The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Unbelievably tired today. I had a big problem on Friday evening when I was told that the woman who usually caters for our drama group social events was ill, and we had a bonfire party planned for Saturday night. So I ended up spending all Saturday morning making soup and baking cakes, and then doing hot dogs, serving up and washing up in the evening.

On the weight front I just don't know what to think, the scales are all over the place. Hopefully life will settle down and so will they.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Morning all,
I've not yet had a chance to read over your postings from last week, but my boss is already hassling me so I thought I'd better post while I have a chance...

I had a DISASTROUS food week last week, and spent most of the week indulging. Not BINGEING, I hasten to add, as all was consumed in my OH's presence, but I baked cakes, fried potatoes, ate fresh bread doorstep sandwiches for lunch with crisps and generally overate in between meals too. My biggest trousers feel so tight today, it's untrue. Obviously I start afresh today, very strict with NO TREATS until Christmas holiday, I've decided. Not a problem in the slightest to contemplate at the moment, feeling rather liverish! My own silly fault but I did "enjoy it", if you see what I mean... I'm not going to weigh myself for a while if I can keep off them. I know what I'd find and it would only upset me so best just stick to my good resolutions for the next seven weeks and start weighing myself perhaps this Friday again...

Otherwise a good week. Winter maintenance done in the house (boiler service, log delivery, got plumber to sort out radiators which weren't working well)... lovely long siestas in front of the fire, and too many hours watching English TV in the evenings so MUST get some exercise!!
Tash - thank you SO much for sharing those beautiful photos with us. You look AMAZING! You're SO slim!

Idaj - so very sorry to hear your past history and thank you for sharing that with us. There's often a "trigger event" which sets off an eating issue, although I've never yet managed to find what mine is / was.

Claire - hope you're feeling more optimistic today... I think sometimes the constant watching of what we eat, and choosing what we *ought* to eat rather than what we *want* to eat is rather tiresome. That's probably where JUDDing actually does give you the freedom you need to shake things up. As I've just gained loads, I know, I'll have to go low carb to get it off quickly too (annoying how weight takes longer to come off than go on!!), and then HOPE I have time to stabilise before Christmas... very very annoying...
Hi everyone, struggling with a headache and loads of work to do this morning. I'll run upstairs and get some ibuprofen when I've finished posting. The scales are still behaving oddly, not too bad a result this morning - the question is should I believe them? I'm quite pleased it is a DD, probably it's what I need just now.

Joanne, if you can't eat what you want on holiday when can you, it is all part of enjoying life. It is just rather depressing to be both back at work and having to lose the same weight yet again. I would love to get into a situation where I lost the weight before the holiday, but I'm not sure I could be that organised. You did well to get all the jobs done, and the plumber actually came - congratulations.

Ida, did the trip go well and the car survive? You've got an exhausting week ahead, I don't think I could keep that up for long.

Tasha, are you on post-honeymoon dieting or is it maintenance from now on?

Erm - swimsuit pics? - maybe not - wouldnt want to put people off their lunch!!

Tasha you look absolutely gorgeous, and soooo slim. How come there are no swimsuit pics of you? If you can't put on weight on honeymoon then when can you, plenty of time to get it off again now you're back. Lovely to hear it all went so well, looks like the kids had a brilliant time too.

Ida, you've probably left by now but have a fantastic time anyway.

I'm a bit fed up because the scales leapt up this morning, but I am feeling rather bloated so hopefully it will drop again in the morning. There is a french market in town today so I will be tempted by fresh pains au chocolat, no point in keeping them and no way I can say I'll buy them tomorrow instead. So not a very restricted DD for me I'm afraid. Today promises to be very busy, so many bits and pieces to get done, and a panto rehearsal this evening.
I need to be put off my food!
Thankyou - very kind words - we had a lovely lovely day.

Congrats on the exam pass:D

Tashy: I love your dress, you look so elegant and beautiful. But the thing that struck me most was how happy you look. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures with us.

Clairejen: I forgot to ask, how did the last rehearsal go?
Good luck tonight, and if you do buy the pains au chocolat, enjoy every last morsel for me ;)

I'm off later, just fixing up the last bits and pieces. I passed my exam (as did everyone in my class) and they said I was very good (yay!). So now I'm qualified nursing thingumy. Afterwards we went out to a bar, and for the first time since starting, I cheated, and couldn't say no to the shots people came with for me. Luckily I'd cycled a lot forward and back, but needless to say, I consumed maybe 500-800 (lost count) extra calories, got slightly drunk, but still lost 100g when i checked this morning.

