The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Hey Clairejen!! You keep on posting!! it is a thread for whoever wants it!! I was a mission but I've been flagging and it's good you're posting cause it makes me feel guilty!! hehehe!!

I'm fine.....all loved up and very very busy with clients and general scary real world - I'm not a student anymore oh bugger stuff!!! :D

I'll change the thread title.....lets see if we can get some company for you!!

I like this juddddddddddddddering stuff....although not sure if I could trust myself not to binge!!.....slightly worrying for me!
Thanks Coley, yes I thought JUDDD would have that downside but surprisingly not (so far at least, only been at it a few days). Somehow the down day makes you not so keen to eat on the up day, so although I am eating I'm not going overboard, in fact I have to remind myself to eat properly or the diet won't work.

I'm glad to hear your life is working well, and now you aren't a student any more you'll probably find it easier to lose - nothing like putting off writing an essay if you want an excuse to nibble. And that you and your OH are blissfully happy, aaah I remember the days (I shouldn't be like that, we're still together after 28 years so it's not all bad).
Sorry was just an idea as you were here all by Well I dont really come in here too much as I am no way near my last blooming stone.
No probs Sonkie, just a misunderstanding. I don't really want a thread of my own because it kind of feels even more like I'm talking to myself, and I do that enough in real life!
Officially weighed myself after my first proper week of JUDDD (because I started on an UD which you aren't meant to do so I'll ignore that). I've lost 2.5 lbs, which I'm happy with. I know it doesn't compare with most first week losses but I had already been dieting before so I wouldn't expect fireworks.
I calculate a loss of 1.5lbs a week on average should be what I get, for being able to eat freely every other day that is wonderful. Just keeping my fingers crossed I can carry on tricking my body, it's getting wily in its old age.

I'm hoping that when on holiday I can still keep maintenance JUDDDing, eating less every other day would be sensible and practical. French food seems healthier than ours, I rarely put on much during a trip.

I am on the last hurdle too,want to loose about a stone before move into management on LL program.

Excuse my ignorance, waht an earth is jud and the other thing about carbs you talked about?

Have you got to your goal? how much left to loose?

Hi, nice to see more people posting here. I'm sure we can crack this, we've done the hardest bit already.

Sam, JUDD is an acronym for the Johnson Up Day Down Day diet, there's a section on it under . Basically you eat your recommended calorie level one day and 25% of it the next. By rotating the up and down days your body never adapts to the low level of calories and you don't go into starvation mode. The carb cycling is where you vary the percentage of calories you get from carbs and proteins so your body doesn't know what to expect. Both of these are designed to help you stop your body just adapting the metabolism to fit a lower intake, the dreaded diet plateau.
I got within a couple of pounds of my goal but unfortunately put several pounds on again! Now I have approx 9lbs to go. You have done really well on LL, have you decided what you will do for maintenance?

Susan, great to hear you are doing well, and brave girl to go for the tt. You should have reached goal by then, brilliant.
I had forgotten about this thread, to be honest, and rarely consult the VLCD board so was unlikely to fall on it!

I've been reading about the JUDD diet on the board but don't think I'd dare just yet. If you see my ticker, I had it pretty sussed (or so I thought!), and then I quit smoking!!!! aaaah!

So first target set - 8lbs to go. Ideally will then continue for a bit longer (white jeans, summer, you know the story!)

What is your goal weight Claire? How tall are you?

Hello Coley - I remember your name from before. How are you doing at stabilising? Better than me, I hope!
Hi Maintainer, you were doing really well maintaining I remember. But quitting smoking is such an important step that it is definitely the right way to go, even though it does often cause weight gains. You're really nipping it in the bud, good luck with the diet.

I'm 5'4.5" and my goal weight is nine and a half stone. I then want to maintain and never creep over 10 again, currently I'm about 10st2lbs, although with JUDDD it swings rather. I'm going on holiday on 6th July so want to be comfortably under 10 by then.
hi Claire,
Yes I see that your target weight is a lot lower than mine, but perhaps you're younger? I found at 10 stone that, while I far preferrd myself with a flatter tum, I got so many negative comments from friends and family and had to admit that I looked "older". Ironically, at almost 12 stone, my face looked better (more filled out!!), but I certainly couldn't live with my butt at that size!!

So I'm shooting for 10 stone 7lbs for now, and I'll see... I'm definitely finding since quitting smoking that the weight just isn't coming off as it used to which is a drag. I've read on internet that the metabolism slows and can take a while to get back to normal so I'm trying not to panic when, after a good week, I've lost nothing!

So happy to be a non smoker, but I did freak out at the weight gain (without eating more) so then binged (and ate LOADS more!) so gained more! Then of course I went "underground" and gained even more, so now back and have been eating healthily, no bingeing, for four weeks which is the result I needed! Irrespective of weight. I needed to stop the bingeing!

Sorry for the waffle! Where are you going on 6 July?
Hi Maintainer, I always used to be fairly slim and have only put on weight over the last 6 years, it has sort of crept up on me. Tried to diet and failed many times, finally reached 11st5lbs, threw a fit, and went on CD. It has been a struggle trying to keep the pounds off ever since finishing CD in December. That's why I'm pinning my hopes on JUDDD, I don't care if it is slow I just want to be in control again.

I'm 49, still dancing a lot, which means close fitting clothes and doing shows in whatever costume I'm given. My worst problem fat area is my thighs, and of course they show a lot in dancing. I'm probably too old for it, but I have a chronic back problem which the dancing keeps under control so I am unwilling to hang up the jazz sneakers yet. Plus the exercise is excellent.

