sight. I am back to 9st10lbs (again) and today is an UD, but I'm not feeling particularly hungry so I'll just wait and see how I feel come lunchtime.

Early morning walks are really enjoyable (weather and daylight permitting). Having a dog it is something we just naturally do, although we take it in turns except on holidays or special occasions. Any chance your Misha or Minnie would go out with you on a harness? Is Minnie going on holiday too? That will be a new experience for her, a big place to explore. I envy you having two weeks holiday, I have another month to wait and even then I only get four days.

Today I have a lot of accounts work to do, not a very active occupation. But I really must get it all out of the way, some has been hanging around for a while waiting for client information. Then this evening I need to carry on clearing out the garage, where does all the rubbish come from? There are things in there both of us deny ever owning!
Misha is a real scaredycat and will run at the slightest noise so definitely not a good idea taking her out. I bought her a collar in case, with her name tag on, but even that frightens her! As for Minnie, as she's too young to be vaccinated, she'll not be going outside at all. I'm hoping her big half sister will stay put too and look after her as it'll be her first few days without her Mum and brothers. Misha will sneak outside at the first chance she gets, but we're trying to keep her indoors now that we've heard of so many cat deaths in the village... so sad. I think if they've never been outside, they'll not miss it. So Minnie will never know the feeling of being outdoors!

Misha was born out in a barn without an owner so I'm hoping she'll just realise the benefits of regular food, warmth and love and not feel too deprived!

Smiling at your stash of unowned up to rubbish in the garage. I think we've all got some of that!

Just spent rather more time talking to clients than actually working, oh well, plenty of time tomorrow. We have made some decisions on the garage which mean that the next job is some electrical work. I don't mind wiring up the sockets but I don't want to patch them into the mains, David can do that bit! I must go and get cable and sockets next.

I have a neighbour who regularly walks her cat on a harness, I suppose it depends what they are used to. Perhaps you can get Minnie trained for that in the country, although she is a bit young yet. I hope the two of them will get on well.
You could perhaps bill that time to "client entertainment". Trust me, I work for lawyers; we have a billing code for EVERYTHING!!

I am counting on the two of them getting on! They are half sisters after all and Misha is only one year older than her, although it looks a lot more than that while Minnie is so tiny (2nd smallest out of litter of 6) and Misha so huge (her father was massive; he used to sit on TWO chairs when he came to visit us in the country!). I'm hoping Misha will mother Minnie... (and not eat her!).

At least all this supervision of cats, and making sure slightly overweight Misha doesn't eat highly calorific kitten food, might distract me from my own weight problems!! ho ho!
Morning Claire, and I've a feeling that today is going to drag...

I left home early so as to be able to leave the office at 5pm to get off (in the no doubt heavy Friday leaving city traffic) on holiday... the new kitten arrived 20 minutes ago, I'm told. Misha isn't sure at all, and has pounced on the little one already making her squeak, but no claws were out and Rich is remaining vigilant so hopefully all will calm down soon...

Weight down another 200g but that doesn't make a full 1/2lb loss so I'll not change ticker for it. I'm just hoping I can restrain myself from totally losing the plot as I so often do on holiday. I'm wearing size 12 jeans (with stretch!) today, and am taking NO larger clothes on holiday so that should help!!

I really hope that you have a good couple of weeks Claire, and hope you're not alone on the thread, but after today I'll be back Monday Sept 24th
Hi, you must be longing for that clock to reach 5.00! Does Rich work from home then if he can be there to catsit? I hope they get used to each other quickly, some cats get on fine but my mother has one who hates any other cat.

I've done the not taking larger clothes on holiday thing, and must confess it resulted in the tighter things not being worn and the slightly looser ones being well ready for the wash when I got back! You have got your scales there to keep you in check, that should help. Are you going to be working on the house at all or just enjoying it?

I was 9st10.75 this morning, so not too bad an UD increase. DD today and I seem to be coming down with a cold or something and don't feel like eating anyway. I'd like to take the day off but have rather a lot to do, one downside of working from home is that you can't be properly off sick.

Have a fantastic holiday, hope the summery weather continues for you.
Yes Rich is at home today so no problems there. He's just popped out to the shops though, and says he hopes there'll still be two cats there when he returns! Charming! So far so good although, as feared, Misha is a little boisterous for the little one. They've lain down together, Misha has washed the baby thoroughly while both purred (good!), but then when the little one closed her eyes for a kip, Misha nipped her to wake her up! Oh dear!!

My gardening/DIY jeans are roomy so if worst comes to worst...!!

We're doing annual maintenance (getting plumber to do boiler maintenance etc) work, some spring cleaning (well it kept raining in the spring!), some DIY, some veg plot weeding (that's me!), and some R&R and exploring the region no doubt. Hopefully a good mix by organising time out on alternate days to work days.

Glad the weight is staying stable...
Have a great holiday, speak to you when you get back. I shall try to be good, what's the betting I still haven't lost anything when you get back again. Not that it matters too much, I'm OK as I am, it's more the principle that if I eat less then I damn well ought to weigh less, right?
9st10.5lbs this morning after an up weekend. I'm now going to increase down day calories to 700, slowly easing up to 1000 which will be maintenance level. If I lose a bit more that will be great but I'm not pushing for it now, I've spent too long dieting for this last few pounds and I would be better off stabilising then having another run at it in a month or so. Weight loss is always better starting from a normal eating level, so normal eating is what I must get back to.

Strawberries and autumn raspberries for breakfast this morning, I do like the food I get on this diet (just wish there was a bit more of it!). And prawn salad for lunch (back to the prawns again). Probabaly frittata for dinner but I haven't thought that far ahead.
9st9.25lbs this morning, so the extra calories have done no harm. Today will be fairly quiet foodwise, just had fruit salad and brioche toast for breakfast. I need to give some serious thought to post diet food. I'll keep JUDDDing but I don't want to do a constant calorie count on DDs so I need to work out how I can do that.

Dancing was good last night, although I am still having trouble remembering the steps to the middle section.
Well done on your loss, It must be frustrating trying to work out how to maintain, these diets run our lives for so long and once at goal i don't wanna have to keep going round the supermarket picking up every item checking the Cals v Saturated fat V Carbs.

What type of dancing do you do
Hi, thanks, I have been trying to lose this last bit for so long I've just about given up believing it would happen! Because I will be sticking with JUDDD I think I should be able to maintain with only being really vigilant for three days a week. Even so I think I will still be horrified at seeing a one portion triple chocolate sundae coming in at 658 calories, that is obscene, fortunately I don't think I would like it anyway.

I do jazz dance mostly, we are currently learning numbers for the Christmas show, frightening to think how close it is already. It is the only exercise I like (except skating and my knees aren't up to that any more) and I have a couple of classes a week, plus if I am dancing in musicals or pantomime I have rehearsals for them too. How about you, what sort of exercise do you enjoy?