I should probably get going, start sorting out bits and pieces and packing (it's only a weekend away, so I'm just taking a rucksack, an extra t-shirt and some underwear)

Take care all, and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.

Love Ida xxx
Unbelievably tired today. I had a big problem on Friday evening when I was told that the woman who usually caters for our drama group social events was ill, and we had a bonfire party planned for Saturday night. So I ended up spending all Saturday morning making soup and baking cakes, and then doing hot dogs, serving up and washing up in the evening.

On the weight front I just don't know what to think, the scales are all over the place. Hopefully life will settle down and so will they.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Mmmm cakes and hot dogs - sound good!!!

If weighing every day is getting you down maybe you should have a set day and put the ruddy scales away for the rest of the week.

Just a thought - and by the way - I dont take my own advice!!
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Hi all! Am back from my trip. Will give more details later, but bratisalava -> vienna -> brno -> prague -> germany -> prague -> berlin -> rostock -> copenhagen should give you a good idea of how tired I am.

Ate a little bit (was very sensible) but have still lost 0.2kg. I'll take that!
Back later, lots of love, ida xx
Tasha, I weigh every morning because I'm scared if I stop my weight will gallop away with me. I know it is silly, but when I have put on weight in the past I've avoided the scales, I'd rather know the worst. It doesn't exactly get me down, I know that it often takes a couple of days before food changes from being the weight of itself to the weight of extra fat, I just get confused by not knowing what to expect.

I'm not a big hot dog fan, but cake is a different matter!

Ida, that is quite some mileage for one weekend. I hope you got to see some of the towns and not just through the windscreen. Well done on losing despite everything, that is impressive.
Tash - thank you SO much for sharing those beautiful photos with us. You look AMAZING! You're SO slim!


Your holiday eating sounds very much like my honeymoon eating - not binging but eating VERY well!!!!

I have several lbs to lose now. Weight on wedding day was 11 stone and half a lb. Weight today 11/ 8.5 :eek:

Going to try and eat lightly and sensibly and see what happens!!!!

Sounds like you had a fab week - being sleepy in front of a log fire sounds wonderful!
Gosh Idaj - that certainly is a trip! You'll have to let us know how it went. As Claire says, I hope you got to see some of it.

Tash - 8lbs actually isn't *that* bad, in the grand scheme of things (compared to me at least! I managed to gain a stone! Yes a darned stone in just 9 days.) I know it's my own fault, as I've never managed to follow a stabilisation programme this year as I'm constantly chasing the kilos down, then going on "holiday" and blowing it, etc etc. I'm even considering something *drastic*! Nooo not meal replacements, but I have heard that a number of colleagues here have lost weight doing a four stage plan recommended by a French doctor. We'll see... I like the fact that the first stage gives a fast weight loss (I think it's protein only in that stage), then second stage adding some veg and fruit, then there are third and fourth stages to reincorporate all food groups and stabilise but I've not bought the book yet so only have been given a sneak preview!

I feel that I do need to get back to target pronto before I just get used to not being there, if you see what I mean. I quit smoking nine months ago, and can't KEEP using that as an excuse, and feel I'd have a better stab at maintenance if I could ever get anywhere near the weight I was before quitting!!

aaah Claire - those scales... I'm just the same as you (and it sounds as if Tash and Idaj are too!). Four serial weighers are we, yet we know that the scales can make or break our respective days.

I would like one day to be able to break the hold they have on me AND not lose the plot. That would be success indeed.
Joanne, are you talking about the Dukan diet? I have the book, but it didn't suit me as a diet since I get mild ibs which can be prompted by too much protein. Supertoinette has lots of people using it and loads of recipes, I use their bran galette recipe quite often. The stabilisation and maintenance stages are very good as they try to instill moderation - not my strong point!

Scales still higher than they should be, but I am down a bit, so now 2.25lbs above my goal. I'm going to try to keep lower on UDs, sometimes I'm just eating things because I can, which is not a good way forward. I could say that this is the weight I am happy at and give up on the big goal, but like you Joannne, I don't want to accept this as the norm.

Tasha, considering how quickly you lost weight before the wedding it is not surprising that some has grabbed the chance to return. I'm sure it will go again without much complaint.

Ida, I hope you aren't too exhausted by the long days/nights of work.
Yes Claire! Wow I didn't know it had crossed the Channel too. (Just because I've not heard of the diet, I figured it was "new"! I thought I'd done all the faddy diets!). Is your book in English, Claire?

The protein part of it didn't bother me, as I love meat, but I was a bit concerned about eating it on its own and getting rather bored... mind you, I already eat a heck of a lot of chicken so could probably stretch to more...