I'm lucky never to have smoked, I do admire you for taking the big decision to quit. My DH used to smoke, when he gave up he also ended up giving up sugar in coffee and butter on bread to balance things out. I don't think I could eat bread dry like that.

Can you do any exercise classes to help get your metabolism moving more? I realise time is always a problem but I find I feel so much better after class that I can come home and get a load of things done.

Don't you find it amazing to think that you weigh half what you did when you started dieting? And then maintained for so long, that is very impressive. I'm sure you'll get this small gain sorted and end up feeling so much better and healthier.

We're going to France on holiday, staying in a gite in Normandy for a week then camping for the next week. We take our dog, who is rather old and arthritic now, the French are wonderful about allowing you to take your pet into restaurants etc. Are you going anywhere this summer?
Gosh Claire if you're a dancer, you must be awfully fit!

I'm actually younger than you, at 43, but have quite a bit of excess skin due to the weight loss so probably look far older than you.

Exercise really isn't my thing, but I do need to look at that, I know. Since quitting, I've consciously stopped taking two methods of public transport to work, and now take only one and walk the other 20 mins if it's not raining! But that's about it! Apart from being generally zappier, and I can't sit still for long (even in the evenings when a film is on - I can't sit and watch it!!), I'm a lazy loaf!

I actually live in France, so will be spending as much time as possible this summer in the place we're doing up in the country. Not major renovations thankfully, but plenty of work nonetheless. We go most weekends too, so time does seem to be short when you're away 3 evenings a week.

I just signed up for a free trial on Weight Loss Resources and am surprised at the results. I put in today's food (and tomorrow's) and am shocked at how many calories it comes out to (1,400 and 1,500) and the bad ratios of foods! I try to avoid processed food after breakfast, but it's still not easy to get it right. WLR says at my weight, to lose 2lbs a week, I can't go over 1,100 calories. Sounds a bit drastic!

I've never done a VLCD, although it did cross my mind when I nearly reached 12 stone! I think it would mess even more with my eating habits. Perhaps Judding once I'm at target again.
Ooooh I envy you living in France, I would love to move there but my DH isn't keen. We're self-employed, both speak reasonable French, and could make the move but he feeld it would mean losing friends etc. I can see that the travelling time cuts a lot out of your leisure time, it's hard to find all the extra hours we want. Walking is good though, regular exercise like that is better for you than occasional high-impact.

I took a look at your gallery, it's fantastic what you have achieved, you look amazing. You don't look older than me, my skin wrinkles badly, although it hasn't drooped much. We're always hyper crisitical of our own appearance I suppose. I don't do anything just for my health I'm afraid, I learned long ago that I wouldn't keep up any exercise I didn't enjoy but I love my dancing.

I've never dared analyse my food intake, I know I eat way too many biscuits and unhealthy stuff. They are right about the weight loss though, one pound of fat equals about 3000 calories, so to lose 2 lbs a week you have to cut 6000 out over the week.

CD is great for quick and reliable weight loss, it is relatively easy once you hit ketosis. But it doesn't teach good eating habits, many people are eating all or mostly sweet stuff on it which is hardly a proper preparation for the future. I suspect that the metabolism slows too. So you get to the end of the diet, probably follow the steps off it, and then are set free in the real world. It's not surprising that a lot of dieters regain quickly.

I do think JUDDD is good foir maintenance, you sort out the problems before they happen.
I came to France for a year when I was 21... hmm!

I do have quite a bit of excess skin, unfortunately, but keep it well hidden! Thanks for the kind words about my Gallery and I must get back to that weight again soonest! Probably another 10lbs.

I got so used to my 80 / 20 maintenance programme that I never ever eat biscuits or any junk weekdays and now, to lose this weight, I've cut all treats out completely! It was pretty sad seeing the weight stay on despite seemingly living on salads and veggies, but fortunately things have started moving again, and I've tweaked a few things I'd "forgotten" I was still eating!

That's where a food diary can come in really useful, I find. Amazing what we "forget"!!

I admit that I was very anti VLCDs until finding this site, and talking to Mini, and fully understanding them. I wish I had known about them at 22 stone, for instance, but totally agree with you that there certainly is a lot of work to do at the "end" of one, as no good food habits have been learned. And it's no good keep going back to ss'ing each time you regain...

JUDDD would work for me in maintenance, I'm sure, as I've been reading Judders' diaries and can fully understand how easy it is to cut right back one day, knowing you can splurge the next etc. Much as I did on my 80 / 20.

I hope we're not putting any other "last stone" people off posting here!
one thing you must remember is that for those of you who arent eating "real" food because we arent the body doesnt hold any glucose - the average body holds 7 lbs of glucose so wen you go back to real food theres a chance you will most likely gain 7 lbs due to the natural balance of glucose in your body so dont be dishartened if you put on wen you go onto real food again! Ben
I think, at least I would hope, that anyone on their last stone would be eating "real food"!

So I think you're on the wrong thread...
oh sorry, on my diet u arent on real food till u get to your target weight! sorry i misread im new to this, just tryin to make new friends, sorry
Are you on your last stone? I hadn't realised! Didn't mean to offend. Tell me about your diet...
no im not on my last stone, i have 3-4 stone to go and have lost 5 and a half. i didnt realise you can only reply to forums that involve your status - theres me just offering some advice and trying to mingle and offer some support and encouragement. i was only trying to get involved but i just wont bother in future. im on lighter life diet.