I must google Supertoinette (as I've never heard of that either!!)
You can see some info online at The Dukan Diet .

You sound like me Joanne - easily lost but even easier to gain it back!!!

I was stable at 10 stone for years - dont know why I can't get there again. (Note to self - could it be that I simply eat too much :rolleyes:)

Would be happy for stable at 11 stone for now!!

Claire - 2.25lbs above goal - sounds like heaven!!! What sort of things do you eat on down days?

Lovely sunny day here today :D
Thanks so much Tashy... I googled and didn't find that at all (and ended up looking at Chocolate Mousse recipes at Supertoinette, thanks Claire!!!!).

I'd better buy the French version anyway but quite a lot of it sounds like it could work for me as I am a big chicken eater... (although I do like some salad with it!)
Joanne, Dukan is not well known in the UK, probably because the book is only in French (or was last time I looked). The one I have is the original "Je Ne Sais Pas Maigrir", I'm not sure if there are any others. Try this Supertoinette link for recipes and details
Forum cuisine familiale, cuisiner facile, parler entraide sur les forums de
After the attack phase the main diet alternates so you do a few days on protein then the same on protein and vegetable. It includes lots of egg, yogurt, fromage blanc etc so it isn't just meat, but it's quite a lot of effort to make the stuff you need. The galette is compulsory, luckily I liked it.

Tasha, you and Joanne are lucky, I can't lose quickly any more. That's why I do JUDDD, it seems the only way to trick my body into emptying the fat cells. Down days are fairly easy now because I am allowing myself 700 calories rather than the strict 470 I did originally. I have very little breakfast, in the summer I had strawberries but they are too expensive now, and I avoid coffee except for one black one in the morning (the milk in coffee adds up to a lot over a day, add I always want a biscuit!). For other meals I have salads with balsamic vinegar and prawns or lean meat, vegetable soups with mini rolls I bake myself, small servings of whatever I'm cooking for DH (avoiding anything too fatty or carby), omelettes, and the Dukan galette. For treats I have mini soleros, a few grapes, or low calorie biscuits like almon thins or mini jaffas. It's amazing how far the calories can go.

What you said about being stable for years strikes a chord with me. I was always slim, put on a bit at Uni but lost it again easily. For me I'm sure it is an age thing, as we get older we just don't use the calories as well so unless I cut down what I eat I am bound to put on weight. Both my mother and grandmother piled the pounds on in their forties, so I have their example to avoid.
Thanks to both of you and I'm feeling almost excited at the thought of potentially shaking things up and doing something different. I'm not sure whether I'll be up to much cooking, mind you... I'm trying to see how I could work this easily into my life without too much hassle by reading what other people are eating on the threads in Supertoinette... At least there's not a sachet in sight!

Claire - I think you are very very close to target, if not already at target, which is why (in my humble opinion) you won't see fast weight loss. You've little if anything to lose! That last little bit is positively the hardest and I think you're just 2lbs over now... whereas I'm pretty hefty now, so should lose fast! Of course the more one has to lose, the faster it shifts.

Thanks a lot both of you for motivating me to try something different. I'm so bored with what I'm eating at the moment that just the thought of doing something different is uplifting! (Now to figure out some menus, hmmm)
Morning, and the GOOD news is that almost 2 kilos vanished yesterday (JAY!) and the bad? I messed up my ticker yesterday, put in the wrong poundage for kilo weight, and so ticker stays the same! ho ho!

So 7 kilos gained in 9 days' holiday, 3 kilos lost in 2 days' healthy eating. Here's hoping the rest comes off as fast. Unfortunately it doesn't usually!

I'm still researching Dukan and wonder whether I have time to do it properly before Christmas when I do intend to have fun. I've read that it works brilliantly the first time, but can be harder to get on with the second (like LL and CD I suppose). I'm VERY impressed that it recommends 10 days' consolidation for each and every kilo lost. Calculating back to my initial 72 kilo loss, I should have "consolidated" for 2 years which of course I didn't! Now that we know how important the stabilisation and maintenance phases are, I wonder whether it would be silly of me to start, probably get to target by Christmas but not consolidate... food for thought.

Talking of food, Claire, could I possibly bother you to type me up the galette recipe YOU like. Do you make it the night before for the morning after? That appeals, particularly as I never eat breakfast until I'm at work anyway.

Must get book! That's crucial. Unfortunately, although I walk past Fnac on the way to work, it opens at 10am only... so must pop out at lunchtime.

How are you all doing? (And hope I don't frighten you all by letting you know that Christmas Day is 7 weeks away YESTERDAY!)